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DecUI (8.09)

This is the optional supplement package ONLY. You MUST download the actual UI files from Tukui.org in compliance with the ElvUI license at the following link below:
6.0.3/Warlords Retail Launch compatible - Version 8.09 is the latest available for the core
Click me to get DecUI Core! ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=164")

Definitely appreciated, but not mandatory - Donate to Decard below:


Welcome to DecUI! This is an edited version of the ElvUI ("http://www.tukui.org") version 7 platform, styled to be a bit more information-rich, with an homage to classic ElvUI/Tukui looks. ALL due credit goes to the community and contributors there for the many ideas, tweaks and fixes to the platform. Without their efforts, this compilation would not exist. /salute

Supports 1920x1080 and up, Multimonitor/Eyefinity/nVidia Surround friendly, easy to install and configure. Users of resolutions smaller than 1680x1050 can use the Low Resolution option within the UI, yet you will need to adjust elements to fit your resolution.


STEP 1 - Make a backup of your existing UI!

Go to your World of Warcraft folder.
Copy the Interface and WTF folders, and paste them into a new folder of your choice and name. This will be your backup in case you want to go back.
Delete the Interface and WTF folders in the World of Warcraft folder.STEP 2 - Follow these steps to properly set up DecUI

Extract the folders inside DecUI to your World of Warcraft folder.STEP 3 - Log in and set up your Video settings
Doing this beforehand will allow you to skip the resolution warning of the UI. Once logged in, you will be prompted to go through the in-game configuration wizard to adjust the appearance. This will happen only once per character, unless you manually reset the UI.Navigation

Clicking the "L" icon on the bottom-right of the left chat panel unlocks UI elements to be placed manually.

Remember to click the "C" icon at the bottom-left of the right chat panel, or type /dec for the config menu. Entering this will give you access to the in-game config options, that allows you to more easily tweak appearance settings, such as increasing/reducing the amount of action bars, datatext shown, etc.

Explore your world - you have complete control over how the UI displays information of almost any type. Don't like how something looks? Change it/disable it/tweak it! That's what all those addons and options are for!

This version includes numerous changes and additions to the standard version of ElvUI itself as well as a few addons that are listed. The goal was to unify extra functionality with a clean look and layout that would be uniform to all classes. Some addons have been edited to either match the theme that I am aiming for, or simply .TOC updates for the latest patch. Updating these will hamper their appearance and/or functionality with DecUI: (aka don't use Curse or any other auto-updater to update the below listed addons)

Core Package

Supplement Package

Includes portions of edited Blizzard UI art from the following sources: AI-Art, MiirGui, SupervillianUI and Login^2 replacement login art.
Status panel artwork from Ferous Media, pHishr's Media, BenikUI, Tukui, Codename:Blaze.
Some fonts from BenikUI, Tukui, Codename:Blaze.

Credits to the following authors:

Cybeloras of Detheroc/Mal'Ganis
Darth Predator
Known issues for version 8.X
None known at this time.

ElvUI Shadow & Light (v2.13)

Please Note: This addon will not function without ElvUI installed. You can download it at http://www.tukui.org (http://www.tukui.org/dl.php).

Please Note 2: When updating from version for patch 5.4.8 it will be a good idea to delete S&L from your addon folder first and then install version 2.0

Shadow & Light is an external edit of ElvUI, which means it doesn't change ElvUI's files directly.
What does this mean to you?
It means that any time ElvUI gets updated, you will not have to worry about it overwriting our edited version of ElvUI. It also means if we push an update it will not mess with any ElvUI files. This addon can not be used without ElvUI installed and enabled.

Originally this project started as two personal edits of ElvUI by Darth Predator and I (Repooc). For technical support reasons and other reasons as well, we have moved to a combined effort on this external edit of the ElvUI. Shadow & Light does not disable or hinder the normal function of ElvUI but does add additional features that are not yet implemented or will not be added to ElvUI.
You'll find Shadow & Light options under it's own configuration category in ElvUI's config section by typing /ec

Ticket System (http://git.tukui.org/repooc/elvui-shadowandlight/issues)

Download Locations:
Tukui (http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=42)
Wowinterface (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=20927)
Curse (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadow-and-light-edit)

Ability to display coordinates on minimap
Ability to set text on exp/rep bar to full values.
Ability to show full values for HP/Mana on unitframes. (Tags: )
Additional background panels that can be customized to your liking.
Additional datatext panels that can be moved and resized.
Additional options for DBM skins. (Not enabled atm.)
Balance Druid and Demonology Warlock power value text on Classbar.
Option to have S&L Handle Chat Datatext Panels to be docked below the chat windows
Customizable size of chat history stored
Customize Combat Icon position on player unitframe.
Armory Mode styled Character & Inspect frames
Equipment Manager for ability to swap equipment sets based on zone/instance/spec.
Farmer Module for easier farm management.
LFR progression in Time Datatext.
Loot Announcer module adds ability to announce loot to selected channel
Misc Custom UI Button (Quickly access ElvUI Config, ReloadUI, Toggle Move Anchors, Boss mod config/options (DBM, DXE, or Bigwigs), Addons Manager (stAddOnManager or ACP)
Modified Installation Process (Includes settings that each of the authors play with and now includes Affinitii's UI.)
Movable Pet Battle Actionbar
Movable Raid Utility menu.
PvP Auto Release
Skinned Minimap buttons
Skinned Raid Marker Bar

As of 5.2, we have included Affinitii's UI in our install process to make installing his UI a lot easier and more streamlined for people. One thing that you will need to do manually is install his weak aura profiles as we have not included that will the install as they may change a lot through out the expansion.
If you have questions on how to import these into weak auras, you may contact us through the ticket system or try asking in his stream located at his Twitch TV (http://twitch.tv/affinitiibl/) account.
Affinitii's WeakAura Pastebin:
Consolidated Pastebin List (http://pastebin.com/aWCPFXYj)
Monk Bar (http://pastebin.com/HuHbPA9A)
Monk Bar 2 (http://pastebin.com/CGjRcEmg)
Monk DPS Bar (http://pastebin.com/bF69Dfi2)
Chi Bar (http://pastebin.com/fdbHQ9n3)
Renewing Mist Tracker (http://pastebin.com/qwdnVNYe)
Druid Mainbar (http://pastebin.com/XEY3bLf9)
Paladin Bar (http://pastebin.com/UmFVbAC0)
Paladin Holy Power Bar (http://pastebin.com/x6RyELSW)
Priest Bar (http://pastebin.com/Nt8JKhZA)
Priest Rapture Tracker (http://pastebin.com/Nt8JKhZA)
Shaman Bar (http://pastebin.com/H4LgmpqH)
Debuffs (http://pastebin.com/Q6Jfbr7s)
Misc Bar (http://pastebin.com/sKGGSxsX)
T14 Debuffs (http://pastebin.com/73Hg2FRU)

Boss Button Texture Removed

Included Addons:
UI buttons idea by Swordyy (http://www.tukui.org/forums/profile.php?id=7616)

Did we forget anyone? O_o

Technical Support:
If you have any questions or concerns, we want to hear about it. You are welcome to post it via the Ticket System (http://git.tukui.org/repooc/elvui-shadowandlight/issues).

Darth Predator and I will do our best to address everyone's concern. We typically need some information from you other than the problem you are having. Before posting, PLEASE, make sure you are running the latest version of Shadow & Light as well as ElvUI and that you DISABLE ALL addons except for those two and try to reproduce the issue. It is important that you do that so we can narrow down what is causing the problem in the first place.

Information to provide when posting:
1.) Shadow & Light Version
2.) ElvUI Version
3.) Provide lua errors
4.) Provide a screenshot if possible
5.) Detailed description of the issue on when it happens, how it happens, whatever you did to reproduce it.
6.) Just to be clear, Disable ALL Addons except for ElvUI and Shadow & Light
With that said, happy gaming and enjoy the addon!

Improved Blizzard UI (020c)

Improved Blizzard UI is an attempt to improve the default Blizzard interface. This has been customized to how I personally like my UI set up. There is some very basic configuration in game but things like positioning and scale of items still needs modifying directly in the LUA.

Only 1920x1080 is supported, other resolutions will need tweaks.

Recent Notes:- If you're interested in helping with localization PM me.

Localized for enGB / enUS / ruRU.

=== Features ===

Unit Frames:-

Player, Target and Pet Unit Frames moved and scaled.
Party Unit Frames moved and scaled
Class Icon added to Target Unit Frame.
Arena Prep and Arena Unit Frames scaled and moved.
Portrait Damage Text Spam Removed
Raid Frames moved
Focus Frame moved and scaled

Action Bars:-

Main Action Bar squished.
Bottom left and right Action Bar moved and scaled.
Range and Mana Coloring on Buttons


Damage font replaced.
Killing Blow indicator displayed during instanced PvP
Buffs made more visible
Health warning at <50% and 25% health.
Battleground Kills Tracker. Faction Coloured where applicable.
Class Colours added to Target and Focus Frames
NEW:- Casting Bar Timer

User Interface:-

"Leave Queue" Button removed from instanced PvP Popup.
Minimap scaled and moved
Zoom Buttons removed from Minimap, Scroll Wheel replaces functionality.
Tracking Button moved.
Non static AFK Camera (With Player & Pet Model)
Micro Menu functionality replaced with MiniMap Right Click
Bags can be swapped with the "Swap Bags" Micro Menu option. Click to show, Click again to hide.
Latency Indicator (Home / Server) - FPS Indicator
Player Position Co-ordinates on Minimap


Automatically repair damaged armor
Automatically sell grey quality items
Camera zoom limit set to maximum.
Quest Watcher hidden in Instanced PvP.

