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Wullie's UI (5.4.27)

Wullie's UI

Patch 5.4 Ready!

This is my UI which is mainly focused around healing (my main is a holy paladin), however I've found it also works great as DPS or as a tank.

The UI is based around 1920x1080 resolution although it works with most resolutions.

You can see my UI in action on YouTube ("http://www.youtube.com/user/Saltire35/videos?sort=dd&flow=grid&page=1&view=0") or live on TwitchTV ("http://www.twitch.tv/saltire35").

All credit goes to the individual addon authors, without them this UI would not have been possible.

Installation Instructions:

1. Make a backup of your WTF, Interface & Fonts (if you have one) folders.
2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.
3. Go into the WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called YOURACCOUNTNAME to your own account name all in caps.
4. Enter the YOURACCOUNTNAME folder and change the folder called YourServer into your server name.
5. Enter the YourServer folder and change the folder YourCharacter into your character name.
6. Put my WTF, Fonts and Interface folder in the place where your own folders used to be.
7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".
8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:
/vd opt and select the Tools tab and then choose profile Wullie from the drop down menu.
/bar and select profile Wulliee-Draenor.
/raven and select profile Wulliee-Draenor.
Frequently Asked Questions:

1. I am based in USA, how can I make your UI work on my server?

Open the new WTF folder and edit Config.wtf using notepad. Find the line that says (SET locale "****") and make it say (SET locale "enUS") and save.
2. How do I move the mouseover tooltip?
Use MoveAnything, search on tooltip, click tooltip and move it to where you want.
Addons Used:

AdiBags ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/adibags")
AtlasLoot ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/atlasloot-enhanced")
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator")
Bartender4 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bartender4")
BugSack ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bugsack")
ChinchillaMiniMap ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chinchilla")
GTFO ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gtfo")
Masque ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/masque")
MoveAnything ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything")
NeedToKnow ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/need-to-know")
Omen ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/omen-threat-meter")
Postal ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/postal")
Quartz ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/quartz")
RaidSlackCheck ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raidslackcheck")
Raven ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raven")
RSA ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rsa")
ShadowedUnitFrames ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadowed-unit-frames")
Skada ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/skada")
TidyPlates ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tidy-plates")
TipTac ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tip-tac")
TitanPanel ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/titan-panel")
VoiceEncounterMods(VEM) ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/dbm-voice-enhanced")
VuhDo ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/vuhdo")
WeakAuras 2 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/weakauras-2")
WhisperWhisper ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/broker_whisperwhisper")

This is for everyone that has asked about my User Interface. If you wish to speak to me in-game, you can find me at Wulliee ("http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/wulliee/advanced") - Draenor (EU)(Horde).

If you have have any problems with the installation or have any questions you'd like to ask, please post in the comments section ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21036-WulliesUI1920x1080HealingampDPS.html#comments") and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Supervillain UI (3.99b)


A full comic-book themed UI suite!


To install: Open the downloaded zip file and drop all
containing folders into your install directory
(ie.. "C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/").
Be sure that the 2 addons are enabled from your character select screen.
TO CONFIGURE: Type /sv or /svui for easy game configs!
You can access quick config options by clicking the "Henchman" icon
on the bottom right of the screen (second from the right).

Excezzy UI 5.4 (5.4.3)

Excezzy UI 5.4 www.excezzylive.com

ElvUI is no longer included in this UI pack. You must download and install ElvUI from http://www.tukui.org/dl.php ("http://www.tukui.org/dl.php")

Included Addons
Stormlash Addon
and and and ...


Back up your Interface and WTF folders. After that delete the files from your world of warcraft folder.
Download and exctract those folders from ExcezzyUI and put them into your World of Warcraft folder.
Open the WTF folder and rename the following :

YOUR ACCOUNTNAME (not your Email)=> to your account name.
YOUR SERVERNAME => to your server name.
YOUR CHARACTERNAME => to your character name.

Before your first login
Log into your WOW ACCOUNT (not your character) and make sure to check "LOAD OUT OF DATE ADDONS" (just as a precaution, some addons may be out of date due to being older, but still function)

After your first login
Type /ec. A menu will appear. Verify that the UI scale is where you want it. You can either select UI scale, or Auto UI Scale (I use AutoUI Scale)
Type /moveui to move Elements of the UI (Minimap, Actionbars, Unit Frames, etc)
Important: Load "Profil" Excezzy for the Shaman setting.
Important: Load "Profil" Excezzy for the Addonsettings (xCT/ExtraCD/BigWigs/Skada...

