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DecUI (8.04)

This is the optional supplement package ONLY. You MUST download the actual UI files from Tukui.org in compliance with the ElvUI license at the following link below:
6.0.3 compatible - Version 8.04 is the latest available for the core

Click me to get DecUI Core! ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=164")

Definitely appreciated, but not mandatory - Donate to Decard below:


Known issues for version 8.X
* EmbedLeft, EmbedRight option for ElvUI Addon skins overlaps if you use this option with any embeddable addon aside from Skada, issue with DecUI, NOT the addon itself
* Pixel Perfect still (yes, still) needs to be corrected for the embed option


Welcome to DecUI! This is an edited version of the ElvUI ("http://www.tukui.org") version 7 platform, styled to be a bit more information-rich, with an homage to classic ElvUI/Tukui looks. ALL due credit goes to the community and contributors there for the many ideas, tweaks and fixes to the platform. Without their efforts, this compilation would not exist. /salute

Supports 1680x1050 and up, Multimonitor/Eyefinity/nVidia Surround friendly, easy to install and configure. Users of resolutions smaller than 1680x1050 can use the Low Resolution option within the UI, yet you will need to adjust elements to fit your resolution.


STEP 1 - Make a backup of your existing UI!

Go to your World of Warcraft folder.
Copy the Interface and WTF folders, and paste them into a new folder of your choice and name. This will be your backup in case you want to go back.
Delete the Interface and WTF folders in the World of Warcraft folder.STEP 2 - Follow these steps to properly set up DecUI

Extract the folders inside DecUI to your World of Warcraft folder.STEP 3 - Log in and set up your Video settings
Doing this beforehand will allow you to skip the resolution warning of the UI. Once logged in, you will be prompted to go through the in-game configuration wizard to adjust the appearance. This will happen only once per character, unless you manually reset the UI.Navigation

Clicking the "L" icon on the bottom-right of the left chat panel unlocks UI elements to be placed manually.

Remember to click the "C" icon at the bottom-left of the right chat panel, or type /dec for the config menu. Entering this will give you access to the in-game config options, that allows you to more easily tweak appearance settings, such as increasing/reducing the amount of action bars, datatext shown, etc.

This version includes numerous changes and additions to the standard version of ElvUI itself as well as a few addons that are listed. The goal was to unify extra functionality with a clean look and layout that would be uniform to all classes. Some addons have been edited to either match the theme that I am aiming for, or simply .TOC updates for the 5.4.8 patch. Updating these will hamper their appearance and/or functionality with DecUI: (aka don't use Curse or any other auto-updater to update the below listed addons)

Core Package

Supplement Package

Also includes portions of AI-Art and MiirGui panel replacement art, Ferous Media and pHishr's Media status panel artwork, and Login^2 replacement login art. And various fonts and textures from BenikUI, Tukui, Codename:Blaze.

Credits to the following authors:

Cybeloras of Detheroc/Mal'Ganis
Darth Predator

Explore your world - you have complete control over how the UI displays information of almost any type. Don't like how something looks? Change it/disable it/tweak it! That's what all those addons and options are for!

Qulight UI (5.5.7)

NEW Site UI (http://qulightui.org/)

Qulight UI in Action(Youtube) (http://www.youtube.com/user/Qulight?feature=mhee)


1. Clean your "Interface/AddOns folder;
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder/Interface/Addons;

1. Удалитьсодержимое"Interface/AddOns";
2. Распаковатьархивв WoW/Interface/Addons;

Slash commands:

/rl, .кд; - Reload UI;
/ticket, /gm, /гм; - GM frame.
/hb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/wf - Quest tracker mover.
/frame - Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame.

/config - In-game UI config.
/ui - ingame command for change all UI positions.
/ui reset - Set default UI positions.


QulightUI - It is the main addon and it includes - dNamePlates, Stuffing, FreebTip, m_Buff, omniCC, Class Timer, rActionBarStyler, Datatext(Bags, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, System, Time), qMinimap, qChat, ncHoverBind, oUF+oUF_Qulight, Filger, aLoad, MarkBar, Mapster, qChatBar, raidUtility, tullaRange, m_Loot, ncCooldownFlash, aMail, Reminder, RaidBuffReminder, BigWigs_skin, DBM_skin, DXE_skin, KLE_skin, Omen_skin, PallyPower_skin, Quartz_skin, Recount_skin, Skada_skin.

Qulight_ConfigUI - in game configuration.

Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) - is an addon which reskins the default Blizzard frames to a smooth, minimalistic theme which is consistent across the entire UI.

Recount, Omen, KLE, DXE, BigWigs, Quartz, Skada, DBM, Pally Power are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.


Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz.

Redtuzk UI (2.0)

Redtuzk UI
In-raid Video ("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2b0sxMvbxk")
-- version 2.0


6.0/WoD: In the most recent update I've decided to move on to a layout that will not accommodate healers. The UI is primarily made for hunters, but will and can work for other classes aswell with a bit of customization on the user's part. Furthermore, my macros and keybinds are no longer included, but linked seperately below.

RedtuzkUI is a compilation based on and around ElvUI and other supportive modules for said addon. It's a minimalistic but functional UI, created with the mindset of having a fully functional UI without compromising aesthetics nor top-tier raid- aswell hardware performance.


Make sure that the game is closed during the entire installation process.
Back up your Interface and WTF-folders before starting.
Delete your old Interface and WTF-folders from the main WoW directory after backing them up.
Download and install the ElvUI files linked below.
Unzip the downloaded .rar file and extract the contents to your World of Warcraft folder.
Rename the folders in the WTF-folder to match your character and server.
Load the game and make sure to set all addon profiles to RedtuzkUI.


