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Kkthnx ElvUI (5.2d)

http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/6562/49sr.png ("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=XC5463FDLTKSE&lc=US&item_name=Kkthnx%20ElvUI&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted")http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/1236/9i1.png ("http://www.tukui.org/blog/")
http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/9288/17xi.png ("http://www.tukui.org/dl.php")http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6906/8rin.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22242-KkthnxElvUI.html#changelog")


Qulight UI (5.4a)

Site UI (http://qulightui.omniscience.ru/)

version 5.4 only for 5.4 wow client

Qulight UI in Action(Youtube) (http://www.youtube.com/user/Qulight?feature=mhee)


1. Clean your "Interface/AddOns folder;
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder/Interface/Addons;

1. Удалитьсодержимое"Interface/AddOns";
2. Распаковатьархивв WoW/Interface/Addons;

Slash commands:

/rl, .кд; - Reload UI;
/ticket, /gm, /гм; - GM frame.
/hb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/wf - Quest tracker mover.
/frame - Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame.

/config - In-game UI config.
/ui - ingame command for change all UI positions.
/ui reset - Set default UI positions.


QulightUI - It is the main addon and it includes - dNamePlates, Stuffing, FreebTip, m_Buff, omniCC, Class Timer, rActionBarStyler, Datatext(Bags, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, System, Time), qMinimap, qChat, ncHoverBind, oUF+oUF_Qulight, Filger, aLoad, MarkBar, Mapster, qChatBar, raidUtility, tullaRange, m_Loot, ncCooldownFlash, aMail, Reminder, RaidBuffReminder, BigWigs_skin, DBM_skin, DXE_skin, KLE_skin, Omen_skin, PallyPower_skin, Quartz_skin, Recount_skin, Skada_skin.

Qulight_ConfigUI - in game configuration.

Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) - is an addon which reskins the default Blizzard frames to a smooth, minimalistic theme which is consistent across the entire UI.

Recount, Omen, KLE, DXE, BigWigs, Quartz, Skada, DBM, Pally Power are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.


Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz.

MayronUI Gen2 (2.9.2)

Latest Release Date: 09/12/13
Keep up to date with the latest releases by adding
this UI Pack to your favourites to be notified!


Important General Information:
o Supported Resolution Types:
1920x1080, 1680x1050, 1600x900, 1440x900, 1366x768 and 1280x800.

It is possible for this UI to work with other resolution types that are not listed above. Some addons might be out of position but you can easily move them manually yourself. Below is the list of those addons and how to gain access to their configuration menu using their slash commands:

Classtimers (Timers on top of unit frames) - "/classtimer"
Quartz (Cast Bars) - "/quartz"
Chatter - Just unlock the box and move it!

o Suitable for Tanks, Healers and DPS for all purposes whether that is PVP, PVE or Questing! Supports all Classes as well as the use of other updated addons to go with the UI Pack. All addons can be removed or replaced except for Quartz and kgPanels!

o Remember that you need to press the Add Favorite button at the top right of this page to receive a notification message on this website for when new future updates are available for this UI Pack! It will appear as an indicator next to your Username on the top navigation bar.

o With the new update, you need to press and hold the Control Key while out of combat to see the Expand and Retract button. Also you can press and hold the Control or Shift key while out of combat to see 3 new buttons ontop of the Chat box!

o All addons can have their profiles altered and disabled except for the odd exception of the addon "Quartz" which should never be turned off!

o If you find any bugs or want to submit any feedback then please leave comments!

o Please help by spreading the word about this UI by recommending it to your guild members and friends or even by posting screen shots or recommending it on other UI forums! Thank you :)

o I overwork myself with this UI and spend countless hours working with new updates and trying to make many new exciting updates. I do not currently have a job as I am at College so if you choose to donate I would be extremely grateful! It is very rare that I receive any and even the smallest amount can make a big impact. Thank you very much for using my UI and reading this :)


Special Features:

http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw60829_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw60829.jpg) http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw60830_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw60830.jpg) http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw60831_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw60831.jpg)

How to install:

Helpful Preview of the UI which includes a tutorial of how to set it up (Created on: 04/25/2013!):
YouTube Preview & Tutorial Video ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umD-Y01ELV4")

1. Back up your old WTF, Interface and/or fonts folder by moving them to a new location out of your WoW folder.

2. Download and Extract the new UI and move the new WTF, Interface and Fonts folder into your WoW folder.

You need to pick the correct WTF folder depending on what resolution you use (WTF 1366x768, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1680x1050 or 1920x1080). Delete the other ones that you are not using. Rename the WTF folder that you need to say just "WTF" without the quotes.

