YouTube of the UI in action ("")
This UI is completely unsupported, take it as is. This means I have not factored in any time to spend helping fix things that might be wrong with it. I'll help where I can, but please don't be offended if your question doesn't get a reply.
My screen resolution is 1920x1200 and my UI scale (Esc -> System -> Advanced) is set to 1.0. The layout may go weird if you don't play at that resolution and UI scale. It might go weird even if you do.
It's a Mage UI, I haven't tested it on any other class other than Enhance Shaman (but only up to level 45, so it will probably lack several things important to endgame use).
The WeakAuras strings by themselves: ("")
Back your current UI up first.
Inside the WTF/Account folder there are folders called YourAccountName, YourServerName and YourCharacterName. Rename those.
If you need to move the WeakAuras groups for the moving health indicators (on the player and target frames), select and move the entire group. Touching/moving the individual auras inside those groups can make things go weird.
The target name font is called Good Dog.
Go read the licensing details there, and give that guy some money if you can.
There is a font in SharedMedia_MyMedia called Gotham-Black. It's not actually Gotham Black, it's Arial Bold. Gotham Black needs a license, but it was easier to just switch files than go through every addon in my UI looking to see if I had used Gotham Black.
The Fonts folder along side the Interface and WTF folder is for system wide fonts replace. All the original WoW fonts become Helvetica Bold.
Load out-of-date addons
Any addon profiles that look incorrect with either need "Default" or "Kaitsalt - Ravencrest" loaded.
I'm not sure how Chatter and the standard chat panel settings will load on other computers, but you'll notice I have used MoveAnything to hide a few text frames like the boss emote frame and the BG alert frame that spam centre screen with stuff I spent years and years never reading. What I did was have my chat panels show those messages instead. So if you don't have them set to show in your chat panels then they will be gone completely, which you probably don't want.
Most WeakAuras are set to only load if you are a mage.
To use the custom talent frame:
1) Go into the Esc menu and then Key Bindings > Toggle Talent Pane - Unbind this
2) Make a macro like this:
/click TalentMicroButton
/run PlayerTalentFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",635, -395)
/run WeakAuras.ScanEvents("EVN_O")
Thanks again Smallo for the taint fix!
3) drag this macro onto a (hidden) bartender button.
4) use /kb to activate Bartender's keybinding mode and bind the macro button to be whatever key you used to use to open the talent frame (the default key is N).
5) you may have to change the numbers 635, -395 to make the talent panel in the middle. it depends how big your screen is.
You may find that elements of the talent panel effect need moving around a bit for example the glowing background is placed to be behind a tall female night elf. If your character is a goblin/gnome/dwarf, some stuff might need repositioning. It's some auras are only set to load if your character is a mage. Look in unloaded auras list if you can't see it.
I paint in my spare time. Check it out