Known Issues:-

SilverUI 2 (2.01)

Addons list:



Installation help ("http://i.imgur.com/TcCdaBW.jpg")


Vacant UI - Patch 6.1 Ready! (3.2)

Vacant UI
Sleek, clean & functional, with buttons built-in to control minimalism.

Official Thread @ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15701236770?page=1 ("http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15701236770?page=1")

v3.1/3.2 Notes:

-Minimap position adjusted.
-Changed several bar colors in WeakAuras.
-Added bars for several abilities.
-Moved placement of DBM alerts.
-Removed RougeSpamReborn
-Fixed quest objective updates not displaying. (Example: 6/8 Ravagers Slain)
-Performance tweak
-Farewell to OmniCC, Ace3, Pet Breed ID, and a few others

Hey, I'm Vacant and I've played a Rogue on Tichondrius for 10 years. I've always been big into tweaking my UI, but this is my first go at an official release. Feel free to leave questions and comments bellow.

All valuable information is cleanly displayed and tracked. Buffs/debuffs/procs/cooldowns/etc.

PVP TARGET/FOCUS defensive/important cooldowns are tracked via WeakAuras.

Installation Instruction:

Enter your World of Warcraft folder. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft

1. Make a backup of your WTF and Interface folders.

2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.

3. Go into my WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called
(YOURACCOUNTNAMEGOESHERE) to your own account name, ALL IN CAPS.

4. Enter the (YOURACCOUNTNAMEGOESHERE) folder and change the folder called (YourServerNameGoesHere) into your server name.

5. Enter the (YourServerNameGoesHere) folder and change the folder (YourCharacterNameGoesHere) into your character's name. (Also do this for any alts you have.)

6. Put my(the ones you've been editing) WTF and Interface folders in the place where your own folders used to be. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft

7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".

8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:

/gladius and select the profile Default
/sexymap and select "Use Global Profile".
/bt and select profile Default
/raven and select profile Default
/sct menu and slect the profile Vacant-Tichondrius
/recount config and set the profile to Default

You may have to manually adjust TidyPlates. You can turn nameplates on within Blizzard's interface options. To display enemy castbars under nameplates, you must go into the combat section of Blizzard's interface options and tick the "display castbar under enemy nameplate" option.

As always, feel free to post questions or comments bellow, or in the official thread!


NPCScan - Alerts you to nearby rare creatures.
Aurora - UI Skin
BagNon - Merges all of your bags into one.
Bartender 4 - Actions bars / easy hotkey adjustments.
BattlePetBreedID - Displays breed ID of battle pets. Useful for those into Pet Battles.
BoneFilter - Filters the annoying Broken Bone loot message.
Deadly Boss Mods
Error Filter - Filters annoying / unnecessary errors.
Fonter - Font addon. Phasing this out soon, responsible for several issues.
Gladius - Arena target frames.
Gnosis - Castbars.
Grid - Party/raid fraim.
LastSecond - Displays diminishing returns of your target/focus target.
Masque - Button skinning.
MasterPlan - Removes the annoyances of managing Garrison missions.
MoveAnything - Move anything.
Prat - Chat management
Postal - Mail management
Rarity - Shows via tooltip if the mob you're killing drops anything of interest.
Raven - Buff/debuff icons.
Recount - Damage meter.
SCT - Scrolling Combat Text - I've been using this AddOn for 10 years. Perhaps going to get rid of this for Mik's.
SexyMap - Map management.
STUF - Unit Frames
TidyPlates - Nameplates
TipTac - Tooltip management.
Titan Panel
TrufiGCD - Displays every GCD your target uses(in icon format). Quite helpful in PVP, for certain abilities that have no sufficient visual queue or sound effect.
WeakAuras - God Mode

Vacant UI - Patch 6.1 Ready! (PVP God Mode) (3.5)

Vacant UI
Sleek, clean & functional, with buttons built-in to control minimalism.

Official Thread @ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15701236770?page=1 ("http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15701236770?page=1")

v3.5 Notes:

-Minimap position adjusted.
-Changed several bar colors in WeakAuras.
-Added bars for several abilities.
-Moved placement of DBM alerts.
-Removed RougeSpamReborn
-Fixed quest objective updates not displaying. (Example: 6/8 Ravagers Slain)
-Performance tweak
-Farewell to OmniCC, Ace3, Pet Breed ID, and a few others

Hey, I'm Vacant and I've played a Rogue on Tichondrius for 10 years. I've always been big into tweaking my UI, but this is my first go at an official release. Feel free to leave questions and comments bellow.

All valuable information is cleanly displayed and tracked. Buffs/debuffs/procs/cooldowns/etc.

PVP TARGET/FOCUS defensive/important cooldowns are tracked via WeakAuras.

Installation Instruction:

Enter your World of Warcraft folder. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft

1. Make a backup of your WTF and Interface folders.

2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.

3. Go into my WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called
(YOURACCOUNTNAMEGOESHERE) to your own account name, ALL IN CAPS.

4. Enter the (YOURACCOUNTNAMEGOESHERE) folder and change the folder called (YourServerNameGoesHere) into your server name.

5. Enter the (YourServerNameGoesHere) folder and change the folder (YourCharacterNameGoesHere) into your character's name. (Also do this for any alts you have.)

6. Put my(the ones you've been editing) WTF and Interface folders in the place where your own folders used to be. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft

7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".

8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:

/gladius and select the profile Default
/sexymap and select "Use Global Profile".
/bt and select profile Default
/raven and select profile Default
/sct menu and slect the profile Vacant-Tichondrius
/recount config and set the profile to Default

You may have to manually adjust TidyPlates. You can turn nameplates on within Blizzard's interface options. To display enemy castbars under nameplates, you must go into the combat section of Blizzard's interface options and tick the "display castbar under enemy nameplate" option.

As always, feel free to post questions or comments bellow, or in the official thread!


NPCScan - Alerts you to nearby rare creatures.
Aurora - UI Skin
BagNon - Merges all of your bags into one.
Bartender 4 - Actions bars / easy hotkey adjustments.
BattlePetBreedID - Displays breed ID of battle pets. Useful for those into Pet Battles.
BoneFilter - Filters the annoying Broken Bone loot message.
Deadly Boss Mods
Error Filter - Filters annoying / unnecessary errors.
Fonter - Font addon. Phasing this out soon, responsible for several issues.
Gladius - Arena target frames.
Gnosis - Castbars.
Grid - Party/raid fraim.
LastSecond - Displays diminishing returns of your target/focus target.
Masque - Button skinning.
MasterPlan - Removes the annoyances of managing Garrison missions.
MoveAnything - Move anything.
Prat - Chat management
Postal - Mail management
Rarity - Shows via tooltip if the mob you're killing drops anything of interest.
Raven - Buff/debuff icons.
Recount - Damage meter.
SCT - Scrolling Combat Text - I've been using this AddOn for 10 years. Perhaps going to get rid of this for Mik's.
SexyMap - Map management.
STUF - Unit Frames
TidyPlates - Nameplates
TipTac - Tooltip management.
Titan Panel
TrufiGCD - Displays every GCD your target uses(in icon format). Quite helpful in PVP, for certain abilities that have no sufficient visual queue or sound effect.
WeakAuras - God Mode

Roth UI (Diablo) (60000.04)


Hi there. This is my Diablo (http://twitter.com/diablo) themed interface for World of Warcraft, called Roth UI. Enjoy.
http://img3.abload.de/img/zorkifiedlemx.gif (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/download9175-RothUIDiablo)
Since more and more leaked downloads of my interface appear on the internet, please remember: There is only one official download of the Roth UI. And that is this one, on wowinterface.com. All other downloads available are leaked and are not officially supported by me.
Only this one is ZORKIFIED!

If you are a first time Roth UI user you may want to check the tutorial video from Tachi showing the installation process.
How To Install and Configure Roth UI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpJOSI0ZMI4)

Open your World of Warcraft folder.
Backup your "Interface" folder. (Copy it somewhere save!)
Now: Delete the "Interface" folder inside your World of Warcraft folder.
Download Roth UI and save the ZIP-file to your Desktop.
The ZIP-file includes a "Interface" and a "Fonts" folder. Copy both folders into your World of Warcraft folder.
Start World of Warcraft. (If you had it open while copying, restart it now to load the textures.)
Before logging in make sure all the addons are activated correctly.
Login and have fun playing!