More on Usage
Go read the Tukui Faq. It has a lot of awesome features.
Generally by clicking on specific items (Guild, Friends, Time, etc) will open a menu. For the micro-menu, MIDDLECLICK on the minimap.

Thanks to all the authors of the listed programs, and a special thanks to Affinitii, Elv22 and Tukz for the original layout. Visit them at Tukui.org

Al_UI (1.0)


- Back up your Interface, WTF and Fonts folders
- Extract the folders inside the Zip into your wow directory
- Rename the ACCOUNTNAME, SERVERNAME and CHARACTERNAME folders inside the WTF folder accordingly
- Load the Default profile for Grid, Skada and Big Wigs

Important Commands

- /config and /ui to edit the unitframe settings/positions
- /grid
- /movebuffs to move the buffs



This is still an early version of the UI, bugs and errors included. I'll fix bugs that I find or are reported by users when I can.


Supervillain UI (3.992)


A full comic-book themed UI suite!


To install: Open the downloaded zip file and drop all
containing folders into your install directory
(ie.. "C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/").
Be sure that the 2 addons are enabled from your character select screen.
TO CONFIGURE: Type /sv or /svui for easy game configs!
You can access quick config options by clicking the "Henchman" icon
on the bottom right of the screen (second from the right).

MayronUI Gen3 (3.4.0)

MayronUI Gen3 - Version 3.4.0 will be Officially Available for Download soon!

http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/852/0d1z.png (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHeD1CFC_SM)

Important General Information:
o Supported Resolution Types:
1920x1080, 1680x1050, 1600x900, 1440x900, 1366x768, 1280x1024 and 1280x800.

It is possible for this UI to work with other resolution types that are not listed above. Some addons might be out of position but you can easily move them manually yourself. Below is the list of those addons and how to gain access to their configuration menu using their slash commands:

Classtimers (Timers on top of unit frames) - "/classtimer"
Quartz (Cast Bars) - "/quartz"

o Supports updates via Curse Client!

o Suitable for Tanks, Healers and DPS for all purposes whether that is PVP, PVE or Questing! Supports all Classes as well as the use of other updated addons to go with the UI Pack. All addons can be removed or replaced except for Bartender4.

o Remember that you need to press the Add Favorite button at the top right of this page to receive a notification message on this website for when new future updates are available for this UI Pack! It will appear as an indicator next to your Username on the top navigation bar.

o With the new update, you need to press and hold the Control Key while out of combat to see the Expand and Retract button. Also you can press and hold the Control or Shift key while out of combat to see 3 new buttons ontop of the Chat box!

o All addOns can have their profiles altered and switched. All addons can be removed except for Bartender4 and MayronUI. You can disable The Layout Switch button from altering a specific addOn's profile in the Core.lua file where the MayronUI Options are kept. You can also stop an addon from moving when you press the Expand/Retract button here as well!

o For MayronUI Gen3 specific Options, please take a look at the built in-game config menu by using "/mui config". There is a ton of options there to alter all the core features with the UI.

o If you find any bugs or want to submit any feedback then please leave comments!

o Please help by spreading the word about this UI by recommending it to your guild members and friends or even by posting screen shots or recommending it on other UI forums! Thank you :)

o I overwork myself with this UI and spend countless hours working with new updates and trying to make many new exciting updates. I do not currently have a job as I am at College so if you choose to donate I would be extremely grateful! It is very rare that I receive any and even the smallest amount can make a big impact. Thank you very much for using my UI and reading this :)

https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/GB/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UVLA8LJWLQXP6)


Special Features:

http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw61707_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw61707.jpg) http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw61763_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw61763.jpg) http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw61706_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw61706.jpg)

MayronUI Options are in-game through "/mui config":

http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw61984_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw61984.jpg)

How to install:
1. Back up your old WTF, Interface and/or fonts folder and delete your current fonts folder if you have one and/or Interface folder.

2. Download and Extract the UI Pack and place the Interface and fonts folder inside your World of Warcraft folder. You can add addOns you wish to keep from your old Interface folder into the new one if you wish.

Warning: If you have used an old version of MayronUI before then you should delete the kgPanels addOn if you still have that and not reuse it.

3. Load World of Warcraft, Login and then on the character selection menu, turn on all addons in the addon menu and tick "Load out of date addons" if it has not been checked.

4. Enter the world with any character you wish and press the INSTALL button on the dialogue box.

5. The UI does not support individual Class Specific addOns and the Shadowed Unit Frames do not handle them well either so I recommend taking a look at the 'recommended extra addOns' list below. For example, the Death Knight rune bar is not included in the UI back as well as any Boss Mods.

