SoopUI 3 - Decadence
Release Candidate 2
The perfect balance of minimalist and comprehensive. A solution for tanks, raid leaders or anyone else that wants a clean, informative UI. Trying to juggle the roles of a tank and raid leader in a heroic raiding guild can be tough and many compilations just don't quite cut it. That's where SoopUI comes into play.
Please Remember: Bugs/Problems cannot be fixed unless you let me know!
Important: Do NOT update oUF_Mono or you'll run into issues
Sorry for the big update, but some issues needed to be addressed.
How to Install
1. Exit WoW
2. Navigate to your WoW directory and rename your Interface and WTF folder to InterfaceOld and WTFold.
3. Unpack the .zip
4. Copy the Interface, Fonts and the WTF folders from the zip to your WoW directory
5. Open the WTF folder go into 'Account' and do the following:
-- Change 'YOURACCOUNTNAME' to the name of your account (Its a number string)
-- Change 'YOURSERVER' to the name of your server
-- Change 'CHARACTERNAME' to your character's name
6. Launch WoW and log in
7. A window will pop up and ask if you wish to load SoopUI. Click Yes and it will reload your UI.
8. Type /vd opt and go to tools and select SoopUI as the default profile.
9. When it asks you if you wish to Copy Overwrite or Discard make sure to select Copy
Please, please, please start entirely fresh if you're upgrading from beta 1.
WeakAuras Strings
My Prot WeakAuras: http://pastebin.com/SvkDJt5U
My Fury WeakAuras: http://pastebin.com/7kM7Ncz8
List of Addons Contained in this Compilation
Auction, Mail, and Inventory:
Auctionator Easy to use and very powerful auctioning tool.
AdiBags My personal favorite bag addon. Allows the creation of groups, automatic sorting, and much more.
EasyMail EasyMail is an addon from Cosmos, way back when WoW first came out. Simply one of the best.
Combat, Castbars, and Buffs:
BindPad Lets you keybind spells and abilities right from the Spell Book.
OmniCC Good looking and efficient timers for your abilities.
Quartz Extremely powerful castbar addon.
Raven Icons or bars keep you up to speed with whats happening. Highly customizable.
SimpleTauntAnnounce Lets you know when someone else taunts, and like the name says, announces when you taunt.
xCT+ - Lightweight, good looking alternative to MSBT. My personal favorite.
Raid Tools:
Angry Assignments I like to think of it as sticky notes for your screen. Lets you type out notes and send them to everyone in the group with the addon.
BigBrother Informs you of who in the group is well fed and flasked up.
BigWigs Reliable. Lightweight. Customizable. Personal preference, but I hate dbm.
DeathNote All the details you could ever want about what killed someone in your group. *Can get memory intensive if you do not clear the database*
GTFO - Plays sounds when youre standing in bad. It has proven itself valuable over and over again.
oRA3 Powerful raid assist addon. Allows you to check cooldowns, manage guild repairs and auto-promote/assign masterlooter.
Phoenix Style Announces failures, prepots, flasks and the like. Very powerful with lots of mods.
WeakAuras The most powerful, do everything addon for tracking.
wMarkers World Flares and Raid Target bar
Everything Else:
!ClassColors Assists with changing class colors so you dont cause a Blizzard bitch fit.
_NPCScan Rares, yo.
AddonLoader Loads certain addons only when needed.
Aurora - Visual modification
BadBoy Filters out bullsh*t from chat and allows you to easily report spammers.
BugSack/BugGrabber Catches all lua errors and can show or hide them.
ButtonFacade Stylize your buttons
Dominos Actionbars that are extremely customizable.
Ferous Media Textures, and the like.
kgPanels Custom frames which you can assign scripts to
kui Nameplates Lightweight, sexy, and customizable nameplates.
Masque aka ButtonFacade
MoveAnything Literally.
nibChatTabs Stylize and customize chat tabs
oUF Unit Frames
Prat4 - Chat module
RareCoordinator - Timeless Isle rare timer
RareSpawnOverlay - Shows where rares span on your map.
Reflux Profile management tool
Role Icons Self-explanatory
Skada Resource efficient, multi-window damage meter that can also display threat.
SLDataText Lightweight libDataBroker display. Similar to fubar or bazooka.
TomTom - Navigation tool, puts a nice arrow on the screen.
VuhDo Raid frames that are highly customizable, does anything youd want and ends up using less resources than Grid.
xLoot Lootframe stylizer
SoopUI 3: Decadence
+ Addon Manager: Enable or disable addons from inside the game by typing /aload.
+ In Game Frame Mover: Accessed by typing /ui
+ Tooltip: Modified version of bTooltip specifically tailored for SoopUI
+ Automation: Repair, Invites, Interrupt Announce, Disenchant, Combat Log, Greed on Greens and more.
+ Minimap: Lightweight and minimalist
+ Various improvements and tweaks to the game as well as bug fixes for dumb blizzard stuff.
+ Pixel Perfection and Automatic Scaling!
Slash Commands
/config brings up the menu
/ui allows you to move things around
/wfhide hides the watch frame
/wfshow shows the watch frame if hidden
/aload addon loader
/reflux switch SoopUI - always goes back to defaults
/dominos - action bars
/quartz - cast bars
/aa - angryassignments
/bw - bigwigs
/pull 10 - pull timer set for 10 seconds
/vd opt - VuhDo options
WoW Interface Support Thread ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48637")
PM me on WoW interface or find me on Sargeras Alliance US as Soopie
Big shout out to Phanx, Qulight, Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz. For the inspiration, and some code recycling. Thank you.