Do not use any auto updater for addons in this compilation, they can mess stuff up.
If you don't like the scaling or something doesn't fit, hit the escape-key while in-game and go to the graphic settings. Now activate the UI-scaling checkbox and move the slider. Hit OK and see what you got. Move it until you like the settings.
Same goes for the chat. If it doesn't fit just right-click the chat-tab. Unlock the chat and move it around until you feel comfortable.
Only want to change the scale of the bottom bar panel and the actionbars? Read this FAQ (http://www.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=531&a=faq&faqid=722)
How to change / disable the fluid orb animation system? Type in /diablo config
How to move frames??? Read this FAQ (http://www.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=531&a=faq&faqid=532)
Colors inverted?! Read this FAQ (http://www.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=531&a=faq&faqid=530)
Want to edit the actionbars? Look at rActionBarStyler/config.lua and read the info page (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12168-rActionBarStyler.html).
Other questions? Try: Roth UI FAQ (http://www.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=531&a=faq)
Want to edit unitframes? Look at oUF_Diablo/config.lua and read the info page (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11314-oUF_Diablo.html).

When patch 5.2 hit the live servers a new version of oUF_Diablo was applied. Large parts of oUF_Diablo got rewritten, that includes large parts of the config.lua containing the orb animation settings. Most of those settings can then be changed via ingame config. The config can be accessed via

/diablo config

If you need a tutorial video check out Cryptus Roth UI tutorial video for 5.2
Roth UI config tutorial on YouTube by Cryptus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmfri9G4WQY)
Another tutorial by Julien for Roth UI 5.2 in French:
Addon Roth UI (interface diablo pour wow) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CyRRIwQiU)

http://www.abload.de/thumb/wowscrnshot_030113_220pkca.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=wowscrnshot_030113_220pkca.jpg) http://www.abload.de/thumb/wowscrnshot_030113_220kj33.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=wowscrnshot_030113_220kj33.jpg)


ComboPoints (http://imgur.com/a/vMZ7d)
HolyPower (http://imgur.com/a/lrtJj)
HarmonyBar (http://imgur.com/a/tLKoM)
ShadowOrbs (http://imgur.com/a/vycLs)
RuneBar (http://imgur.com/a/gTFwF#0)
EclipseBar (http://imgur.com/a/oDaxo)
DemonicFury (http://imgur.com/a/gr9DV)
SoulShards (http://imgur.com/a/Vyp4c)
BurningEmber (http://imgur.com/a/cdOzc#0)

With 4.009+ the fluid animations have returned to Roth UI. With version 50200.03 you can config all those animations ingame via: /diablo config. Have fun playing around with the settings. Video showing one of the 100+ animations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqTwOHXSlw8

http://www.abload.de/thumb/all_orb_animations0ppa.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=all_orb_animations0ppa.jpg) http://www.abload.de/thumb/jd8p4aypvk.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=jd8p4aypvk.jpg) http://i.imgur.com/NicNx3ds.png (http://imgur.com/NicNx3d)

Check out the Roth UI video playlist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUB5IVd_PM&feature=BFa&list=PLDA90A1D8D330675E) on YouTube.
If you want to share videos / screenshots using the interface please post them here: Roth UI post your screenshot thread (http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42522)


/diablo config--will toggle the config panel


/rabs lock --will lock all actionbars
/rabs unlock --will unlock all actionbars
/diablo lockart --will lock all art frames
/diablo unlockart --will unlock all art frames
/diablo lockbars --will lock all the toolbars (soulshards, castbars, combobar etc.)
/diablo unlockbars --will unlock all the toolbars (soulshards, castbars, combobar etc.)
/diablo lockunits --will lock all the unitframes
/diablo unlockunits --will unlock all the unitframes
/rbfs lock --will lock the player aura frames
/rbfs unlock --will unlock the player aura frames
/rmm lock --will lock the minimap cluster
/rmm unlock --will unlock the minimap cluster
/ris lock --will lock the data strings below the map
/ris unlock --will unlock the data strings below the map
/rppba lock --will lock the player power bar alt
/rppba unlock --will unlock the player power bar alt


/rabs reset--will reset all actionbars
/diablo resetart --will reset all art frames
/diablo resetbars --will reset all the toolbars (soulshards, castbars, combobar etc.)
/diablo resetunits --will reset all the unitframes
/rbfs reset --will reset the player aura frames
/rmm reset --will reset the minimap cluster
/ris reset --will reset the data strings below the map
/rppba reset --will reset the player power bar alt

Maybe you are just a fan of the orbs and don't want all the rest. Go check out rBottomBarStyler (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12975-rBottomBarStylerDiablo.html). It provides various Diablo themed background panels.

Post any errors or questions you are having in the comments.
If you are posting errors please always support your comment with a screenshot and in case the lua error you are getting.


LootRollMover - move the loot roll window
ncImprovedMerchant - sells gray items automatically on vendor visit
oUF - unit framework
oUF_Diablo - Diablo flavoured oUF layout
rActionBarStyler - moves the action bars
rActionButtonStyler - styles the action buttons
rBuffFrameStyler - styles the player auras
rChat - chat mod
rCombatText - combat text adjustment
rDamageFont - damage font adjustment
rError - redirect errors to combat text
rInfoStrings - some data strings
rLib - library for rAddons
rMinimap - Diablo flavoured minimap
rNamePlates - simple nameplates
rPlayerPowerBarAlt - alternative power bar movable
rRaidManager - Blizzard raid manager replacement
rTooltip - simple tooltip mod
tullaCC - cooldown count
tullaRange - out of range/out of mana coloring for action buttons


Improved Blizzard UI (020c)

Improved Blizzard UI is an attempt to improve the default Blizzard interface. This has been customized to how I personally like my UI set up. There is some very basic configuration in game but things like positioning and scale of items still needs modifying directly in the LUA.

Only 1920x1080 is supported, other resolutions will need tweaks.

Recent Notes:- If you're interested in helping with localization PM me.

Localized for enGB / enUS / ruRU.

=== Features ===

Unit Frames:-

Player, Target and Pet Unit Frames moved and scaled.
Party Unit Frames moved and scaled
Class Icon added to Target Unit Frame.
Arena Prep and Arena Unit Frames scaled and moved.
Portrait Damage Text Spam Removed
Raid Frames moved
Focus Frame moved and scaled

Action Bars:-

Main Action Bar squished.
Bottom left and right Action Bar moved and scaled.
Range and Mana Coloring on Buttons


Damage font replaced.
Killing Blow indicator displayed during instanced PvP
Buffs made more visible
Health warning at <50% and 25% health.
Battleground Kills Tracker. Faction Coloured where applicable.
Class Colours added to Target and Focus Frames
NEW:- Casting Bar Timer

User Interface:-

"Leave Queue" Button removed from instanced PvP Popup.
Minimap scaled and moved
Zoom Buttons removed from Minimap, Scroll Wheel replaces functionality.
Tracking Button moved.
Non static AFK Camera (With Player & Pet Model)
Micro Menu functionality replaced with MiniMap Right Click
Bags can be swapped with the "Swap Bags" Micro Menu option. Click to show, Click again to hide.
Latency Indicator (Home / Server) - FPS Indicator
Player Position Co-ordinates on Minimap


Automatically repair damaged armor
Automatically sell grey quality items
Camera zoom limit set to maximum.
Quest Watcher hidden in Instanced PvP.

Known Issues:-

Vacant UI - Patch 6.1 Ready! (3.7)

Vacant UI
Sleek, clean & functional, with buttons built-in to control minimalism.

Official Thread @ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15701236770?page=1 ("http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15701236770?page=1")

v3.6/3.7 Notes:

-FINALLY fixed a bug that has been plaguing me for some time now. Apparently there's a bug in Blizzard's UI frame that affects the STRATA(frame level) of certain UI elements making them sometimes unreadable/unclickable. Well, I finally found out that there's an addon called StrataFix that fixes this ANNOYING bug.

Hugs and kisses goes to the legendary oscarucb for authoring this addon. That guy rules. For any of you using the UI who have experienced this ridiculously annoying issue, this is now fixed.

-Moved taget unit frame and WeakAuras bars to better balance the UI
-Removed DBM bloat
-Removed SharedMedia LIb 3.0
-Blacklisted Windwalk
-Added tenths of seconds under 1 second in OmniCC (helpful for stunlock)

Hey, I'm Vacant and I've played a Rogue on Tichondrius for 10 years. I've always been big into tweaking my UI, but this is my first go at an official release. Feel free to leave questions and comments bellow.

All valuable information is cleanly displayed and tracked. Buffs/debuffs/procs/cooldowns/etc.

PVP TARGET/FOCUS defensive/important cooldowns are tracked via WeakAuras.

Installation Instruction:

Enter your World of Warcraft folder. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft

1. Make a backup of your WTF and Interface folders.

2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.

3. Go into my WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called
(YOURACCOUNTNAMEGOESHERE) to your own account name, ALL IN CAPS.

4. Enter the (YOURACCOUNTNAMEGOESHERE) folder and change the folder called (YourServerNameGoesHere) into your server name.

5. Enter the (YourServerNameGoesHere) folder and change the folder (YourCharacterNameGoesHere) into your character's name. (Also do this for any alts you have.)

6. Put my(the ones you've been editing) WTF and Interface folders in the place where your own folders used to be. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft

7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".