Due to licensing I am not allowed to include any addons related to ElvUI. For that reason I have included links below for you to download and use with the rest of the compilation.

ElvUI - http://www.tukui.org/dl.php
ElvUI_AddonSkins - http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=128
ElvUI Shadow&Light - http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=42
ElvUI_EverySecondCounts - http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=193
ElvUI_CastbarTweaks - http://www.tukui.org/storage/download.php?file=169ElvUI_CastbarTweaks.zip

Ferous Media -- Important: Do NOT update!
WeakAuras -- Custom WeakAuras included, feel free to delete anything that you dislike in the WeakAuras config panel (/wa)

Macros & Bindings

Bindings 1 - http://redtuzkui.emilblem.dk/Bindings%20General.rar
Place in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\"YourAccountNameHere"
Bindings 2 - http://redtuzkui.emilblem.dk/Bindings%20Specific.rar
Place in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\"YourAccountNameHere"\"YourServerNameHere"\"YourCharacterNameHere"
Macros 1 - http://redtuzkui.emilblem.dk/Macros%20General.rar
Place in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\"YourAccountNameHere"
Macros 2 - http://redtuzkui.emilblem.dk/Macros%20Specific.rar
Place in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\"YourAccountNameHere"\"YourServerNameHere"\"YourCharacterNameHere"

Wullie's UI (6.0.12)

Wullie's UI

Patch 6.0.2 Ready!

This is my UI which is mainly focused around healing (my main is a holy paladin), however I've found it also works great as DPS or as a tank.

The UI is based around 1920x1080 resolution although it works with most resolutions.

You can see my UI in action on YouTube ("http://www.youtube.com/user/Saltire35/videos?sort=dd&flow=grid&page=1&view=0") or live on TwitchTV ("http://www.twitch.tv/saltire35").

All credit goes to the individual addon authors, without them this UI would not have been possible.

Installation Instructions:

1. Make a backup of your WTF, Interface & Fonts (if you have one) folders.
2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.
3. Go into the WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called YOURACCOUNTNAME to your own account name all in caps.
4. Enter the YOURACCOUNTNAME folder and change the folder called YourServer into your server name.
5. Enter the YourServer folder and change the folder YourCharacter into your character name.
6. Put my WTF, Fonts and Interface folder in the place where your own folders used to be.
7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".
8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:
/vd opt and select the Tools tab and then choose profile Wullie from the drop down menu.
/bt and select profile Wulliee-Draenor.
/raven and select profile Wulliee-Draenor.
Frequently Asked Questions:

1. I am based in USA, how can I make your UI work on my server?

Open the new WTF folder and edit Config.wtf using notepad. Find the line that says (SET locale "****") and make it say (SET locale "enUS") and save.
2. How do I move the mouseover tooltip?
Use MoveAnything, search on tooltip, click tooltip and move it to where you want.
Addons Used:

AdiBags ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/adibags")
AtlasLoot ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/atlasloot-enhanced")
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator")
Bartender4 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bartender4")
BugSack ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bugsack")
ChinchillaMiniMap ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chinchilla")
GTFO ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gtfo")
Hermes ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/hermes")
Masque ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/masque")
MoveAnything ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything")
NeedToKnow ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/need-to-know")
Omen ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/omen-threat-meter")
Postal ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/postal")
Quartz ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/quartz")
RaidSlackCheck ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raidslackcheck")
Raven ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raven")
RSA ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rsa")
ShadowedUnitFrames ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadowed-unit-frames")
Skada ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/skada")
TidyPlates ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tidy-plates")
TipTac ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tip-tac")
TitanPanel ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/titan-panel")
VoiceEncounterMods (DBM-Voice-Enhanced) ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/dbm-voice-enhanced")
VuhDo ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/vuhdo")
WeakAuras 2 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/weakauras-2")
WhisperWhisper ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/broker_whisperwhisper")

This is for everyone that has asked about my User Interface. If you wish to speak to me in-game, you can find me at Wulliee ("http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/wulliee/advanced") - Draenor (EU)(Horde).

If you have have any problems with the installation or have any questions you'd like to ask, please post in the comments section ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21036-WulliesUI1920x1080HealingampDPS.html#comments") and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

ShestakUI (5.0.4)

ShestakUI is a modular, lightweight, all-in-one overhaul for the World of Warcraft interface. It aims to streamline and clean up the interface, removing unnecessary frills and wasted space as well as fill in some of the holes left in the default UI.