3. Rename the WoW/WTF/Account/ACCOUNTNAME folder into your WoW Account Name. This is your original account name, not your battle.net email address! To find this out if you do not know already, check the same folder in your old backed up WTF folder. Make sure you type it all in Caps. Some account names come in the form of a # followed by numbers.

4. Load WoW and change the sound, video and interface settings to your preference if they are not set already.

5. Login and then on the character selection menu, turn on all addons in the addon menu and tick "Load out of date addons".

6. Enter the world with any character you wish and press the INSTALL button on the dialogue box.

7. Take a look at the Extra addons list as this UI does not come with class specific addons or boss mods:

Recommended Extra Addons: Boss Mods:
Deadly Boss Mods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
BigWigs ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/big-wigs")

Recommended Extra Addons: Class Specific Mods:
Balance Power Tracker ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18000-BalancePowerTracker.html") - For Balance Druids Only
Shields Up ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shieldsup") - For Restoration Shamans
Rune It All ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/runeitall") For Death Knights (The Rune Bar)
NugComboBar (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info6308-NugComboBar.html) - Resource tracking for all classes!
TotemTimers (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/totemtimers) - Totem Bar for Shamans!

Recommended Extra Addons: General Use:
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator") - Auction House addon

UI Tips:
o You can gain quick access to both the install window or the bonus features window by typing "/install" or "/bonus".

o The button on the left of the Chat box will have a D for DPS Mode or H for Healer Mode. Simply click it to change between the two!

o Hold the Control Key to gain access to the Expand/Retract buttons.

o Hold the Control or Shift Key to gain access to 6 new buttons attached to the Chat Box.

o You can turn off Class Colours, set the layout to Classic mode (symmetrical background behind the unit frames without the need to have the Target/Focus frame showing) and enable the bottom left chat box art which also moves around the UI to suit the new chat box position. To do any of this, go to the Bonus Features box which is part of the MayronSetup addon so this will need to be enabled. Then either press the Bonus Features button or if that is not showing then press Install and then you can press enable on any of those three features and press confirm.

Useful Slash Commands:
/install - Opens up the Mayron Setup Window
/bonus - Opens up the Bonus Features Window
/rl - Reloads the UI
/ltp - This opens up Leatrix Plus which contains very useful general settings. Worth looking through.
/suf - Settings for the Unit Frames (Shadowed Unit Frames)
/bar - Bartender Settings (Action Bars)
/kgpanels config - Settings for all the graphical art panels being used - Can become very technical.
/classtimer - Settings for the timers on the top of the palyer and target frame - You can remove and add additional timers through this.
/align - Places a Grid over the screen so that you can align UI elements easily.

How Healing Mode works:
I changed the way Healing Mode works so that the target frame is now the Focus Frame as well as switching target of target and focus frames in the same way. I also switched the target cast bar for the focus cast bar. The reason for this is that I like to have the Focus frame set for the Boss so I can see the Boss casting an important ability as well as seeing its buffs as well as a bigger and clearer unit frame.

To heal I do not use Clique however you can download it if you wish. I use mouse over macros like the following:

/target mouseover
/cast Healing Wave

I use this type of macro for all my healing spells and use these two macros to set the focus frame:
1. /focus targettarget
2. /focus mouseover

Addon List:

All addons are safe to remove or replace with the exception of kgPanels, Quartz and MayronUI.

Credit goes to the authors of these addons below as well as to Phanx (http://phanx.net/addons/) for not just making the Grid raid frames and PhanxBuffs addon that is used in this UI Pack but also for re-writing most of my MayronSetup code and for making it possible to have the Bonus Features menu!

o Do not update the following addons however you can replace them!:
Bagnon - Bag Addon
Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - Name Plates addon plugin
Quartz - Cast Bar Addon