8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:

/gladius and select the profile Default
/sexymap and select "Use Global Profile".
/bt and select profile Default
/raven and select profile Default
/sct menu and slect the profile Vacant-Tichondrius
/recount config and set the profile to Default

You may have to manually adjust TidyPlates. You can turn nameplates on within Blizzard's interface options. To display enemy castbars under nameplates, you must go into the combat section of Blizzard's interface options and tick the "display castbar under enemy nameplate" option.

As always, feel free to post questions or comments bellow, or in the official thread!


NPCScan - Alerts you to nearby rare creatures.
Aurora - UI Skin
BagNon - Merges all of your bags into one.
Bartender 4 - Actions bars / easy hotkey adjustments.
BattlePetBreedID - Displays breed ID of battle pets. Useful for those into Pet Battles.
BoneFilter - Filters the annoying Broken Bone loot message.
Deadly Boss Mods
Error Filter - Filters annoying / unnecessary errors.
Fonter - Font addon. Phasing this out soon, responsible for several issues.
Gladius - Arena target frames.
Gnosis - Castbars.
Grid - Party/raid fraim.
LastSecond - Displays diminishing returns of your target/focus target.
Masque - Button skinning.
MasterPlan - Removes the annoyances of managing Garrison missions.
MoveAnything - Move anything.
Prat - Chat management
Postal - Mail management
Rarity - Shows via tooltip if the mob you're killing drops anything of interest.
Raven - Buff/debuff icons.
Recount - Damage meter.
SCT - Scrolling Combat Text - I've been using this AddOn for 10 years. Perhaps going to get rid of this for Mik's.
SexyMap - Map management.
STUF - Unit Frames
TidyPlates - Nameplates
TipTac - Tooltip management.
Titan Panel
TrufiGCD - Displays every GCD your target uses(in icon format). Quite helpful in PVP, for certain abilities that have no sufficient visual queue or sound effect.
WeakAuras - God Mode

v3.5 Notes:

-Minimap position adjusted.
-Changed several bar colors in WeakAuras.
-Added bars for several abilities.
-Moved placement of DBM alerts.
-Removed RougeSpamReborn
-Fixed quest objective updates not displaying. (Example: 6/8 Ravagers Slain)
-Performance tweak
-Farewell to Ace3, Pet Breed ID, and a few others

KaitUI (1.0.2)

http://kaitain.info/forumpics/kaitui_header.png ("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trvwAGKsNL8")

I tried to make this UI work on all resolutions, but as I am not a coder I ran in to a few difficulties that I couldn't solve in the end. As such, the only resolution that is supported is 1920x1080. Most other resolutions should still work (although small and non-widescreen resolutions will probably find the layout doesn't fit), but I can't guarantee it. You may have to adjust the layout a bit yourself.

An important part of the UI is the WeakAuras section the center of the screen below your character. This is where all the important combat timers etc go. Because of limited time, I was only able to make WeakAuras sets for the characters I play at the moment. So you will find there are WeakAuras for Hunter (all specs), Shaman (resto), Demon Warlock, Moonkin, and a few Monk bits. My intention is to release more WeakAuras import strings for other classes and specs on this site, but you can also of course add your own.

As WeakAuras is part of the UI upload, updating the UI with new versions will overwrite any WeakAuras you made yourself. As such, make sure you backup the export strings of cool things you add (this is good idea anyways, as WeakAuras has been known to crash out and kill off it's saved variables on rare occasions).

KaitUI is beer-powered. If it runs out of beer, it stops working.
Click donate to buy me a beer:




Step 1

Backup your current UI. Do this by opening your WoW folder and moving the Fonts, Interface and WTF folder to a safe place elsewhere on your hard drive. If things go wrong later, put these folders back into your WoW folder and all will be as it was.

Step 2

Unzip the download and move the Fonts, Interface and WTF folder into your WoW folder

Step 3

Inside the WTF folder you will find folders that are name WTF > Account > ACCOUNTNAME > SavedVariables. Rename the folder called ACCOUNTNAME to be whatever your account name is. If you are unsure what to name it, check the folders that you backed up in Step 1.

Step 4

Start WoW. On the character selection screen, click the Addons button in the bottom left, then in the top right of the panel that pops up make sure that Load out of date AddOns is checked. Make sure ALL addons in the list are enabled (not having them all enabled can cause a clusterfuck of errors). Click OK then Enter World.

Step 5

Once you are in the game, type


After you recieve the message "Success! All profiles installed. You now need to type /reload" in chat, type


and hit enter.

Step 6

Chat windows. As far as I understand it, even though you will now be using the correct Chatter profile, the actual config of your chat windows (i.e. what channels are shown in what windows, etc) is held on the servers, not locally. So you will have to do set up the chat windows to be in the correct place yourselves. The way I have it set up is so that all player communication comes into the main chat window on the bottom left, the combat log is a tab of that main window, and there is another window on the bottom right with all spamming chat channels like /1, /2, NPC comments, loot info, etc. You can use the Chatter settings to make this window right justified if it isn't already.

To use the "BIG Trade channel" function in the UI, you will need to make a big trade chat window that is the 4th of your chat windows. It needs to have a frame name of "ChatFrame4". You cannot name the frame yourself, hence it needing to be the 4th chat window. You can check the names of frames by typing /fstack and then moving your mouse over the frame. One of the screenshots shows this big trade chat window so you can see what it should look like

Step 7

Keybindings. I use the main action bar purely as a reference for (non rotation) cooldowns, and have a few other bars for keybinds. These other bars are set to only show on mouseover and are hidden directly above the right hand chat frame. Having said that, feel free to set up the action bars however you want.

List of Addons used:

(Addons with a orange name have been editted by me and therefore if you update them, the edits will get overwritten. So don't update those ones, wait for an update of the KaitUI versions)

Aurora: Missing Textures
kgPanels Config


- I've tried to fix some issues with non-English clients. Needs testing.

- Switching to Windowed mode can crash WoW. I really have no idea why. Until I find the reason, you can switch between windowed mode and not with the Battlenet launcher before starting WoW.

- I think MoveAnything is tainting the quest objectives. It shows up if you try to click the icons of quest items (the taint message will blame another addon, but I'm fairly sure it's originating in MoveAnything). MoveAnything gets updated regularly so maybe ti will be fixed soon. Until then you'll have to live with it.

- The player and pet models on the talents panel only load the 2nd time you press the button. Can anyone look at the auras and figure out why this is?

- When changing Grid profiles with the popup menu, sometimes the raid frames disappear until something happens to update them again (like a roster change or I think even maybe just a status change of any sort). A /reload brings it back too, but ideally if I could add a function call to Grid in the profile switch script to refresh it, then that would be ideal.

- If you switch Grid profiles when not in a grp, you sometimes will get a raid frame for yourself even if Solo layout is set to: none. /reload fixes it.

- If you switch Grid profiles when mid combat in a raid it often doesn't work until reload. I think that's a grid issue. Best practice it to just choose the right profile before you enter the raid (especially in situations like LFR when you can often never go out of combat)

- The Rollover micromenu currently doesn't exclude the appropriate options at low levels (when they aren't available yet). I hope to put this in soon.

- Challenge modes UI elements not done at all. I've never done a challenge mode so I don't even know how it works. I will try to maybe do it in the future

- No Boss timers yet.

Improved Blizzard UI (021a)

Improved Blizzard UI is an attempt to improve the default Blizzard interface. This has been customized to how I personally like my UI set up. There is some very basic configuration in game but things like positioning and scale of items still needs modifying directly in the LUA.

Only 1920x1080 is supported, other resolutions will need tweaks.

Version 021a Compatible with 6.1 (Load Out of Date Addons)

Localized for enGB / enUS / ruRU.

=== Features ===

Unit Frames:-

Player, Target and Pet Unit Frames moved and scaled.
Party Unit Frames moved and scaled
Class Icon added to Target Unit Frame.
Arena Prep and Arena Unit Frames scaled and moved.
Portrait Damage Text Spam Removed
Raid Frames moved
Focus Frame moved and scaled

Action Bars:-

Main Action Bar squished.
Bottom left and right Action Bar moved and scaled.
Range and Mana Coloring on Buttons


Damage font replaced.
Killing Blow indicator displayed during instanced PvP
Buffs made more visible
Health warning at <50% and 25% health.
Battleground Kills Tracker. Faction Coloured where applicable.
Class Colours added to Target and Focus Frames
Casting Bar Timer

User Interface:-

"Leave Queue" Button removed from instanced PvP Popup.
Minimap scaled and moved
Zoom Buttons removed from Minimap, Scroll Wheel replaces functionality.
Tracking Button moved.
Non static AFK Camera (With Player & Pet Model)
Micro Menu functionality replaced with MiniMap Right Click
Bags can be swapped with the "Swap Bags" Micro Menu option. Click to show, Click again to hide.
Latency Indicator (Home / Server) - FPS Indicator
Player Position Co-ordinates on Minimap


NEW:- Chat Frame cleaned up
NEW:- Font Colour / Size / Outline Changed
NEW:- Loot notifications shortened
NEW:- Chat Channels shortened


Automatically repair damaged armor
Automatically sell grey quality items
Camera zoom limit set to maximum.
Quest Watcher hidden in Instanced PvP.