Recommended Extra Addons: Boss Mods:
Deadly Boss Mods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
BigWigs ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/big-wigs")

Recommended Extra Addons: Class Specific Mods:
Balance Power Tracker ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18000-BalancePowerTracker.html") - For Balance Druids Only
Shields Up ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shieldsup") - For Restoration Shamans
Rune It All ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/runeitall") For Death Knights (The Rune Bar)
NugComboBar (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info6308-NugComboBar.html) or rClassBars (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22591-rClassBars.html) - Resource tracking for all classes!
TotemTimers (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/totemtimers) - Totem Bar for Shamans!

Recommended Extra Addons: General Use:
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator") - Auction House addon

UI Tips:
o You can gain quick access to both the install window or the bonus features window by typing "/mui install" or "/mui bonus".

o The button on the left of the Chat box will have a D for DPS Mode or H for Healer Mode. Simply click it to change between the two!

o Hold the Control Key to gain access to the Expand/Retract buttons.

o Hold the Control or Shift Key to gain access to 6 new buttons attached to the Chat Box.

o You can turn off Class Colors, set the layout to Classic mode (symmetrical background behind the unit frames without the need to have the Target/Focus frame showing) and enable the bottom left chat box art which also moves around the UI to suit the new chat box position. To do any of this, go to the Bonus Features menu by typing "/mui bonus".

o You can disable UI elements from automatically moving when you press the Expand/Retract button or disable certain addOns from profile switching when you press the Layout Switch button in the Chat Art. To do this go into the MayronUI Core Options located in the MayronUI/Core.lua file.

o If you disable class colors in the "/mui bonus" menu you can then alter the default "custom color" for the panels inside the "/mui config" menu.

Useful Slash Commands:
/mui config - Opens up the in-game MayronUI options menu which controls most of the core features in the UI
/mui install - Opens up the Mayron Setup Window (older versions use "/install")
/mui bonus - Opens up the Bonus Features Window (older versions use "/bonus")
/mui reset - Resets the MayronUI Profile so that the next time you install the UI with "/mui install", all the default MayronUI settings will be reinstalled. This will remove all of your changes you have made to AddOns that are included with the UI Pack. Note that this does not affect any AddOns you have installed as extras that are not apart of the MayronUI Pack.
/rl - Reloads the UI
/ltp - This opens up Leatrix Plus which contains very useful general settings. Worth looking through.
/suf - Settings for the Unit Frames (Shadowed Unit Frames)
/bar - Bartender Settings (Action Bars)
/classtimer - Settings for the timers on the top of the palyer and target frame - You can remove and add additional timers through this.
/align - Places a Grid over the screen so that you can align UI elements easily.


Credit goes to the authors of these addons below as well as to Phanx (http://phanx.net/addons/) for not just making the Grid raid frames addOn used in this Pack but for making the Bonus Features menu possible and for teaching me many things along the way!

Credit goes to Aeger (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22493-aegerUI.html) who has helped me out tremendously by making it possible to not have to use the old WTF folder renaming method for installing the UI. This has opened up many doors for the future. Also he re-wrote most of the code in the process and went above and beyond for this UI. I highly recommend checking out his UI.

Credit goes to zork (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/author-101381.html) for helping me on the forums by showing a sample of code which inspired me and set me in the right direction for animating my UI to move UI elements smoothly.

Addon List:

o For MayronUI Gen3 specific Options, please take a look at the built in-game config menu by using "/mui config". There is a ton of options there to alter all the core features with the UI.

o It is recommended to not update these addOns as you will remove any modifications to their code:
!ClassColors - Must be enabled for MayronUI to load. Gives support for altering class colors in-game.
Bagnon - Bag Addon

o Addons that are safe to update:

Most Important AddOns:

!NoTaint - Fixes taint issues which cause Blizzard functions to be blocked by addOns
AuraFrames - Buff and Debuff display addon
Bartender4 - Action Bars
ButtonFacade + Masque - Stylises buttons on action bars
Broker + Plugins - Data Bars
Bazooka - Used with Broker to display the pluggins
ClassTimer - Keeps track of important timers for in combat
Grid - Raid Frames
MayronUI - Contains all Core features in MayronUI and this Core addOn can be updated via the Curse Client!
nibChatTabs - Stylish tabs on the chat box
OmniCC - Displays cooldown timers over abilties on action bars
Quartz - Cast Bar Addon
Recount - Meter for damage, healing and much more
ShadowedUnitFrames - Unit Frame Addon
SLDataText - Data text Addon
Tidy Plates - Name Plates addon
Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - Name Plates addon plugin
TipTac - Tool Tip Addon