o Addons that are safe to update:
ACP - Addon Control Panel
AuraFrames- Buff and Debuff display addon
BankStack- Sorts/Packs items in bags in a tidy order
Bartender4 - Action Bars
Broker + Plugins - Data Bars
ButtonFacade + Masque - Stylises buttons on action bars
Chatter - Chat Addon
ClassTimer - Keeps track of important timers for in combat
ColorPickerPlus - Easier for picking colors when setting addons up
Bazooka - Used with Broker to display the pluggins
DragEmAll- Allows you to move the Blizzard Windows.
eAlign - type "/align" ingame to display a grid
ErrorMonster - Reduces spam from error messages
Grid - Raid Frames
ImprovedOptionsFrames- Allows you to resize the Blizzard Options, Interface etc. Window.
kgPanels - Panel art in the UI
Leatrix_Plus - Contains a list of very useful settings (type /"ltp" to view them)
nibChatTabs - Stylish tabs on the chat box
OmniCC - Displays cooldown timers over abilties on action bars
Parrot - Combat text Addon
Postal - Mail box Addon for opening all mail at once
Recount - Meter for damage, healing and much more
Reflux - Profile Switching. Works with Mayron's setup. Its safe to disable after setup
ShadowedUnitFrames - Unit Frame Addon
SLDataText - Data text Addon
Simple Power Bar- This adds a bar at the top of the UI for boss special power bars used in some encounters.
TipTac - Tool Tip Addon
Tidy Plates: - Name Plates addon
XLoot - Loot frame addon
XLootGroup - Better group loot frame

Q: I have followed all the instructions but the Set-up button does not do anything and the UI is a mess. What can I do to fix this?

A: Every time someone has the issue where the set-up box does not do anything it is because they renamed their ACCOUNTNAME folder incorrectly. If you check the WTF/account folder and notice that there are 2 folders now instead of one, the one that has been created by the WoW Client automatically will have the correct account name. Copy the name and delete that file and rename the one that came with the UI Pack to the name you copied.

Q: How do I transfer one or more addon settings from a previous version to the new UI version without having to redo all my alterations?

A: To do this go into your current WTF/account/ACCOUNTNAME/SavedVariables folder and grab the addon you want to transfer the settings for. You do not need the .lua.bak file, just the .lua. Then place that file in the exact same location but into the new WTF folders SavedVariables folder.

Q: How do I open up the Calendar?

A: You need to right click on the mini-map

Q: How do I add other buff/debuff timers to the class timers above the player and target frames?

A: Type /classtimer and press Timers on the left. If you find it in the lists in the Tabs tick it. If not then go on "Extras" and type the name of the buff/debuff and press enter.

Q: Where do I find the experience Bar?

A: The Experience Bar is hidden on mouse over at the top of the screen. Only shows up on characters who have not reached the maximum level yet.

Q: How can I get the Expand and Retract button to show in the latest update?

A: You need to press and hold the Control key while out of combat

Q: Why can I not see the Death Knight Rune Bar or the Balance Druid Tracker Bar?

A: I have taken the addons out of the UI that control this because I no longer wish to maintain them currently however if you read the UI installation instructions, I have placed links to where you can download them. You will need to set them up yourself. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Q: If I install another addon then I get an icon displaying it over my chat box next to the other icons. How can I disable this?

A: That is caused my Bazooka which automatically enables it which is a pain. Type "/bazooka" and go to Plugins. Un-tick the addon that is showing up to stop it from showing.

Q: How can I move the Mini-Map?

A: Go into the Interface/AddOns/MayronUI/Map.lua file and go to line 13 that looks like this: Minimap:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, "TOPRIGHT", -9, -8). -9, -8 is the X and Y coordinates which you can alter and save the file to move the Mini-Map. If you are in game while doing this you will need to Reload the UI (/rl) to make it take effect.

Q: How do I turn off/on Auto Quest? Or how do I turn on auto repair?

A: That is controlled with Leatrix Plus as well as many other useful general settings. Type /ltp in game and in the Interactions, untick Auto Quest. Or in Automations, tick the Auto Repair box.

Q: How can I move the chat box and chat box art to the Bottom Left like in the screen shot?

A: Type "/bonus" and click on the Enable check box under the "Bottom Left Chant Box" image and sub title and then press confirm.

By Mayron of Twisting Nether / Sunstrider (EU)

https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/GB/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UVLA8LJWLQXP6)

RealUI 8 (8.0 r16b)


All Resolutions - All Classes - All Roles

Version 8.0 r16b
Last Updated: 10 September


You won't need to rename any folders.
Installation is a simple 1-click install process.

New Installation Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Move your current WTF and Interface folders to a backup folder.
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 2: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

Revision (r#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMake sure to overwrite all existing files and folders.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out which addons have been modified.