Known Issues:-

Redtuzk UI (3.0)

Redtuzk UI
In-raid Video ("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRELyJIJWo8")
-- version 3.0

* Don't have an active subscription nor the game installed atm, support will be limited.


6.0/WoD: In the most recent update I've decided to move on to a layout that will not accommodate healers. The UI is primarily made for hunters, but will and can work for other classes aswell with a bit of customization on the user's part. Furthermore, my macros and keybinds are no longer included.

RedtuzkUI is a compilation based on and around ElvUI and other supportive modules for said addon. It's a minimalistic but functional UI, created with the mindset of having a fully functional UI without compromising aesthetics nor top-tier raid- and hardware performance.

https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=emilblem%40gmail%2ecom&lc=DK&item_name=Redtuzk%20UI&no_note=0cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuest)


Make sure to follow the instructions very carefully when installing.
The UI is made for 1920x1080 but can work for other resolutions with a bit of moving and resizing.

Note that the game has to be closed during steps 1-7.
Back up your Interface and WTF-folders before starting.
Delete your old Interface and WTF-folders from the main WoW directory after backing them up.
Download the .zip file and extract the contents to your World of Warcraft folder.
Download and install the ElvUI files linked below.
Rename the folders in the WTF-folder to match your account, server and character.
Start the game.
Upon entering, make sure to select "Skip Process" on the 2 windows you're prompted with: http://i.imgur.com/VSwqVBf.jpg
Set all addon profiles to "RedtuzkUI_3.0". (See AddOn list below for which.)
Enter the ElvUI configuration panel (/ec, or click the "M" on the minimap), go to "AddonSkins" and uncheck "Skada": http://i.imgur.com/cDCiZ5i.jpg
Go to /ec > Shadow & Light > Panels & Dashboard > Backgrounds > Make sure that 'Enable' is checked > Make sure that 'Right BG' is checked.

Congratulations! You've now successfully installed RedtuzkUI! If everything looks far off the preview pictures, chances are you've probably messed something up along the way of installing. Don't fret it! Carefully redo all the steps and make sure that you get everything right. The part with renaming the folders to match your account/server/character-names is usually where most people find that the fault lies.


Copyright prevents me to include any addons related to ElvUI. For that reason I have included links below for you to download and use with the rest of the compilation.

ElvUI - http://www.tukui.org/dl.php -- profile switch needed.
ElvUI_AddonSkins - http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=128
ElvUI Shadow&Light - http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=42
ElvUI_EverySecondCounts - http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=193
ElvUI_CustomTweaks - http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=254

BigWigs -- profile switch needed.
BL_Cooldown -- profile switch needed.
ExtraCD -- profile switch needed.
Redtuzk's Pixelborder
Skada -- profile switch needed.
WeakAuras -- Custom WeakAuras included, feel free to delete anything that you dislike in the WeakAuras config panel (/wa).

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Where has my garrison report button on the minimap gone?
A: /ec > General > Minimap (the dropdown menu on the right). In there you can adjust which buttons are shown, where they're located, their size, and a couple of other things.

Q: Why is my ExtraCD panel not aligned properly below the playerframe?
A: A couple of things generally cause this: Amount of things shown on the bar will put it slightly askew, aswell as using the UI on a different resolution than metioned above. Simply type /ecd config, unlock the frame, drag it to where you want it to be and lock it in place again.

Q: Do you a version of the old layout of the UI available anywhere?
A: Nope, sorry - it's gone for good.

Q: Can I have just your weakauras?
A: Sure! - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=6VCfqDYr

More to come.

MayronUI Gen4 (4.5.0)

MayronUI Gen4 - Version 4.5.0 is Officially Available for Download!
NOTE: This version only works for Patch 6.0.2. If you want to Download the UI for MoP then download version 4.0.6 instead!
Please help to report all bugs and feedback you have! Thank you <3


PREVIEW VIDEO: (Using Blizzard Raid Frames instead of Grid Raid Frames)

http://i.imgur.com/XlLZ5QFm.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCwVPxT1G6A&index=4&list=UUCu-NuBYVi7yokZmKBCBvHw)

German (Deutsch) Video UI Tutorial by Sofa Gaming (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUx5yg5-qDSgXkQkZaXlYBA):
Info | MayronUi Gen 4 | Mein Interface in World of Warcraft
http://i.imgur.com/oglhI5gm.jpg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj_CJUyZRbc)

Important General Information:
o Supports ALL Resolution Types!

o Supports updates via Curse Client!

o Suitable for Tanks, Healers and DPS for all purposes whether that is PVP, PVE or Questing! Supports all Classes.

o Only supports the English Language but I will add more in future. Sorry!

o This UI was intended to be used with other Mods! Is it completely safe and recommended to do so as class specific mods, raid mods such as Deadly Boss Mods / BigWigs, are all missing. I did not want to include addOns such as TotemTimers or Class Specific resource tracking mods just in case the user did not play each class and therefore would never use them.

o Remember that you need to press the Add Favorite button at the top right of this page to receive a notification message on this website for when new future updates are available for this UI Pack! It will appear as an indicator next to your Username on the top navigation bar.

o To show more bars on the bottom of the UI, you need to press and hold the Control Key while out of combat to see the Expand and Retract button. Once pressed an animation will play to uncover 20 more available action buttons. Also you can press and hold the Alt or Shift key while out of combat to see 3 new buttons on top of the Chat box! These modifier keys can be altered in the options menu ("/mui config").

o For MayronUI Gen4 specific Options, please take a look at the built in-game config menu by using "/mui config". There are a ton of options there to alter all the core features with the UI.

o If you find any bugs or want to submit any feedback then please leave comments!

o Please help by spreading the word about this UI by recommending it to your guild members and friends or even by posting screen shots or recommending it on other UI forums! Thank you :)

o I overwork myself with this UI and spend countless hours working with new updates and trying to make many new exciting updates. I do not currently have a job as I am at College so if you choose to donate I would be extremely grateful! It is very rare that I receive any and even the smallest amount can make a big impact. Thank you very much for using my UI and reading this :)

http://i.imgur.com/BX7Np4d.png?1 (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UVLA8LJWLQXP6)


How to install:
1. Back up your old WTF, Interface and/or fonts folder and delete your current fonts folder if you have one and/or Interface folder.

2. Download and Extract the UI Pack and place the Interface and fonts folder inside your World of Warcraft folder. You can add addOns you wish to keep from your old Interface folder into the new one if you wish.

3. Load World of Warcraft, Login and then on the character selection menu, turn on all addons in the addon menu and tick "Load out of date addons" if it has not been checked.

4. Enter the world with any character you wish and press the INSTALL button on the dialogue box.

5. The UI does not support individual Class Specific addOns and the Shadowed Unit Frames do not handle them well either so I recommend taking a look at the 'recommended extra addOns' list below. For example, the Death Knight rune bar is not included in the UI back as well as any Boss Mods. A Raid Frame replacement mod is also not included such as Grid.

Recommended Extra Addons: Boss Mods:
Deadly Boss Mods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
BigWigs ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/big-wigs")

Recommended Extra Addons: Class Specific Mods:
Balance Power Tracker ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18000-BalancePowerTracker.html") - For Balance Druids Only
Shields Up ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shieldsup") - For Restoration Shamans
Rune It All ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/runeitall") For Death Knights (The Rune Bar)
NugComboBar (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info6308-NugComboBar.html) or rClassBars (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22591-rClassBars.html) - Resource tracking for all classes!

Recommended Extra Addons: General Use:
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator") - Auction House addon

Useful Slash Commands:
/mui config - Opens up the in-game MayronUI options menu which controls most of the core features in the UI
/mui install - Opens up the Mayron Setup Window (older versions use "/install")
/rl - Reloads the UI
/suf - Settings for the Unit Frames (Shadowed Unit Frames)
/bt - Bartender Settings (Action Bars)

Credit goes to the authors of these addons below as well as to Phanx (http://phanx.net/addons/) for not just making the Grid raid frames addOn used in this Pack but for making the Bonus Features menu possible and for teaching me many things along the way!

Credit goes to Haleth (http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=110142) for small snippets of code used for guidance when working on my ReskinUI module.

Credit goes to Tonyleila (http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=231681) for the added textures of buttons within the UI!

Credit goes to xbeeps (http://www.wowace.com/profiles/xbeeps/) over at Curse.com for helping me out with the CastBars tick indicator plugin during my work on the Cast Bars module.

Credit goes to Aeger (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22493-aegerUI.html) who has helped me out tremendously by making it possible to not have to use the old WTF folder renaming method for installing the UI. This has opened up many doors for the future. Also he re-wrote most of the code in the process and went above and beyond for this UI. I highly recommend checking out his UI.

Credit goes to zork (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/author-101381.html) for helping me on the forums by showing a sample of code which inspired me and set me in the right direction for animating my UI to move UI elements smoothly.

Addon List:

All AddOns can be removed but I recommend keeping Bartender, Shadowed Unit Frames and the MayronUI AddOns.

