ViksUI is a fully functional UI replacement for WOW and is based around oUF layout. It also have some re-skinning of a few addOns and also VuhDo profile that fit the UI. The unitframe changes based on raidsize. This UI is tweaked for 1920x1080.
The UI started long time ago as Qulight UI, and have been heavily rewritten by me. So most of the Credit goes to Qulight. Lately i have gotten alot of ideas from ShestakUI, and with permision i have used alot of the codes.
The UI is based on my likings so it will not change alot, but i try to add options to change most. Like turning off panels, change colors and fonts.
Some things included in ViksUI:
Addon Skins - DBM, Pallypower,Skada,Recount,Omen,Quartz,Bigwigs,DXE,ExtraButton
Announcements options - Enemy Drinking, Interupts, Casting, Lightwell, Toys, Thanks, Pull Count, Using Flask, Announce Feasts/Souls/Repair +++
Auras/Buffs/Debuffs options - Full customizing, can cancel by rightclick, track who cast buff+++
Automation options - Auto Equip Chef's Hat/Safari Hat, Set role, Sell grey, Autorepair+++
Bag options - customize size, search, sort and Stacking (Right click on X button for menu)
Combat text - xCT integrated into UI.
Cooldown Flash - Flash icon when Spell is ready after use.
Enemy cooldowns - Track enemys cd in BG or arena.
Error options - Filters away some error messages.
Datatext - Arena, Armor, Avoidance, Bags, Battleground, Crit, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, Haste, Hit, location, Mastery, Power, Regen, System (Fps, Ms & MB), Talent, Time
Loot and Roll Frames - Custom frames with automation options like AutoGreed/Disenchant Green items.
Top Panel / Info Frame - Mouseover panel with main stats and buttons for toggle helm/cloak
Map options - Turn off fog, % explored and % quest done in zone+
Raid cooldowns - Tracks raid players CD. Left click to announce and right click to remove.
Pulse cooldowns - Pulsate spell icon when cd is over.
Buffs reminder - Buff reminders for solo and raid
Stats options - Different stats options. Still under work
raidframes - oUF raid frames with dynamic size based on raid size
unitframes - oUF unitframes with most needed information and good overview.
nameplate - Fully customizable nameplate with castbar. Built inn "healer has to die" for pvp
minimap - Custom minimap with quick menu (yellow icon) and right click menu.
tooltip - Custom tooltip with extended information like iLvl and tallentspec
XPBar - Custom XP bar with extended information detail.
Miscellaneous - Alot of small tweaks like gem counter, markbar+++ Realy to much to write :)
Chat - Fully adapted and tweaked chat.
World Boss kill tracker - Track what world bosses your char have killed this week when mouseover the clock under minimap.
Skins - Skinning of Blizzard frames and many other. NB! Keep using the Addon skins over this!
Quest automation: Gossip Skip, Auto Accept, Turnins. Shift Click to override.
Mage Portals: Left click for Teleport, Right Click for Portal.
Raid Utility: Left Click for Menu, Right Click for Ready Check, Middle click for Rolecheck.
Aligment Grid: /align
One click DE/Milling/Prospecting by holding Alt button in and click on item.
Shift+Righclick on item on AH for direct Buyout
Addons i also use / Recomend:
MiirGui Texture Pack - Blue ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20292-MiirGuiTexturePack-BluePatch5.0.4.html")
MiirGui Icon Pack Blue ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20541.html")
Combuctor - Bag addon ("http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/combuctor/")
Deadly Boss Mode ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8814-DeadlyBossMods.html")
VuhDo ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info14239-VuhDo.html")
Extract files and copy the the WTF\Account\AccountName\SavedVariables to your folder.
Ingame first time: Reset your Chat Window , type: /vikschat, type /bt and select Default under profile.
To setup DBM type /setdbm. NB! After you installed the addon.
Ingame Settings
http://aktivportal.com/viksui/vid2.jpg ("http://youtu.be/yf3HnWmCTxc")
Simple Movie Showing the simple basic for firsttimers.
http://aktivportal.com/viksui/vid1.jpg ("http://youtu.be/rzTpT-vTEsU")
YouTube Vid: Showing different stuff in UI (Old). ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn0gsAHTcYs&feature=g-upl")
Look through the /config for more settings.
The text under the minimap toggles different stuff :)
Misc Stuff:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift + Mouse click on target/raid frame to set/clear focus.
Inspiration for few things:
Qulight UI for the addon pack thats inspired from Tukz again.
oUF_Karma MOP inspired the Font, Rest/Combat icon.
Tukz for different spec bars in MOP
Credits to: Qulight, Haste, Tukz, Unkn, myno, hankthetank, Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, nibelheim, bachlott, Neal, ballagarba, Shestak
Stuff todo:
Updating/adding more MOP spells to Class Timer
Cleaning up the code more
Better layout switch on raidframes (Dps/Heal)
Fix broken parts (Disabled stuff)