Least Important AddOns:

ACP - Addon Control Panel
Auction_Profit - Shows the total amount of gold profit on the Auction House window
BankStack - Sorts/Packs items in bags in a tidy order
ColorPickerPlus - Easier for picking colors when setting addons up
DragEmAll - Allows you to move the Blizzard Windows.
ErrorMonster - Reduces spam from error messages
eAlign - type "/align" ingame to display a grid
Leatrix_Plus - Contains a list of very useful settings (type /"ltp" to view them)
oGlow - Adds a glow to item icons to indicate rarity of items (such as purple for epics)
Postal - Mail box Addon for opening all mail at once
Parrot - Combat text Addon
Simple Power Bar - This adds a bar at the top of the UI for boss special power bars used in some encounters.
XLoot - Loot frame addon
XLootGroup - Better group loot frame

Q: How do I open up the Calendar?

A: You need to right click on the mini-map

Q: How do I add other buff/debuff timers to the class timers above the player and target frames?

A: Type "/classtimer" and press Timers on the left. If you find it in the lists in the Tabs tick it. If not then go on "Extras" and type the name of the buff/debuff and press enter.

Q: How can I get the Expand and Retract button to show in the latest update?

A: You need to press and hold the Control key while out of combat

Q: Why can I not see the Death Knight Rune Bar or the Balance Druid Tracker Bar?

A: I have taken the addons out of the UI that control this because I no longer wish to maintain them currently however if you read the UI installation instructions, I have placed links to where you can download them. You will need to set them up yourself. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Q: How do I turn off/on Auto Quest? Or how do I turn on auto repair?

A: That is controlled with Leatrix Plus as well as many other useful general settings. Type /ltp in game and in the Interactions, untick Auto Quest. Or in Automations, tick the Auto Repair box.

Q: How can I move the chat box and chat box art to the Bottom Left like in the screen shot?

A: Type "/mui bonus" and click on the Enable check box under the "Bottom Left Chant Box" image and sub title and then press confirm.

Q: How do you move the buffs and debuffs in the top right corner of the screen?

A: Type "/af" to get into the Aura Frames Configuration window and at the top right of the window's frame that shows up, next to the cross to close down the window there is a button on the left of it. If you click that, you can move the buffs and debuffs.

Q: The tooltip shows over my spells when I hover my mouse cursor over them, how can I move it to the Bottom Right corner like the other tooltips do?

A: Type "/tiptac" and go to the Anchors page from the list on the left. Where it says "Frame Tip Type" you will see a drop down menu on the right. Change it from "Mouse Anchor" to "Normal Anchor"

Follow me (Mayron) on Twitter to see what I'm up to!
Leave all questions about the UI for the UI comment section, not on Twitter! Thank you :)
http://www.stretford-end.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/twitter-button.png (https://twitter.com/MayronWoW)

https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/GB/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UVLA8LJWLQXP6)

By Mayron of Twisting Nether (EU)
Armory (http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/twisting-nether/Mayron/simple)

Supervillain UI (3.993)


A full comic-book themed UI suite!


To install: Open the downloaded zip file and drop all
containing folders into your install directory
(ie.. "C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/").
Be sure that the 2 addons are enabled from your character select screen.
TO CONFIGURE: Type /sv or /svui for easy game configs!
You can access quick config options by clicking the "Henchman" icon
on the bottom right of the screen (second from the right).

FragUI 3.0 **UPDATED FOR 5.3** (5.3)

FragUI 3.0

Compliation of Addons that Support the play of Feral Druids.
- Works at other classes too.



Wullie's UI (5.4.27)

Wullie's UI

Patch 5.4 Ready!

This is my UI which is mainly focused around healing (my main is a holy paladin), however I've found it also works great as DPS or as a tank.

The UI is based around 1920x1080 resolution although it works with most resolutions.

You can see my UI in action on YouTube ("http://www.youtube.com/user/Saltire35/videos?sort=dd&flow=grid&page=1&view=0") or live on TwitchTV ("http://www.twitch.tv/saltire35").

All credit goes to the individual addon authors, without them this UI would not have been possible.