Most Important AddOns:

AuraFrames - Buff and Debuff display addon
Aurora: Missing Textures - Using the Buttons folder only (in Interface > Buttons) to Skin Blizzard styled buttons.
Bartender4 - Action Bars
Masque - Stylises buttons on action bars
Broker + Plugins - Data Bars
Bazooka - Used with Broker to display the pluggins
MayronUI - Contains all Core features in MayronUI and this Core addOn can be updated via the Curse Client!
MayronUI_SetupData - Needed for the setup process. Stores AddOn settings to be injected during installation.
OmniCC - Displays cooldown timers over abilties on action bars
Recount - Meter for damage, healing and much more
ShadowedUnitFrames - Unit Frame Addon
SLDataText - Data text Addon (Do Not Update using Curse!)
Tidy Plates - Name Plates addon
Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - Name Plates addon plugin
TipTac - Tool Tip Addon

Least Important AddOns:

ACP - Addon Control Panel
Bagnon + plugins - Puts all Bag items into one big bag (Do Not Update!)
Grid + Plugins - Raid Frames
ErrorMonster - Reduces spam from error messages
Leatrix_Plus - Contains a list of very useful settings (type /"ltp" to view them)
Postal - Mail box Addon for opening all mail at once
Mik Scrolling Battle - Combat text Addon
Simple Power Bar - This adds a bar at the top of the UI for boss special power bars used in some encounters.
Totem Timers - The Shaman Totem Bar


Q: How do I open up the Calendar? / Hoe do I toggle the Tracker?

A: You need to right click on the mini-map and select the option to do this in the drop down menu.

Q: How can I see more action bars on the bottom of the UI like in the screen shots?

A: You need to press and hold the Control key while out of combat to show the Expand and Retract button and then press that. You can alter this modifier key in the "/mui config" options if you want to have it set as something else.

Q: How do I enable the Timestamps on the Chat Box?

A: I removed this feature when Blizzard added this themselves in the Blizzard Interface Options. Go to the Interface in-game menu and go to "Social" then there is a drop down menu with the title "Chat Timestamps". Change this away from Noneto a format that suits you.

Q: Why can I not see the Death Knight Rune Bar or the Balance Druid Tracker Bar?

A: I have taken the addons out of the UI that control this because I no longer wish to maintain them currently however if you read the UI installation instructions, I have placed links to where you can download them. You will need to set them up yourself. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Q: How do I turn off/on Auto Quest? Or how do I turn on auto repair?

A: That is controlled with Leatrix Plus as well as many other useful general settings. You can open the Leatrix Plus menu to view these by right clicking the Minimap and selecting Leatrix Plus. If it is not there then type "/mui config" and in the General panel there should be a button to toggle this menu.

Q: How do you move the buffs and debuffs in the top right corner of the screen?

A: Type "/af" to get into the Aura Frames Configuration window and at the top right of the window's frame that shows up, next to the cross to close down the window there is a button on the left of it. If you click that, you can move the buffs and debuffs.

Q: The tooltip shows over my spells when I hover my mouse cursor over them, how can I move it to the Bottom Right corner like the other tooltips do?

A: Type "/tiptac" and go to the Anchors page from the list on the left. Where it says "Frame Tip Type" you will see a drop down menu on the right. Change it from "Mouse Anchor" to "Normal Anchor"

Follow me (Mayron) on Twitter to see what I'm up to!
Leave all questions about the UI for the UI comment section, not on Twitter! Thank you :)
http://www.stretford-end.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/twitter-button.png (https://twitter.com/MayronWoW)

http://i.imgur.com/BX7Np4d.png?1 (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UVLA8LJWLQXP6)

By Mayron of Twisting Nether (EU)
Armory (http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/twisting-nether/Mayron/simple)

Vacant UI - 6.1 (3.8)

Vacant UI
Sleek, clean & functional, with buttons built-in to control minimalism.

Hey. I'm Vacant! I've played a Rogue(+) on Tichondrius for 10 years. My goal with this project is to provide a visually appealing UI that clearly and cleanly presents pertinent information that immensely improves awareness in PVP and PVE situations.

Official Thread @ http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15701236770?page=1 ("http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15701236770?page=1")

v3.7 Notes:

-FINALLY fixed a bug that has been plaguing me for some time now. Apparently there's a bug in Blizzard's UI frame that affects the STRATA(frame level) of certain UI elements making them sometimes unreadable/unclickable. Well, I finally found out that there's an addon called StrataFix that fixes this ANNOYING bug.

Hugs and kisses goes to the legendary oscarucb for authoring this addon. That guy rules. For any of you using the UI who have experienced this ridiculously annoying issue, this is now fixed.

-Moved target unit frame and WeakAuras bars to better balance the UI
-Removed DBM bloat
-Removed SharedMedia LIb 3.0
-Blacklisted Windwalk
-Added tenths of seconds under 1 second in OmniCC

Installation Instruction:

Enter your World of Warcraft folder. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft

1. Make a backup of your WTF and Interface folders.

2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.

3. Go into my WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called
(YOURACCOUNTNAMEGOESHERE) to your own account name, ALL IN CAPS.

4. Enter the (YOURACCOUNTNAMEGOESHERE) folder and change the folder called (YourServerNameGoesHere) into your server name.

5. Enter the (YourServerNameGoesHere) folder and change the folder (YourCharacterNameGoesHere) into your character's name. (Also do this for any alts you have.)

6. Put my(the ones you've been editing) WTF and Interface folders in the place where your own folders used to be. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft

7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".

8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:

/gladius and select the profile: Default
/sexymap and select: "Use Global Profile".
/bt and select the profile: Default
/raven and select the profile: Default
Interface > Addons > SCT > Profile Vacant-Tichondrius
Interface > Addons > Recount > Profile: Default

You may have to manually adjust TidyPlates. You can turn nameplates on within Blizzard's interface options. To display enemy castbars under nameplates, you must go into the combat section of Blizzard's interface options and tick the "display castbar under enemy nameplate" option.

As always, feel free to post questions or comments bellow, or in the official thread!


NPCScan - Alerts you to nearby rare creatures.
Aurora - UI Skin
BagBrother - Shows contents of bags/bank for alts.
BagNon - Merges all of your bags into one.
Bartender 4 - Actions bars / easy hotkey adjustments.
BoneFilter - Filters the annoying Broken Bone loot message.
Clique - I use this for Tricks of the Trade. It allows me to Shift+Right Click the frame of the person I want to Tricks.
Deadly Boss Mods - Disable unless you PVE.
Error Filter - Filters annoying / unnecessary errors message (You cannot do that while mounted. Etc.)
Gladius - Arena target frames.
Gnosis - Castbars.
Grid - Party/raid fraim.
kgPanels - Buttons, panels, borders, etc.
LastSecond - Displays diminishing returns of your target/focus target.
Masque - Button skinning.
MasterPlan - Removes the annoyances of managing Garrison missions.
MoveAnything - Move anything.
PetTracker - Shows stable locations on the map, and ability cooldowns of the pet(s) you're facing.
Prat - Chat management.
Postal - Mail management.
Rarity - Displays via Tooltip if the mob you're hovering over drops anything of interest.
Raven - Buff/debuff icons.
Recount - Damage meter.
SCT - Scrolling Combat Text - I've been using this AddOn for 10 years. Perhaps going to get rid of this for Mik's.
SexyMap - Map management.
STUF - Unit Frames.
TidyPlates - Nameplates.
TipTac - Tooltip management.
Titan Panel - Bottom info bar.
TrufiGCD - Displays every GCD your target uses(in icon format). Quite helpful in PVP, for certain abilities that have no sufficient visual queue or sound effect.
WeakAuras - God Mode

v3.5 Notes:

-Minimap position adjusted.
-Changed several bar colors in WeakAuras.
-Added bars for several abilities.
-Moved placement of DBM alerts.
-Removed RougeSpamReborn
-Fixed quest objective updates not displaying. (Example: 6/8 Ravagers Slain)
-Performance tweak
-Farewell to Ace3, Pet Breed ID, and a few others

Improved Blizzard UI (021b)

Improved Blizzard UI is an attempt to improve the default Blizzard interface. This has been customized to how I personally like my UI set up. There is some very basic configuration in game but things like positioning and scale of items still needs modifying directly in the LUA.

Only 1920x1080 is supported, other resolutions will need tweaks.

Version 021a onwards compatible with 6.1 (Load Out of Date Addons)

Localized for enGB / enUS / ruRU.

=== Features ===

Unit Frames:-

Player, Target and Pet Unit Frames moved and scaled.
Party Unit Frames moved and scaled
Class Icon added to Target Unit Frame.
Arena Prep and Arena Unit Frames scaled and moved.
Portrait Damage Text Spam Removed
Raid Frames moved
Focus Frame moved and scaled

Action Bars:-

Main Action Bar squished.
Bottom left and right Action Bar moved and scaled.
Range and Mana Coloring on Buttons


Damage font replaced.
Killing Blow indicator displayed during instanced PvP
Buffs made more visible
Health warning at <50% and 25% health.
Battleground Kills Tracker. Faction Coloured where applicable.
Class Colours added to Target and Focus Frames
Casting Bar Timer

User Interface:-

"Leave Queue" Button removed from instanced PvP Popup.
Minimap scaled and moved
Zoom Buttons removed from Minimap, Scroll Wheel replaces functionality.
Tracking Button moved.
Non static AFK Camera (With Player & Pet Model)
Micro Menu functionality replaced with MiniMap Right Click
Bags can be swapped with the "Swap Bags" Micro Menu option. Click to show, Click again to hide.
Latency Indicator (Home / Server) - FPS Indicator
Player Position Co-ordinates on Minimap


NEW:- Chat Frame cleaned up
NEW:- Font Colour / Size / Outline Changed
NEW:- Loot notifications shortened
NEW:- Chat Channels shortened


Automatically repair damaged armor
Automatically sell grey quality items
Camera zoom limit set to maximum.
Quest Watcher hidden in Instanced PvP.