Setup - All settings are changed in the file ShestakUI\Config\Settings.lua or in-game options(/cfg).
Screen resolution - All resolutions above 1280 pixels horizontally.
Screen mode - Full screen.
Delete/backup your current UI.
Copy all from archive to your World of Warcraft folder(WoW\Interface\AddOns\).
All questions, suggestions and bugs you can write only here ("http://shestak.org/forum/").
UI Site link ("http://shestak.org").
GitHub link ("https://github.com/Shestak/ShestakUI").
Curse link ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shestakui").
Change Log link ("https://github.com/Shestak/ShestakUI/commits/master/").
AcidWeb, Aezay, Affli, Ailae, Allez, ALZA, Ammo, Astromech, Beoko, Bitbyte, Blamdarot, Bozo, Caellian, Califpornia, Camealion, Chiril, CrusaderHeimdall, Cybey, Dawn, Don Kaban, Dridzt, Duffed, Durcyn, Eclipse, Egingell, Elv22, Evilpaul, Evl, Favorit, Fernir, Foof, Freebaser, g0st, gi2k15, Gorlasch, Gsuz, Haleth, Haste, Hoochie, Hungtar, HyPeRnIcS, Hydra, Ildyria, iSpawnAtHome, Jaslm, Karl_w_w, Karudon, Katae, Kemayo, Killakhan, Kraftman, Kunda, Leatrix, m2jest1c, Magdain, Meurtcriss, Monolit, MrRuben5, Myrilandell of Lothar, Nathanyel, Nefarion, Nightcracker, Nils Ruesch, p3lim, Partha, Phanx, Rahanprout, Renstrom, RustamIrzaev, Safturento, Sara.Festung, SDPhantom, Sildor, Silverwind, SinaC, Slakah, Soeters, Starlon, Suicidal Katt, Syzgyn, Tekkub, Telroth, Thalyra, Thizzelle, Tia Lynn, Tohveli, Tukz, Tuller, Veev, Villiv, Wetxius, Woffle of Dark Iron, Wrug, Xuerian, Yleaf, Zork.
Aelb, Alwa, Baine, Chubidu, Cranan, eXecrate, F5Hellbound, Ianchan, Leg883, Mania, Nanjiqq, Oz, Puree, Seal, Sinaris, Spacedragon, Tat2dawn, Tibles, Vienchen, Wetxius.
Akimba, Antthemage, Crunching, Dandruff, DesFolk, Elfrey, Ente, Erratic, Falchior, Gromcha, Halogen, Homicidal Retribution, ILF7, Illusion, Ipton, k07n, Kazarl, Leots, m2jest1c, MoLLIa, Nefrit, Noobolov, Obakol, Oz, PterOs, Sart, Scorpions, Sitatunga, Sw2rT1, Wetxius, Yakodzuna, UI Users and Russian Community.

Qulight UI (5.5.8a)

NEW Site UI (http://qulightui.org/)

Qulight UI in Action(Youtube) (http://www.youtube.com/user/Qulight?feature=mhee)


1. Clean your "Interface/AddOns folder;
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder/Interface/Addons;

1. Удалитьсодержимое"Interface/AddOns";
2. Распаковатьархивв WoW/Interface/Addons;

Slash commands:

/rl, .кд; - Reload UI;
/ticket, /gm, /гм; - GM frame.
/hb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/wf - Quest tracker mover.
/frame - Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame.

/config - In-game UI config.
/ui - ingame command for change all UI positions.
/ui reset - Set default UI positions.


QulightUI - It is the main addon and it includes - dNamePlates, Stuffing, FreebTip, m_Buff, omniCC, Class Timer, rActionBarStyler, Datatext(Bags, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, System, Time), qMinimap, qChat, ncHoverBind, oUF+oUF_Qulight, Filger, aLoad, MarkBar, Mapster, qChatBar, raidUtility, tullaRange, m_Loot, ncCooldownFlash, aMail, Reminder, RaidBuffReminder, BigWigs_skin, DBM_skin, DXE_skin, KLE_skin, Omen_skin, PallyPower_skin, Quartz_skin, Recount_skin, Skada_skin.

Qulight_ConfigUI - in game configuration.

Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) - is an addon which reskins the default Blizzard frames to a smooth, minimalistic theme which is consistent across the entire UI.

Recount, Omen, KLE, DXE, BigWigs, Quartz, Skada, DBM, Pally Power are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.


Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz.

Towelliee's Tank UI / LUI 1920x1080 (3.0.7)

Hey all this is Towelliee on Stormrage

For the ElvUI version of my UI click HERE ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info23265-TowellieesTankUIElvUI1920x1080.html")

My UI is a mix of LUI http://www.wow-lui.com and other addons. But mainly credit goes out to Loui. I been using LUI since it came out and I have never looked back. As much as I tried to see if there was something better out there, there never was(list of addons in this pack at the bottom).

**The Towelliee's UI Installer ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22150-TowellieesUIToonsetuptool.html#info") Has been updated **

You can now post UI question's on Towelliee's UI Forum ("http://forums.towelliee.com/threads/towelliees-wow-ui.211/") thread.

UI Installer V1.0.0.5 Added option to copy back your previous keybinds/macros from the backup made by the Clean Install option.
It is highly recommended not to delete or move your WTF folder if you want to use this feature.
It's Best to just make a copy of the WTF folder you want to back it up yourself.

Installer/Game Instructions

Step 1 : MOVE the INTERFACE/FONTS folder out of the WoW folder. We need the WoW folder to not have the 2 folders inside.
Step 2 : Copy the Contents of the Zip file into the WoW folder (overwrite if asked).
Step 3 : Download the toon setup tool from HERE ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22150-TowellieesUIToonsetuptool.html#info") and put the exe file in your wow folder(where wow.exe is).
Step 4 : run Towelliee.exe (the Toon setup installer) from your wow folder, and select the appropriate install type, for initial install it is recommended to do a Clean Install (some installer info below).
Step 5 : Once you're in game just click that HAMMERS UP!!! button.
Step 6 : Quit the game completely before doing additional Toon setup.