Installation Instructions:

1. Make a backup of your WTF, Interface & Fonts (if you have one) folders.
2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.
3. Go into the WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called YOURACCOUNTNAME to your own account name all in caps.
4. Enter the YOURACCOUNTNAME folder and change the folder called YourServer into your server name.
5. Enter the YourServer folder and change the folder YourCharacter into your character name.
6. Put my WTF, Fonts and Interface folder in the place where your own folders used to be.
7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".
8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:
/vd opt and select the Tools tab and then choose profile Wullie from the drop down menu.
/bar and select profile Wulliee-Draenor.
/raven and select profile Wulliee-Draenor.
Frequently Asked Questions:

1. I am based in USA, how can I make your UI work on my server?

Open the new WTF folder and edit Config.wtf using notepad. Find the line that says (SET locale "****") and make it say (SET locale "enUS") and save.
2. How do I move the mouseover tooltip?
Use MoveAnything, search on tooltip, click tooltip and move it to where you want.
Addons Used:

AdiBags ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/adibags")
AtlasLoot ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/atlasloot-enhanced")
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator")
Bartender4 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bartender4")
BugSack ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bugsack")
ChinchillaMiniMap ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chinchilla")
GTFO ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gtfo")
Masque ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/masque")
MoveAnything ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything")
NeedToKnow ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/need-to-know")
Omen ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/omen-threat-meter")
Postal ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/postal")
Quartz ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/quartz")
RaidSlackCheck ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raidslackcheck")
Raven ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raven")
RSA ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rsa")
ShadowedUnitFrames ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadowed-unit-frames")
Skada ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/skada")
TidyPlates ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tidy-plates")
TipTac ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tip-tac")
TitanPanel ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/titan-panel")
VoiceEncounterMods(VEM) ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/dbm-voice-enhanced")
VuhDo ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/vuhdo")
WeakAuras 2 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/weakauras-2")
WhisperWhisper ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/broker_whisperwhisper")

This is for everyone that has asked about my User Interface. If you wish to speak to me in-game, you can find me at Wulliee ("http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/wulliee/advanced") - Draenor (EU)(Horde).

If you have have any problems with the installation or have any questions you'd like to ask, please post in the comments section ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21036-WulliesUI1920x1080HealingampDPS.html#comments") and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Tekagi UI (2.4)

Tekagi UI - Version 2.4 - Updated for 5.4

SUPPORTS RESOLUTIONS: 1920*1080 and 1680*1050.

Tekagi UI is a UI based on the popular DevlinUI. However, I did not simply download DevlinUI and make changes, I downloaded each addon individually and built the UI from the ground up with the Devlin style in mind, and combined his layout idea with some of my own. My focus is aimed at functionality from the point of view of a Tank in a 25 man raiding environment, but I am completely confident that the UI is perfectly compatible for use by the serious DPS player. I will also be working on creating a set of profiles specifically for healers.

I welcome feedback and suggestions, so post those, as well as any problems or bug reports in the comments section.


Installation Video ("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6xF4cW-Pxw")

Backup your WTF and Interface directories (And Fonts, if you have this directory).
Download the UI and extract my WTF, Fonts and Interface directories into your WoW installation directory.
Open the WTF directory and rename the USERNAME, REALM and CHARACTER directories to your WoW username, realm name and character name.
Login to your character and type /reflux switch TEKAGI (or /reflux switch TEKAGI1680 for 1680*1050 res)
Press ESC, go to Interface and then the addons tab (at the top left), choose MoveAnything, and set the profile to TEKAGI.

My macros are all gone! Tekagi, you scoundrel!

WoW provides you with 2 types of macro:

Character Specific Macros
Account-Wide Macros

Your account-wide macros are stored in macros-cache.old and macros-cache.txt in your WTF/Account/Username directory. You can copy your macro files from your WTF backup.

Your character specific macros are stored in macros-cache.old and macros-cache.txt in your WTF/Account/Username/Realm/Charactername directory. You can copy your macro files from your WTF backup.

Please exit the game before doing this.. If you do it while the game is open, the game will overwrite them when you next exit.

My Beloved WeakAuras are gone, GONE I TELL YOU!

Fear not! Follow this instructions to get your WeakAuras back!

Go to your WTF backup /Account/Username/SavedVariables directory
Copy WeakAuras.lua and WeakAuras.lua.bak
Go to your current WTF/Account/Username/SavedVariables directory
Paste WeakAuras.lua and WeakAuras.lua.bak (overwrite if it asks)

DISCLAIMER! My UI uses WeakAuras 2. If you were using the old WeakAuras before, this fix may not work. If it doesn't work, you will need to delete WeakAuras from my UI and put the old WeakAuras from your backup back into your addons folder. Then you can follow the instructions above again.