Known Issues:-

DecUI (8.10)

This is the optional supplement package ONLY. You MUST download the actual UI files from Tukui.org in compliance with the ElvUI license at the following link below:
6.1.0 compatible - Version 8.10 is the latest available for the core
Click me to get DecUI Core! ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=164")

Definitely appreciated, but not mandatory - Donate to Decard below:


Welcome to DecUI! This is an edited version of the ElvUI ("http://www.tukui.org") version 7 platform, styled to be a bit more information-rich, with an homage to classic ElvUI/Tukui looks. ALL due credit goes to the community and contributors there for the many ideas, tweaks and fixes to the platform. Without their efforts, this compilation would not exist. /salute

Supports 1920x1080 and up, Multimonitor/Eyefinity/nVidia Surround friendly, easy to install and configure. Users of resolutions smaller than 1680x1050 can use the Low Resolution option within the UI, yet you will need to adjust elements to fit your resolution.


STEP 1 - Make a backup of your existing UI!

Go to your World of Warcraft folder.
Copy the Interface and WTF folders, and paste them into a new folder of your choice and name. This will be your backup in case you want to go back.
Delete the Interface and WTF folders in the World of Warcraft folder.STEP 2 - Follow these steps to properly set up DecUI

Extract the folders inside DecUI to your World of Warcraft folder.STEP 3 - Log in and set up your Video settings
Doing this beforehand will allow you to skip the resolution warning of the UI. Once logged in, you will be prompted to go through the in-game configuration wizard to adjust the appearance. This will happen only once per character, unless you manually reset the UI.Navigation

Clicking the "L" icon on the bottom-right of the left chat panel unlocks UI elements to be placed manually.

Remember to click the "C" icon at the bottom-left of the right chat panel, or type /dec for the config menu. Entering this will give you access to the in-game config options, that allows you to more easily tweak appearance settings, such as increasing/reducing the amount of action bars, datatext shown, etc.

Explore your world - you have complete control over how the UI displays information of almost any type. Don't like how something looks? Change it/disable it/tweak it! That's what all those addons and options are for!

This version includes numerous changes and additions to the standard version of ElvUI itself as well as a few addons that are listed. The goal was to unify extra functionality with a clean look and layout that would be uniform to all classes. Some addons have been edited to either match the theme that I am aiming for, or simply .TOC updates for the latest patch. Updating these will hamper their appearance and/or functionality with DecUI: (aka don't use Curse or any other auto-updater to update the below listed addons)

Core Package

Supplement Package

Includes portions of edited Blizzard UI art from the following sources: AI-Art, MiirGui, SupervillianUI and Login^2 replacement login art.
Status panel artwork from Ferous Media, pHishr's Media, BenikUI, Tukui, Codename:Blaze.
Some fonts from BenikUI, Tukui, Codename:Blaze.

Credits to the following authors:

Cybeloras of Detheroc/Mal'Ganis
Darth Predator
Known issues for version 8.X
None known at this time.

RealUI (8.1 r11a)

All Resolutions + Classes + Roles
Version 8.1 r11a
Last Updated: Feb 24
http://i.imgur.com/J7yhGCK.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=163")http://i.imgur.com/TLWlXGM.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/addfav16068")http://i.imgur.com/r3N332E.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#donate")http://i.imgur.com/GwIpXfO.png ("http://youtu.be/SHC4CUq_Mqc?t=16s")


http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter being replaced with PhanxChat - be sure to delete the Chatter folder when updating RealUI
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngNew Option: Reverse UF Bars - make health/power bars act like the default UI (ie. bars empty as you lose health)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.png6.0 is released, and RealUI is ready!!
http://i.imgur.com/gp7RoyI.pngSee the change log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=16068#changelog") for a full list of what has changed.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRealUI has its own forum! ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=163")

Installation / Updates

You won't need to rename any folders.
Installation is a simple 1-click install process.

New Installation / Minor (8.#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Move your current WTF and Interface folders to a backup folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngIf you are updating, moving the WTF folder is not needed.

http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 2: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out what has changed.

Revision (r#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMake sure to overwrite all existing files and folders.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out which addons have been modified.


Do Not Update:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (you may update the individual Grid2 modules, but not the Grid2 folder itself)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSharedMedia + SharedMedia_MyMedia

AddOns Included:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBadBoy (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=8736)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBartender4 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/bartender4/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClique (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5108-Clique.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngEasy Mail (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/easymail)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFreebTip ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12912-FreebTip.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFoglight ("www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21830-Foglight.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/grid2/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngKuiNameplates ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19390-KuiNameplates.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMasque (http://www.wowace.com/addons/masque/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMikScrollingBattleText (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngPhanxChat (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info6323-PhanxChat.html)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRaven (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18242-Raven.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSkada (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html)

Optional AddOns:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBagSync ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15351-BagSync.html") - Tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in item tooltips.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClean Icons - Thin (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19844-CleanIcons-Thin.html) - Enhances the appearance of WoW's in-game icons.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngDeadly Boss Mods ("http://dev.deadlybossmods.com/downloads.php") - Dungeon/Raid encounter timers and alerts.

Unit Frames


A special thanks goes out to all addon authors, users of RealUI and the WoW Interface community for all their support.
I've learned a lot from all of you, and RealUI wouldn't be possible without you.

Supervillain UI (Classic) (5.4.3)



Full UI replacement. Inspired by comic books
✩✩✩✩ http://abs.twimg.com/favicons/favicon.ico FOLLOW ME http://abs.twimg.com/favicons/favicon.ico ("https://twitter.com/failcoder") ✩✩✩✩
✩✩✩✩ WATCH THE VIDEO! ("http://youtu.be/umHVtWUxNa4") ✩✩✩✩
✩✩✩✩ OFFICIAL WEBSITE ("http://supervillainui.com") ✩✩✩✩

To install: Open the downloaded zip file and drop all
containing folders into your install directory
(ie.. "C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/").
Be sure that at least the addons "SVUI" and "SVUI_ConfigOMatic" are enabled from your character select screen.
You can access quick config options by clicking the "Henchman" icon
on the bottom right of the screen (second from the right).
/sv or /svui --- SHOW CONFIG WINDOW
/sv move or /sv mentalo --- MOVE FRAMES
/sv kb or /sv bind --- KEY BINDING
/sv bg or /sv pvp --- SHOW/HIDE PVP STATS IN BG's
/sv reset or /sv resetui --- COMPLETE RESET OF CONFIGS

/jenkins --- 3-2-1 PULL COUNTER/ANNOUNCER
/kombat --- ???
/lolwut --- ???

If you already have a copy of SVUI installed
then you MUST delete any previous versions from the "~\Interface\AddOns\"
directory BEFORE installing a new one.

SVUI -- Core addon
SVUI_ConfigOMatic -- Configuration window
SVUI_StyleOMatic -- UI and 3rd-party addons styler
SVUI_LogOMatic -- Inventory information across alts
SVUI_FightOMatic -- PvP tools plugin
SVUI_CraftOMatic -- Professions tools plugin
SVUI_ChatOMatic -- Chat history storage and the infamous "Answering Service"

Delete your ~\World of Warcraft\Cache folder
Inside the folder ~\World of Warcraft\WTF\\SavedVariables: Delete any files that begin with "SVUI"
Inside each of your characters folders (~\World of Warcraft\WTF\\\SavedVariables): Delete any files that begin with "SVUI"

ElvUI Shadow & Light (v2.15)

Please Note: This addon will not function without ElvUI installed. You can download it at http://www.tukui.org (http://www.tukui.org/dl.php).

Please Note 2: When updating from version for patch 5.4.8 it will be a good idea to delete S&L from your addon folder first and then install version 2.0

Shadow & Light is an external edit of ElvUI, which means it doesn't change ElvUI's files directly.
What does this mean to you?
It means that any time ElvUI gets updated, you will not have to worry about it overwriting our edited version of ElvUI. It also means if we push an update it will not mess with any ElvUI files. This addon can not be used without ElvUI installed and enabled.