If you are having issues getting your toon setup run the toon installer as admin
(right click towelliee.exe -> run as administrator)

The ui install instruction video on youtube is obsolete, do not use it as instructions to install the current UI verions

Installer Info
you have 3 install types to choose from, press the ? button for details about them.
the installer will detect if it's in the correct location, if it's not you will get errors when trying to choose account
When in the correct location you will be able to choose the account/server/toon from a list of previously played characters on this wow installation
(if a toon is not listed, log on to it, then exit the game)

Addons in this pack:
WeakAuras 2

AftermathhUI (7.0)

RealUI 8 (8.1 r7 b)

All Resolutions + Classes + Roles
Version 8.1 r7 b
Last Updated: 6 Nov
http://i.imgur.com/J7yhGCK.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=163")http://i.imgur.com/TLWlXGM.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/addfav16068")http://i.imgur.com/r3N332E.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#donate")http://i.imgur.com/GwIpXfO.png ("http://youtu.be/gvI9csxxMdY?t=59s")


http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter being replaced with PhanxChat - be sure to delete the Chatter folder when updating RealUI

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngNew Option: Reverse UF Bars - make health/power bars act like the default UI (ie. bars empty as you lose health)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.png6.0 is released, and RealUI is ready!!
http://i.imgur.com/gp7RoyI.pngSee the change log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=16068#changelog") for a full list of what has changed.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRealUI has its own forum! ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=163")

Installation / Updates

You won't need to rename any folders.
Installation is a simple 1-click install process.

New Installation / Minor (8.#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Move your current WTF and Interface folders to a backup folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngIf you are updating, moving the WTF folder is not needed.

http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 2: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out what has changed.

Revision (r#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMake sure to overwrite all existing files and folders.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out which addons have been modified.


Do Not Update:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (you may update the individual Grid2 modules, but not the Grid2 folder itself)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSharedMedia + SharedMedia_MyMedia

AddOns Included:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBadBoy (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=8736)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBartender4 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/bartender4/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chatter)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClique (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5108-Clique.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngEasy Mail (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/easymail)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFreebTip ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12912-FreebTip.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFoglight ("www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21830-Foglight.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/grid2/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngKuiNameplates ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19390-KuiNameplates.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMasque (http://www.wowace.com/addons/masque/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMikScrollingBattleText (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRaven (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18242-Raven.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSkada (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html)

Optional AddOns:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBagSync ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15351-BagSync.html") - Tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in item tooltips.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClean Icons - Thin (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19844-CleanIcons-Thin.html) - Enhances the appearance of WoW's in-game icons.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngDeadly Boss Mods ("http://dev.deadlybossmods.com/downloads.php") - Dungeon/Raid encounter timers and alerts.

Unit Frames


A special thanks goes out to all addon authors, users of RealUI and the WoW Interface community for all their support.
I've learned a lot from all of you, and RealUI wouldn't be possible without you.

arcUI (60000b)

This is my Diablo3 Reaper of Souls themed interface for World of Warcraft.
It's based on Roth UI ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info9175-RothUIDiablo.html").

When you have problem, visit Roth UI page.
There is FAQ and helpful informations.
It's almost same addon.

And my English is not so good.
If you question me, maybe can't understand.
Post me a screenshot, it would be helpful.

0. Backup your "Interface" and "WTF" folder. (copy it somewhere save.)
1. Delete "Interface" folder. (do not delete "WTF" folder.)
2. Extract arcUI files into your World of Warcraft folder.(overwrite "WTF" folder.)
3. Open "WTF\Account" folder and drag "SavedVariables" folder into "your account name" folder.
  (overwrite "SavedVariables" folder)
4. Start World of Warcraft.
5. Before logging in make sure all the addons are activated correctly.
6. Login and set-up next things.
 - Game Menu>Interface>ActionBars>Uncheck "Rightbars"
 - Game Menu>Interface>AddOns(Tab)>Dominos>Profiles>Click arcDefault Setting and Click Copy button.
  If you changed oUF_diablo\core.lua PLAYER Scale 0.8 or 0.9, choose arcDefault8 or 9.
 - GameMenu>Interface>AddOns(Tab)>TidyPlates>Choose arcTheme.
 - Typing "/diablo config" and set Orb Value.
  Default settings doesn't show orb values.
  I planted 3D orb settings in Load template.(for 1920x1080)
  If you changed PLAYER Scale, choose arcDefault8 or 9.
7. Just enjoy.

You can choose scale of mainorb&arts.
Open "Interface\AddOns\oUF_diablo\config.lua" file.
(line 45)
player = {
show = true,
scale = 1, --1=D3 original size, 0.9=arv size, 0.8=Roth UI size.
And arcUI doesn't support about mainorb&arts movement.

Dominos - move the action bar
LootRollMover - move the loot roll window
ncImprovedMerchant - sells gray items automatically on vendor visit
oUF - unit framework
oUF_diablo - Diablo flavoured oUF layout
rActionButtonStyler(for Dominos) - styles the action buttons
RangeDisplay - simple range display
rBuffFrameStyler - styles the player auras
rChat - chat mod
rLib - library for rAddons
rMinimap - arcUI minimap
rPlayerPowerBarAlt - alternative power bar movable
rTooltip(with idTip) - simple tooltip mod
TidyPlates - nameplates
TidyPlates_arc - arcUI nameplates theme
tullaCC - cooldown count
tullaRange - out of range/out of mana coloring for action buttons

Lorgok UI (2)

Lrgok UI


This ui isn't updated for 5.2, I'll update it as soon as we're done with progression.
If after the patch you're having an icon bug on top left of your screen, then disable MiirGui addon

Addons :

Aura Frames






ButtonFacade: pHish









Masque: Elegance; Caith; Entropy; Renaitre










SharedMedia Additional Fonts

Shadowed Unit Frames










Extra : Leatrix Latency Fix

Make sure to read readme.txt before installing my ui.