You should now have all of your WeakAuras back.

Addon List

Take a moment to thank the authors of the addons listed below for their awesome work and dedication to the WoW community.

Addon Control Panel
Clean Icons - Thin
ACP (Addon Control Panel)
Bartender 4
Masque - Caith
Masque - Darion
Masque Skinner: Blizz Buffs (folder named BlizzBuffsFacade).
Masque Skinner: ShadowedUF (foldernamed ShadoweUFFacade)
Prat 3
Raven - Now disabled by default. If you turn it on, please disabled BlizzBuffsFacade/Masque Skinner: Blizz Buffs
ReputationBars (tracks multiple rep gains - disabled by default)
RSA - Raeli's Spell Announcer
Shadowed UnitFrames
Simple Chi
Simple Combo Points
Simple Holy Poer
Simple Shaman Resources
WeakAuras 2
XPBarNone (XP Bar - Disabled by default)

You can safely update these Addons with your addon update software - if you can't find some of these with your update software, try searching wowinterface (or curse) for them

Towelliee's Tank UI / LUI 1920x1080 WS - 5.3 (3.0.4)

Hey all this is Towelliee on Stormrage

My UI is a mix of LUI http://www.wow-lui.com and other addons. But mainly credit goes out to Loui. I been using LUI since it came out and I have never looked back. As much as I tried to see if there was something better out there, there never was(list of addons in this pack at the bottom).

**The Towelliee's UI Toon setup tool ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22150-TowellieesUIToonsetuptool.html#info") is now a seperate download **

You can now post UI question's on Towelliee's UI Forum ("http://forums.towelliee.com/threads/towelliees-wow-ui.211/") thread.

Installer/Game Instructions

Step 1 : MOVE the INTERFACE/FONTS folder out of the WoW folder. We need the WoW folder to not have the 2 folders inside.
Step 2 : Copy the Contents of the Zip file into the WoW folder (overwrite if asked).
Step 3 : Download the toon setup tool from HERE ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22150-TowellieesUIToonsetuptool.html#info") and put the exe file in your wow folder(where wow.exe is).
Step 4 : run Towelliee.exe (the Toon setup installer) from your wow folder, and select the appropriate install type, for initial install it is recommended to do a Clean Install (some installer info below).
Step 5 : Once you're in game just click that HAMMERS UP!!! button.

If you are having issues getting your toon setup run the toon installer as admin
(right click towelliee.exe -> run as administrator)

The ui install instruction video on youtube is obsolete, do not use it as instructions to install the current UI verions

Installer Info
you have 3 install types to choose from, press the ? button for details about them.
the installer will detect if it's in the correct location, if it's not you will get errors when trying to choose account
When in the correct location you will be able to choose the account/server/toon from a list of previously played characters on this wow installation
(if a toon is not listed, log on to it, then exit the game)

Addons in this pack:

Group Calendar 4 (4.6.1)

About Group Calendar

Group Calendar provides an in-game calendar for planning, signing up, and managing events. It can be configured for single-guild use or for multi-guild alliances.

The user's manual can be found at http://wobbleworks.com/groupcalendar/manual/

Recent Changes

v4.5.1 Changes

* FEATURE: Added Isle of Conquest battleground
* FEATURE: Added Trial of the Champion dungeon
* FEATURE: Added Trial of the Crusader and Trial of the Grand Crusader raids
* BUGFIX: Corrected Maybe checkbox to send Maybe instead of Standby to the organizer

v4.5 Changes

* FEATURE: Added Ulduar and Ulduar (Heroic) event types
* FEATURE: Patch 3.1 compatible
* FEATURE: Edit tab automatically gives keyboard focus to the Title field
* BUGFIX: "Guild Members Only" checkbox no longer shows up when not in a guild

Supervillain UI (3.995)


A full comic-book themed UI suite!


To install: Open the downloaded zip file and drop all
containing folders into your install directory
(ie.. "C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/").
Be sure that the 2 addons are enabled from your character select screen.
TO CONFIGURE: Type /sv or /svui for easy game configs!
You can access quick config options by clicking the "Henchman" icon
on the bottom right of the screen (second from the right).

Hope UI Compilation (1.0)

Hope UI - Updated for 5.4

Version 1.0 The First of many to come


Hope UI is a UI based on the a Derevka Ui that I used to use back in Cataclysm. I did not download DerevkaUI and make changes, I downloaded each addon individually and built the UI from start to finish with the Derevka UI layout and added my own flare. This UI comes complete with UI layouts for every single class in the game. If you are anything like me you have multiple alt's and would like UI setups for each.