Originally this project started as two personal edits of ElvUI by Darth Predator and I (Repooc). For technical support reasons and other reasons as well, we have moved to a combined effort on this external edit of the ElvUI. Shadow & Light does not disable or hinder the normal function of ElvUI but does add additional features that are not yet implemented or will not be added to ElvUI.
You'll find Shadow & Light options under it's own configuration category in ElvUI's config section by typing /ec

Ticket System (http://git.tukui.org/repooc/elvui-shadowandlight/issues)

Download Locations:
Tukui (http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=42)
Wowinterface (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=20927)
Curse (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadow-and-light-edit)

Ability to display coordinates on minimap
Ability to set text on exp/rep bar to full values.
Ability to show full values for HP/Mana on unitframes. (Tags: )
Additional background panels that can be customized to your liking.
Additional datatext panels that can be moved and resized.
Additional options for DBM skins. (Not enabled atm.)
Balance Druid and Demonology Warlock power value text on Classbar.
Option to have S&L Handle Chat Datatext Panels to be docked below the chat windows
Customizable size of chat history stored
Customize Combat Icon position on player unitframe.
Armory Mode styled Character & Inspect frames
Equipment Manager for ability to swap equipment sets based on zone/instance/spec.
Farmer Module for easier farm management.
LFR progression in Time Datatext.
Loot Announcer module adds ability to announce loot to selected channel
Misc Custom UI Button (Quickly access ElvUI Config, ReloadUI, Toggle Move Anchors, Boss mod config/options (DBM, DXE, or Bigwigs), Addons Manager (stAddOnManager or ACP)
Modified Installation Process (Includes settings that each of the authors play with and now includes Affinitii's UI.)
Movable Pet Battle Actionbar
Movable Raid Utility menu.
PvP Auto Release
Skinned Minimap buttons
Skinned Raid Marker Bar

As of 5.2, we have included Affinitii's UI in our install process to make installing his UI a lot easier and more streamlined for people. One thing that you will need to do manually is install his weak aura profiles as we have not included that will the install as they may change a lot through out the expansion.
If you have questions on how to import these into weak auras, you may contact us through the ticket system or try asking in his stream located at his Twitch TV (http://twitch.tv/affinitiibl/) account.
Affinitii's WeakAura Pastebin:
Consolidated Pastebin List (http://pastebin.com/aWCPFXYj)
Monk Bar (http://pastebin.com/HuHbPA9A)
Monk Bar 2 (http://pastebin.com/CGjRcEmg)
Monk DPS Bar (http://pastebin.com/bF69Dfi2)
Chi Bar (http://pastebin.com/fdbHQ9n3)
Renewing Mist Tracker (http://pastebin.com/qwdnVNYe)
Druid Mainbar (http://pastebin.com/XEY3bLf9)
Paladin Bar (http://pastebin.com/UmFVbAC0)
Paladin Holy Power Bar (http://pastebin.com/x6RyELSW)
Priest Bar (http://pastebin.com/Nt8JKhZA)
Priest Rapture Tracker (http://pastebin.com/Nt8JKhZA)
Shaman Bar (http://pastebin.com/H4LgmpqH)
Debuffs (http://pastebin.com/Q6Jfbr7s)
Misc Bar (http://pastebin.com/sKGGSxsX)
T14 Debuffs (http://pastebin.com/73Hg2FRU)

Boss Button Texture Removed

Included Addons:
UI buttons idea by Swordyy (http://www.tukui.org/forums/profile.php?id=7616)

Did we forget anyone? O_o

Technical Support:
If you have any questions or concerns, we want to hear about it. You are welcome to post it via the Ticket System (http://git.tukui.org/repooc/elvui-shadowandlight/issues).

Darth Predator and I will do our best to address everyone's concern. We typically need some information from you other than the problem you are having. Before posting, PLEASE, make sure you are running the latest version of Shadow & Light as well as ElvUI and that you DISABLE ALL addons except for those two and try to reproduce the issue. It is important that you do that so we can narrow down what is causing the problem in the first place.

Information to provide when posting:
1.) Shadow & Light Version
2.) ElvUI Version
3.) Provide lua errors
4.) Provide a screenshot if possible
5.) Detailed description of the issue on when it happens, how it happens, whatever you did to reproduce it.
6.) Just to be clear, Disable ALL Addons except for ElvUI and Shadow & Light
With that said, happy gaming and enjoy the addon!

KaitUI (1.1)

http://kaitain.info/forumpics/kaitui_header.png ("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trvwAGKsNL8")

6.1 Update - A lot of addons used on this aren't yet updated for 6.1, but they're not throwing up any errors and seem to be fully functional, so it's all fine by me. If/when you update the UI, remember to (a) backup your current UI first (b) if you've added a lot of personal WeakAuras since installing KaitUI, export them to strings and re-import after updating.

I tried to make this UI work on all resolutions, but as I am not a coder I ran in to a few difficulties that I couldn't solve in the end. As such, the only resolution that is supported is 1920x1080. Most other resolutions should still work (although small and non-widescreen resolutions will probably find the layout doesn't fit), but I can't guarantee it. You may have to adjust the layout a bit yourself.

An important part of the UI is the WeakAuras section the center of the screen below your character. This is where all the important combat timers etc go. Because of limited time, I was only able to make WeakAuras sets for the characters I play at the moment. So you will find there are WeakAuras for Hunter (all specs), Shaman (resto), Demon Warlock, Moonkin, and a few Monk bits. My intention is to release more WeakAuras import strings for other classes and specs on this site, but you can also of course add your own.

As WeakAuras is part of the UI upload, updating the UI with new versions will overwrite any WeakAuras you made yourself. As such, make sure you backup the export strings of cool things you add (this is good idea anyways, as WeakAuras has been known to crash out and kill off it's saved variables on rare occasions).

KaitUI is beer-powered. If it runs out of beer, it stops working.
Click donate to buy me a beer:




Step 1

Backup your current UI. Do this by opening your WoW folder and moving the Fonts, Interface and WTF folder to a safe place elsewhere on your hard drive. If things go wrong later, put these folders back into your WoW folder and all will be as it was.

Step 2

Unzip the download and move the Fonts, Interface and WTF folder into your WoW folder

Step 3

Inside the WTF folder you will find folders that are name WTF > Account > ACCOUNTNAME > SavedVariables. Rename the folder called ACCOUNTNAME to be whatever your account name is. If you are unsure what to name it, check the folders that you backed up in Step 1.

Step 4

Start WoW. On the character selection screen, click the Addons button in the bottom left, then in the top right of the panel that pops up make sure that Load out of date AddOns is checked. Make sure ALL addons in the list are enabled (not having them all enabled can cause a clusterfuck of errors). Click OK then Enter World.

Step 5

Once you are in the game, type


After you recieve the message "Success! All profiles installed. You now need to type /reload" in chat, type


and hit enter.

Step 6

Chat windows. As far as I understand it, even though you will now be using the correct Chatter profile, the actual config of your chat windows (i.e. what channels are shown in what windows, etc) is held on the servers, not locally. So you will have to do set up the chat windows to be in the correct place yourselves. The way I have it set up is so that all player communication comes into the main chat window on the bottom left, the combat log is a tab of that main window, and there is another window on the bottom right with all spamming chat channels like /1, /2, NPC comments, loot info, etc. You can use the Chatter settings to make this window right justified if it isn't already.

To use the "BIG Trade channel" function in the UI, you will need to make a big trade chat window that is the 4th of your chat windows. It needs to have a frame name of "ChatFrame4". You cannot name the frame yourself, hence it needing to be the 4th chat window. You can check the names of frames by typing /fstack and then moving your mouse over the frame. One of the screenshots shows this big trade chat window so you can see what it should look like

Step 7

Keybindings. I use the main action bar purely as a reference for (non rotation) cooldowns, and have a few other bars for keybinds. These other bars are set to only show on mouseover and are hidden directly above the right hand chat frame. Having said that, feel free to set up the action bars however you want.

List of Addons used:

(Addons with a orange name have been editted by me and therefore if you update them, the edits will get overwritten. So don't update those ones, wait for an update of the KaitUI versions)

Aurora: Missing Textures
kgPanels Config


- I've tried to fix some issues with non-English clients. Needs testing.

- Switching to Windowed mode can crash WoW. I really have no idea why. Until I find the reason, you can switch between windowed mode and not with the Battlenet launcher before starting WoW.

- I think MoveAnything is tainting the quest objectives. It shows up if you try to click the icons of quest items (the taint message will blame another addon, but I'm fairly sure it's originating in MoveAnything). MoveAnything gets updated regularly so maybe ti will be fixed soon. Until then you'll have to live with it.

- The player and pet models on the talents panel only load the 2nd time you press the button. Can anyone look at the auras and figure out why this is?

- When changing Grid profiles with the popup menu, sometimes the raid frames disappear until something happens to update them again (like a roster change or I think even maybe just a status change of any sort). A /reload brings it back too, but ideally if I could add a function call to Grid in the profile switch script to refresh it, then that would be ideal.

- If you switch Grid profiles when not in a grp, you sometimes will get a raid frame for yourself even if Solo layout is set to: none. /reload fixes it.

- If you switch Grid profiles when mid combat in a raid it often doesn't work until reload. I think that's a grid issue. Best practice it to just choose the right profile before you enter the raid (especially in situations like LFR when you can often never go out of combat)

- The Rollover micromenu currently doesn't exclude the appropriate options at low levels (when they aren't available yet). I hope to put this in soon.

- Challenge modes UI elements not done at all. I've never done a challenge mode so I don't even know how it works. I will try to maybe do it in the future

- No Boss timers yet.
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