You can see my UI in action on Method Youtube's Channel ("https://www.youtube.com/user/MethodNetwork?feature=watch")


Contact me on Method's forum ("http://www.methodwow.com/index.php") or whisper me in game for questions !
- Lrgok/Lorgmage @ Twisting Nether EU Horde

Skaarj UI (6.1.2)

Addon list:

rChat - simple chat addon
Butsu - loot frame
rNamePlates - sexy nameplates addon
cargBags_Nivaya - inventory addon
FreebTip - game tooltip
LiteStats - data mod
rBuffFrameStyler - buff frames
tullaCC - cooldowns
oUF + oUF_Skaarj - unit frame framework
rActionBarStyler + m_ActionBars - action bar addon
teksLoot - loot roll frames
alDamageMeter - leightweight damage meter
xCT - lightweight combat text
NugRunning - buff/debuff tracking addon


1. Delete your "Interface" folder
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder
3. /uiconfig - default ui settings


Screen mode - Full screen.
Multisampling - 1x multisampling.

Slash commands:

/kb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/rc - ready check
/rl - reload UI


All configuration options are located in .lua files.
To edit .lua use Notepad++ ("http://notepad-plus-plus.org/")



Freebaser, MonoLiT, affli, Allez, ALZA, Dawn, Shestak, Haleth.

arcUI (600c)

This is my Diablo3 Reaper of Souls themed interface for World of Warcraft.
It's based on Roth UI ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info9175-RothUIDiablo.html").

When you have problem, visit Roth UI page.
There is FAQ and helpful informations.
It's almost same addon.

And my English is not so good.
If you question me, maybe can't understand.
Post me a screenshot, it would be helpful.

0. Backup your "Interface" and "WTF" folder. (copy it somewhere save.)
1. Delete "Interface" folder. (do not delete "WTF" folder.)
2. Extract arcUI files into your World of Warcraft folder.(overwrite "WTF" folder.)
3. Open "WTF\Account" folder and drag "SavedVariables" folder into "your account name" folder.
  (overwrite "SavedVariables" folder)
4. Start World of Warcraft.
5. Before logging in make sure all the addons are activated correctly.
6. Login and set-up next things.
 - Game Menu>Interface>ActionBars>Uncheck "Rightbars"
 - Game Menu>Interface>AddOns(Tab)>Dominos>Profiles>Click arcDefault Setting and Click Copy button.
  If you changed oUF_diablo\core.lua PLAYER Scale 0.8 or 0.9, choose arcDefault8 or 9.
 - GameMenu>Interface>AddOns(Tab)>TidyPlates>Choose arcTheme.
 - Typing "/diablo config" and set Orb Value.
  Default settings doesn't show orb values.
  I planted 3D orb settings in Load template.(for 1920x1080)
  If you changed PLAYER Scale, choose arcDefault8 or 9.
7. Just enjoy.

You can choose scale of mainorb&arts.
Open "Interface\AddOns\oUF_diablo\config.lua" file.
(line 45)
player = {
show = true,
scale = 1, --1=D3 original size, 0.9=arv size, 0.8=Roth UI size.
And arcUI doesn't support about mainorb&arts movement.

Dominos - move the action bar
LootRollMover - move the loot roll window
ncImprovedMerchant - sells gray items automatically on vendor visit
oUF - unit framework
oUF_diablo - Diablo flavoured oUF layout
rActionButtonStyler(for Dominos) - styles the action buttons
RangeDisplay - simple range display
rBuffFrameStyler - styles the player auras
rChat - chat mod
rLib - library for rAddons
rMinimap - arcUI minimap
rPlayerPowerBarAlt - alternative power bar movable
rTooltip(with idTip) - simple tooltip mod
TidyPlates - nameplates
TidyPlates_arc - arcUI nameplates theme
tullaCC - cooldown count
tullaRange - out of range/out of mana coloring for action buttons

RealUI 8 (8.1 r7 c)

All Resolutions + Classes + Roles
Version 8.1 r7 c
Last Updated: 7 Nov
http://i.imgur.com/J7yhGCK.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=163")http://i.imgur.com/TLWlXGM.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/addfav16068")http://i.imgur.com/r3N332E.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#donate")http://i.imgur.com/GwIpXfO.png ("http://youtu.be/gvI9csxxMdY?t=59s")


http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter being replaced with PhanxChat - be sure to delete the Chatter folder when updating RealUI

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngNew Option: Reverse UF Bars - make health/power bars act like the default UI (ie. bars empty as you lose health)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.png6.0 is released, and RealUI is ready!!
http://i.imgur.com/gp7RoyI.pngSee the change log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=16068#changelog") for a full list of what has changed.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRealUI has its own forum! ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=163")

Installation / Updates

You won't need to rename any folders.
Installation is a simple 1-click install process.

New Installation / Minor (8.#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Move your current WTF and Interface folders to a backup folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngIf you are updating, moving the WTF folder is not needed.

http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 2: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out what has changed.

Revision (r#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMake sure to overwrite all existing files and folders.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out which addons have been modified.


Do Not Update:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (you may update the individual Grid2 modules, but not the Grid2 folder itself)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSharedMedia + SharedMedia_MyMedia

AddOns Included:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBadBoy (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=8736)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBartender4 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/bartender4/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chatter)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClique (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5108-Clique.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngEasy Mail (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/easymail)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFreebTip ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12912-FreebTip.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFoglight ("www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21830-Foglight.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/grid2/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngKuiNameplates ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19390-KuiNameplates.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMasque (http://www.wowace.com/addons/masque/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMikScrollingBattleText (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRaven (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18242-Raven.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSkada (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html)

Optional AddOns:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBagSync ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15351-BagSync.html") - Tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in item tooltips.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClean Icons - Thin (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19844-CleanIcons-Thin.html) - Enhances the appearance of WoW's in-game icons.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngDeadly Boss Mods ("http://dev.deadlybossmods.com/downloads.php") - Dungeon/Raid encounter timers and alerts.