I welcome feedback and suggestions, as well as any issues you are having installing or bug reports in the comments as I will be checking weekly


Installation Video (http://youtu.be/8im83O675-Q)
I stress you should watch the video, it makes the process of installing seem-less.

Backup your WTF and Interface directories **I highly recommend this**
Download the UI and extract my WTF and Interface into a folder of your choice.
Then simply drag and drop the 2 files into you World of Warcraft folder.
Open the WTF directory and rename the YOURACCOUNTNAME, YOURSERVERNAME and CLASSNAME directories to your WoW username, realm name and character name.
Login to your character and type /reflux switch Priest, for different classes simply change priest to the class you want IE /reflux switch Mage Note: All profiles are case sensitive example: Priest, Mage Hunter, Warlock etc ect

WoW provides you with 2 types of macro:
Character Specific Macros
Account-Wide Macros

Your account-wide macros are stored in macros-cache.old and macros-cache.txt in your WTF/Account/Username directory. You can copy your macro files from your WTF backup.

Your character specific macros are stored in macros-cache.old and macros-cache.txt in your WTF/Account/Username/Realm/Charactername directory. You can copy your macro files from your WTF backup.

***Must not be logged into the game when you do this***

I like your weakauras but mine are better
Go to your WTF backup /Account/Username/SavedVariables directory
Copy WeakAuras.lua and WeakAuras.lua.bak
Go to your current WTF/Account/Username/SavedVariables directory
Paste WeakAuras.lua and WeakAuras.lua.bak (overwrite if it asks)

This UI uses WeakAuras 2. If you were using the old WeakAuras before, this WILL NOT not work. You will need to delete WeakAuras from my UI and put the old WeakAuras from your backup back into your addons folder. Then you can follow the instructions above again.

Addon List
I did not nor no how to design an addon, so thanks to all the developers bellow so a chellenged dude like me can do something cool!

Bartender 4

Peggle Add-on for WoW (v1.02c)

The Peggle Institute has opened a branch in Azeroth!

After we successfully brought the Bejeweled experience into WoW, the PopCap Guild decided to tackle another of our favorite things: Peggle.

We wanted something more competitive that we could use to settle loot disputes and challenge each other while we waited for that last raid member to log on. We've packed in some great touches for the add-on version of Peggle, and now it's ready to be shared with the world!

Features Include:
* Quick Play mode with 12 stages based on major locations in WoW.
* Two Peggle masters, alongside a Peggle Talent Tree!
* Duel Mode: Compete in a quick match against other players!
* Challenge Mode: Create custom leaderboards for friends and guildmates!
* /peggleloot: A hilarious new way to "roll" for loot! Best shot gets the item!
* Free! Yes, absolutely FREE!

How To Play: Peggle Add-on for WoW installs like any other mod.
Simply extract the file into your WoW Interface/Addons directory,
then launch WoW and type /peggle to play!

Birg's Shaman UI (1.0)

Not planning on updating or maintaining, take it as is.

Video of it in action:

Addons used:
Stuf UnitFrames

I recommend you download CleanIcons - Thin as it was too large to fit in here.

WeakAura strings:

Al_UI (1.1)


- Back up your Interface, WTF and Fonts folders
- Extract the folders inside the Zip into your wow directory
- Rename the ACCOUNTNAME, SERVERNAME and CHARACTERNAME folders inside the WTF folder accordingly
- Load the Default profile for Skada, Gnosis, ShadowedUF and Big Wigs

Important Commands

- /suf for unitframes
- /movebuffs to move the buffs



This is still an early version of the UI, bugs and errors included. I'll fix bugs that I find or are reported by users when I can.


Qulight UI (5.4.11)

NEW Site UI (http://qulightui.org/)

Qulight UI in Action(Youtube) (http://www.youtube.com/user/Qulight?feature=mhee)


1. Clean your "Interface/AddOns folder;
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder/Interface/Addons;

1. Удалитьсодержимое"Interface/AddOns";
2. Распаковатьархивв WoW/Interface/Addons;

Slash commands:

/rl, .кд; - Reload UI;
/ticket, /gm, /гм; - GM frame.
/hb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/wf - Quest tracker mover.
/frame - Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame.

/config - In-game UI config.
/ui - ingame command for change all UI positions.
/ui reset - Set default UI positions.