Unit Frames


A special thanks goes out to all addon authors, users of RealUI and the WoW Interface community for all their support.
I've learned a lot from all of you, and RealUI wouldn't be possible without you.

Qulight UI (5.5.8a)

NEW Site UI (http://qulightui.org/)

Qulight UI in Action(Youtube) (http://www.youtube.com/user/Qulight?feature=mhee)


1. Clean your "Interface/AddOns folder;
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder/Interface/Addons;

1. Удалитьсодержимое"Interface/AddOns";
2. Распаковатьархивв WoW/Interface/Addons;

Slash commands:

/rl, .кд; - Reload UI;
/ticket, /gm, /гм; - GM frame.
/hb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/wf - Quest tracker mover.
/frame - Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame.

/config - In-game UI config.
/ui - ingame command for change all UI positions.
/ui reset - Set default UI positions.


QulightUI - It is the main addon and it includes - dNamePlates, Stuffing, FreebTip, m_Buff, omniCC, Class Timer, rActionBarStyler, Datatext(Bags, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, System, Time), qMinimap, qChat, ncHoverBind, oUF+oUF_Qulight, Filger, aLoad, MarkBar, Mapster, qChatBar, raidUtility, tullaRange, m_Loot, ncCooldownFlash, aMail, Reminder, RaidBuffReminder, BigWigs_skin, DBM_skin, DXE_skin, KLE_skin, Omen_skin, PallyPower_skin, Quartz_skin, Recount_skin, Skada_skin.

Qulight_ConfigUI - in game configuration.

Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) - is an addon which reskins the default Blizzard frames to a smooth, minimalistic theme which is consistent across the entire UI.

Recount, Omen, KLE, DXE, BigWigs, Quartz, Skada, DBM, Pally Power are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.


Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz.

DuffedUI v8 (8.03)

DuffedUI v8

After a long absence here on WoWInterface, DuffedUI is also available here again.
DuffedUI is a minimalistic interface which is based on Tukui. In addition to the already existing modules, DuffedUI brings his own.

and many more

The interface is optimized for a resolution of 1920x1080, but it's no problem to use it on lower resolution.


The installation is done by a separate script which is called at the first login. The installation must be carried out once for each character and following the UI is ready for use.
Should we do it again to install the new interface, you can do this with the two commands /install or /reset.

Available Commands

/install => installed the interface
/reset => reset the Interface
/moveui => place interface elements
/kb => set KeyBinds

Reporting Bugs & Suggestions

Bug Reporting => TicketTracker ("http://duffed.net/tickets/") (needs registration for postings)
Suggestions => Forum for Suggestions ("http://duffed.net/forums/feature-suggestions/5/") (needs registration for postings) or here in the comments

Have Fun & Enjoy :)

RealUI 8 (8.1 r7 d)

All Resolutions + Classes + Roles
Version 8.1 r7 d
Last Updated: 8 Nov
http://i.imgur.com/J7yhGCK.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=163")http://i.imgur.com/TLWlXGM.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/addfav16068")http://i.imgur.com/r3N332E.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#donate")http://i.imgur.com/GwIpXfO.png ("http://youtu.be/gvI9csxxMdY?t=59s")


http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter being replaced with PhanxChat - be sure to delete the Chatter folder when updating RealUI

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngNew Option: Reverse UF Bars - make health/power bars act like the default UI (ie. bars empty as you lose health)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.png6.0 is released, and RealUI is ready!!
http://i.imgur.com/gp7RoyI.pngSee the change log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=16068#changelog") for a full list of what has changed.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRealUI has its own forum! ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=163")

Installation / Updates

You won't need to rename any folders.
Installation is a simple 1-click install process.

New Installation / Minor (8.#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Move your current WTF and Interface folders to a backup folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngIf you are updating, moving the WTF folder is not needed.

http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 2: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out what has changed.

Revision (r#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMake sure to overwrite all existing files and folders.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out which addons have been modified.


Do Not Update:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (you may update the individual Grid2 modules, but not the Grid2 folder itself)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSharedMedia + SharedMedia_MyMedia

AddOns Included:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBadBoy (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=8736)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBartender4 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/bartender4/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chatter)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClique (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5108-Clique.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngEasy Mail (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/easymail)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFreebTip ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12912-FreebTip.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFoglight ("www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21830-Foglight.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/grid2/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngKuiNameplates ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19390-KuiNameplates.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMasque (http://www.wowace.com/addons/masque/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMikScrollingBattleText (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRaven (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18242-Raven.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSkada (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html)

Optional AddOns:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBagSync ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15351-BagSync.html") - Tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in item tooltips.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClean Icons - Thin (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19844-CleanIcons-Thin.html) - Enhances the appearance of WoW's in-game icons.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngDeadly Boss Mods ("http://dev.deadlybossmods.com/downloads.php") - Dungeon/Raid encounter timers and alerts.

Unit Frames


A special thanks goes out to all addon authors, users of RealUI and the WoW Interface community for all their support.
I've learned a lot from all of you, and RealUI wouldn't be possible without you.

Towelliee's Tank UI / LUI 1920x1080 (3.0.7)

Hey all this is Towelliee on Stormrage

For the ElvUI version of my UI click HERE ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info23265-TowellieesTankUIElvUI1920x1080.html")

My UI is a mix of LUI http://www.wow-lui.com and other addons. But mainly credit goes out to Loui. I been using LUI since it came out and I have never looked back. As much as I tried to see if there was something better out there, there never was(list of addons in this pack at the bottom).

**The Towelliee's UI Installer ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22150-TowellieesUIToonsetuptool.html#info") Has been updated **

You can now post UI question's on Towelliee's UI Forum ("http://forums.towelliee.com/threads/towelliees-wow-ui.211/") thread.

UI Installer V1.0.0.5 Added option to copy back your previous keybinds/macros from the backup made by the Clean Install option.
It is highly recommended not to delete or move your WTF folder if you want to use this feature.
It's Best to just make a copy of the WTF folder you want to back it up yourself.

Installer/Game Instructions

Step 1 : MOVE the INTERFACE/FONTS folder out of the WoW folder. We need the WoW folder to not have the 2 folders inside.
Step 2 : Copy the Contents of the Zip file into the WoW folder (overwrite if asked).
Step 3 : Download the toon setup tool from HERE ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22150-TowellieesUIToonsetuptool.html#info") and put the exe file in your wow folder(where wow.exe is).
Step 4 : run Towelliee.exe (the Toon setup installer) from your wow folder, and select the appropriate install type, for initial install it is recommended to do a Clean Install (some installer info below).
Step 5 : Once you're in game just click that HAMMERS UP!!! button.
Step 6 : Quit the game completely before doing additional Toon setup.

If you are having issues getting your toon setup run the toon installer as admin
(right click towelliee.exe -> run as administrator)

The ui install instruction video on youtube is obsolete, do not use it as instructions to install the current UI verions

Installer Info
you have 3 install types to choose from, press the ? button for details about them.
the installer will detect if it's in the correct location, if it's not you will get errors when trying to choose account
When in the correct location you will be able to choose the account/server/toon from a list of previously played characters on this wow installation
(if a toon is not listed, log on to it, then exit the game)

Addons in this pack:
WeakAuras 2

ViksUI (5.05)


ViksUI is a fully functional UI replacement for WOW and is based around oUF layout. The unitframe changes based on raidsize. This UI is tweaked for 1920x1080.

The UI started long time ago as Qulight UI, and have been heavily rewritten by me. So most of the Credit goes to Qulight. Lately i have gotten alot of ideas from ShestakUI, and with permision i have used alot of the codes.

The UI is based on my likings so it will not change alot, but i try to add options to change most. Like turning off panels, change colors and fonts.

Some things included in ViksUI:

Addon Skins - DBM, Pallypower,Skada,Recount,Omen,Quartz,Bigwigs,DXE,ExtraButton
Announcements options - Enemy Drinking, Interupts, Casting, Lightwell, Toys, Thanks, Pull Count, Using Flask, Announce Feasts/Souls/Repair +++
Auras/Buffs/Debuffs options - Full customizing, can cancel by rightclick, track who cast buff+++
Automation options - Auto Equip Chef's Hat/Safari Hat, Set role, Sell grey, Autorepair+++
Bag options - customize size, search, sort and Stacking (Right click on X button for menu)
Combat text - xCT integrated into UI.
Cooldown Flash - Flash icon when Spell is ready after use.
Enemy cooldowns - Track enemys cd in BG or arena.
Error options - Filters away some error messages.
Datatext - Arena, Armor, Avoidance, Bags, Battleground, Crit, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, Haste, Hit, location, Mastery, Power, Regen, System (Fps, Ms & MB), Talent, Time
Loot and Roll Frames - Custom frames with automation options like AutoGreed/Disenchant Green items.
Top Panel / Info Frame - Mouseover panel with main stats and buttons for toggle helm/cloak
Map options - Turn off fog, % explored and % quest done in zone+
Raid cooldowns - Tracks raid players CD. Left click to announce and right click to remove.
Pulse cooldowns - Pulsate spell icon when cd is over.
Buffs reminder - Buff reminders for solo and raid
Stats options - Different stats options. Still under work
raidframes - oUF raid frames with dynamic size based on raid size
unitframes - oUF unitframes with most needed information and good overview.
nameplate - Fully customizable nameplate with castbar. Built inn "healer has to die" for pvp
minimap - Custom minimap with quick menu (yellow icon) and right click menu.
tooltip - Custom tooltip with extended information like iLvl and tallentspec
XPBar - Custom XP bar with extended information detail.
Miscellaneous - Alot of small tweaks like gem counter, markbar+++ Realy to much to write :)
Chat - Fully adapted and tweaked chat.
World Boss kill tracker - Track what world bosses your char have killed this week when mouseover the clock under minimap.
Skins - Skinning of Blizzard frames and many other. NB! Keep using the Addon skins over this!

Quest automation: Gossip Skip, Auto Accept, Turnins. Shift Click to override.
Mage Portals: Left click for Teleport, Right Click for Portal.
Raid Utility: Left Click for Menu, Right Click for Ready Check, Middle click for Rolecheck.
Aligment Grid: /align
One click DE/Milling/Prospecting by holding Alt button in and click on item.
Shift+Righclick on item on AH for direct Buyout


/cfg - Open interface settings.
/ui - Moving interface elements.
/rl - Reload interface.
/rc - Make readycheck.
/gm - Open gm frame.
/role - Check party/raid roles.
/rd - Disband party or raid.
/convert - Convert to party or raid.
/uihelp - Description of commands.
/resetui - Resetting general settings to default.
/resetuf - Resetting unit frames positions to default.
/resetconfig - Reset ShstakUI_Config settings.
/resetstats - Resetting statistics of gold and time spent.
/settings msbt - Type /settings msbt, to apply the settings MSBT.
/settings dbm - Type /settings dbm, to apply the settings DBM.
/settings bartender - Type /settings bartender, to apply the settings Bartender (Must reselect profiles after).
/settings skada - Type /settings skada, to apply the settings Skada.
/settings all - Type /settings all, to apply the settings for all modifications.
/litestats - Help for LiteStats.
/dbmtest - DBM test mode.
/raidcd - Raid cooldowns test.
/testuf - UF test.
/bags - Managing bags.
/xct - Manage combat text.
/tach - Test Blizzard's announce window.
/teb - Test and move Blizzard Extra Action Button.
/testroll - Test group roll.
/ss - Switching talent spec.
/farmmode or /fm - Increases the minimap.
/align - Grid alignment interface.