QulightUI - It is the main addon and it includes - dNamePlates, Stuffing, FreebTip, m_Buff, omniCC, Class Timer, rActionBarStyler, Datatext(Bags, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, System, Time), qMinimap, qChat, ncHoverBind, oUF+oUF_Qulight, Filger, aLoad, MarkBar, Mapster, qChatBar, raidUtility, tullaRange, m_Loot, ncCooldownFlash, aMail, Reminder, RaidBuffReminder, BigWigs_skin, DBM_skin, DXE_skin, KLE_skin, Omen_skin, PallyPower_skin, Quartz_skin, Recount_skin, Skada_skin.

Qulight_ConfigUI - in game configuration.

Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) - is an addon which reskins the default Blizzard frames to a smooth, minimalistic theme which is consistent across the entire UI.

Recount, Omen, KLE, DXE, BigWigs, Quartz, Skada, DBM, Pally Power are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.


Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz.

Towelliee's Tank UI / LUI 1920x1080 WS - 5.3 (3.0.4)

Hey all this is Towelliee on Stormrage

My UI is a mix of LUI http://www.wow-lui.com and other addons. But mainly credit goes out to Loui. I been using LUI since it came out and I have never looked back. As much as I tried to see if there was something better out there, there never was(list of addons in this pack at the bottom).

**The Towelliee's UI Toon setup tool ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22150-TowellieesUIToonsetuptool.html#info") is now a seperate download **

You can now post UI question's on Towelliee's UI Forum ("http://forums.towelliee.com/threads/towelliees-wow-ui.211/") thread.

Installer/Game Instructions

Step 1 : MOVE the INTERFACE/FONTS folder out of the WoW folder. We need the WoW folder to not have the 2 folders inside.
Step 2 : Copy the Contents of the Zip file into the WoW folder (overwrite if asked).
Step 3 : Download the toon setup tool from HERE ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22150-TowellieesUIToonsetuptool.html#info") and put the exe file in your wow folder(where wow.exe is).
Step 4 : run Towelliee.exe (the Toon setup installer) from your wow folder, and select the appropriate install type, for initial install it is recommended to do a Clean Install (some installer info below).
Step 5 : Once you're in game just click that HAMMERS UP!!! button.

If you are having issues getting your toon setup run the toon installer as admin
(right click towelliee.exe -> run as administrator)

The ui install instruction video on youtube is obsolete, do not use it as instructions to install the current UI verions

Installer Info
you have 3 install types to choose from, press the ? button for details about them.
the installer will detect if it's in the correct location, if it's not you will get errors when trying to choose account
When in the correct location you will be able to choose the account/server/toon from a list of previously played characters on this wow installation
(if a toon is not listed, log on to it, then exit the game)

Addons in this pack:

RealUI 8 (8.0 r28)


All Resolutions - All Classes - All Roles

* *

Version 8.0 r28
Last Updated: 8 April

New: Large HuD option

Change HuD size via the /realui > Positions config panel
Increases the size of Unit Frames, Cast Bars and Class Resource tracking (Eclipse, Vengeance, Runes, etc)
Size comparison: Link ("http://i.imgur.com/gvXszVg.jpg")


You won't need to rename any folders.
Installation is a simple 1-click install process.

New Installation Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Move your current WTF and Interface folders to a backup folder.
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 2: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

Revision (r#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMake sure to overwrite all existing files and folders.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out which addons have been modified.


Do Not Update:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (you may update the individual Grid2 modules, but not the Grid2 folder itself)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSharedMedia + SharedMedia_MyMedia

AddOns Included:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAddon Control Panel (http://www.wowace.com/addons/acp/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBadBoy (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=8736)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBartender4 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/bartender4/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chatter)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClique (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5108-Clique.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngEasy Mail (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/easymail)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFreebTip ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12912-FreebTip.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFoglight ("www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21830-Foglight.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/grid2/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngKuiNameplates ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19390-KuiNameplates.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMasque (http://www.wowace.com/addons/masque/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMikScrollingBattleText (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRaven (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18242-Raven.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSkada (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html)

Optional AddOns:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBagSync ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15351-BagSync.html") - Tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in item tooltips.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClean Icons - Thin (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19844-CleanIcons-Thin.html) - Enhances the appearance of WoW's in-game icons.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngDeadly Boss Mods ("http://dev.deadlybossmods.com/downloads.php") - Dungeon/Raid encounter timers and alerts.



A special thanks goes out to all addon authors, users of RealUI and the WoW Interface community for all their support.
I've learned a lot from all of you, and RealUI wouldn't be possible without you.
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