Addons i also use / Recomend:

Combuctor - Bag addon ("http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/combuctor/")
Deadly Boss Mode ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8814-DeadlyBossMods.html")


Delete/backup your current UI. (Updating to v5, then you should fully delete ViksUI folders due to big changes to files, also removed alot unused media files)
Copy all from archive to your World of Warcraft folder(Interface\AddOns\).

For first time install pr wow account setup.

Close Skada window
Click Accept on First tim on ViksUI.
Click Damage or Healer (Not added yet so no changes)
Click Accept on DBM Settings (if installed). By default skinning off DBM is enabled.
type: /settings all (NB! Only first time pr account, resets bartender layout)

Settings pr character:

Select bartender profile type: /vbt

Tip for WoD: The Garrison special ability button, drag the button to action bar to remove texture!

Not installed correctly and/or had it previously installed.
Type: /installui
Type: /settings all

If errors with click2cast or simular. Try to remove (and take backup) the ViksUI.lua and Viks_ConfigUI.lua. Both under \Account\YOURACCOUNTNAME\SavedVariables and under \Account\YOURACCOUNTNAME\REALM\CHARACTERNAME\SavedVariables
These errors normaly comes when not cleaning fully up before upgrading to Version 5.

Updating to V5 - See Setup! ONLY WORK ON PATCH 6/WoDFrom Version 5.03 Masque_Viks is no longer needed. So delete the folder if had previous install of addon.

Ingame Settings
http://aktivportal.com/viksui/vid2.jpg ("http://youtu.be/yf3HnWmCTxc")

Simple Movie Showing the simple basic for firsttimers.
http://aktivportal.com/viksui/vid1.jpg ("http://youtu.be/rzTpT-vTEsU")

YouTube Vid: Showing different stuff in UI (Old). ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn0gsAHTcYs&feature=g-upl")

Look through the /config for more settings.
The text under the minimap toggles different stuff :)

Misc Stuff:

Ctrl+Alt+Shift + Mouse click on target/raid frame to set/clear focus.

Inspiration for few things:

Qulight UI for the addon pack thats inspired from Tukz again.
oUF_Karma MOP inspired the Font, Rest/Combat icon.
Tukz for different spec bars in MOP

Credits to: Qulight, Haste, Tukz, Unkn, myno, hankthetank, Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, nibelheim, bachlott, Neal, ballagarba, Shestak

Stuff todo:
Updating/adding more MOP spells to Class Timer
Cleaning up the code more
Better layout switch on raidframes (Dps/Heal)
Fix broken parts (Disabled stuff)

arcUI (603d)

This is my Diablo3 Reaper of Souls themed interface for World of Warcraft.
It's based on Roth UI ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info9175-RothUIDiablo.html").

When you have problem, visit Roth UI page.
There is FAQ and helpful informations.
It's almost same addon.

And my English is not so good.
If you question me, maybe can't understand.
Post me a screenshot, it would be helpful.

0. Backup your "Interface" and "WTF" folder. (copy it somewhere save.)
1. Delete "Interface" folder. (do not delete "WTF" folder.)
2. Extract arcUI files into your World of Warcraft folder.(overwrite "WTF" folder.)
3. Open "WTF\Account" folder and drag "SavedVariables" folder into "your account name" folder.
  (overwrite "SavedVariables" folder)
4. Start World of Warcraft.
5. Before logging in make sure all the addons are activated correctly.
6. Login and set-up next things.
 - Game Menu>Interface>ActionBars>Uncheck "Rightbars"
 - Game Menu>Interface>AddOns(Tab)>Dominos>Profiles>Click arcDefault Setting and Click Copy button.
  If you changed oUF_diablo\core.lua PLAYER Scale 0.8 or 0.9, choose arcDefault8 or 9.
 - GameMenu>Interface>AddOns(Tab)>TidyPlates>Choose arcTheme.
 - Typing "/diablo config" and set Orb Value.
  Default settings doesn't show orb values.
  I planted 3D orb settings in Load template.(for 1920x1080)
  If you changed PLAYER Scale, choose arcDefault8 or 9.
7. Just enjoy.

You can choose scale of mainorb&arts.
Open "Interface\AddOns\oUF_diablo\config.lua" file.
(line 45)
player = {
show = true,
scale = 1, --1=D3 original, 0.9=arv, 0.8=Roth UI scales.
And arcUI doesn't support about mainorb&arts movement.

Dominos - move the action bar
LootRollMover - move the loot roll window
ncImprovedMerchant - sells gray items automatically on vendor visit
oUF - unit framework
oUF_diablo - Diablo flavoured oUF layout
rActionButtonStyler(for Dominos) - styles the action buttons
RangeDisplay - simple range display
rBuffFrameStyler - styles the player auras
rChat - chat mod
rLib - library for rAddons
rMinimap - arcUI minimap
rPlayerPowerBarAlt - alternative power bar movable
rTooltip(with idTip) - simple tooltip mod
TidyPlates - nameplates
TidyPlates_arc - arcUI nameplates theme
tullaCC - cooldown count
tullaRange - out of range/out of mana coloring for action buttons
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