Do Not Update:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSharedMedia + SharedMedia_MyMedia

AddOns Included:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAddon Control Panel (http://www.wowace.com/addons/acp/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBadBoy (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=8736)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBartender4 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/bartender4/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chatter)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClique (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5108-Clique.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngEasy Mail (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/easymail)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFreebTip ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12912-FreebTip.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFoglight ("www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21830-Foglight.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/grid2/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngKuiNameplates ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19390-KuiNameplates.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMasque (http://www.wowace.com/addons/masque/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMikScrollingBattleText (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRaven (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18242-Raven.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSkada (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html)

Optional AddOns:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBagSync ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15351-BagSync.html") - Tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in item tooltips.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClean Icons - Thin (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19844-CleanIcons-Thin.html) - Enhances the appearance of WoW's in-game icons.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngDeadly Boss Mods ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8814-DeadlyBossMods.html") - Dungeon/Raid encounter timers and alerts.



A special thanks goes out to all addon authors, users of RealUI and the WoW Interface community for all their support.
I've learned a lot from all of you, and RealUI wouldn't be possible without you.

FreeUI (6.7.1)


FreeUI is a minimalistic all-in-one UI. It's suitable for any playstyle and is designed to draw attention to important elements and reduce the visibility of the things you don't care about. A simple in-game setup interface with an optional tutorial gets you started in no time. Paired with its crisp Aurora window theme, low memory and CPU footprint, FreeUI is a solid interface for whatever you do.


Drag the included addons to your AddOns folder as usual. Make sure the !Install addon is loaded before logging in for the first time with FreeUI on any character. You will be given the option to take a brief tutorial, or install the UI.

After the first installation, generally it is not necessary to run anything other than the chat installation on other characters.


When updating the UI to a newer version, you generally only need to replace the files that have changed from the latest build on my GitHub ("https://github.com/Haleth/FreeUI"). If you run into issues, however, it is recommended that you try a clean install.


Options are available through the in-game options UI, which can be accessed from the game menu or by typing /freeui. You can also edit FreeUI/options.lua with a text editor to edit the options directly.


Before you ask any questions (which I will gladly answer), please consider this first to help me save some time:

Read the tutorial included in the installer which you can bring up by typing /freeui install.
Check FreeUI/options.lua to see if there already is a setting for what you want to ask/suggest.
Read the FAQ and known issues below.

Q: How can I add more action bars?
A: Esc -> Interface -> Action bars.

Q: How can I move the unitframes/castbar or resize the party/raid frames?
A: Install oUF_MovableFrames or check FreeUI/options.lua.

Q: Where is the ToT (Target of Target) frame? I only see a name.
A: Enable it in the unitframes section of the options.

Q: What's that thing that shows buffs/debuffs on some classes?
A: Its the buff filter. Open FreeUI/options.lua and scroll down a little for the configuration (examples are included).

Bug reports

Please report all issues at my GitHub ("https://github.com/Haleth/FreeUI").


All rights reserved unless explicitly stated otherwise. Some code in FreeUI is taken with permission from other addons; please respect the authors of these addons as well.


FreeUI could never have been coded all by me and thus I would like to thank the following people for their addons, permissions, and/or support.

Allez, AlleyKat, Alza, Caellian, Haste, p3lim, Shantalya, Tukz, tekkub, Tuller, Wildbreath, Zork

I would also like to thank the WoWInterface community for being generally awesome.

Notifications sound effect obtained from http://www.freesfx.co.uk.


Please consider donating ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=17892#donate") if you like this addon.

http://www.wowinterface.com/images/paypalSM.gif (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=JKDUZG43NKECN&lc=BE&item_name=Haleth%27s%20AddOns&currency_code=EUR&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted)


Wullie's UI (5.4.2)

Wullie's UI

Patch 5.4 Ready!

This is my UI which is mainly focused around healing (my main is a holy paladin), however I've found it also works great as DPS or as a tank.

The UI is based around 1920x1080 resolution although it works with most resolutions.

You can see my UI in action on YouTube ("http://www.youtube.com/user/Saltire35/videos?sort=dd&flow=grid&page=1&view=0") or live on TwitchTV ("http://www.twitch.tv/saltire35").
(These videos are slightly out of date now and I don't live stream anymore either due to poor upload speed, but they should give you a rough estimate of what my UI is like).

All credit goes to the individual addon authors, without them this UI would not have been possible.

Installation Instructions:

1. Make a backup of your WTF, Interface & Fonts (if you have one) folders.
2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.
3. Go into the WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called YOURACCOUNTNAME to your own account name all in caps.
4. Enter the YOURACCOUNTNAME folder and change the folder called YourServer into your server name.
5. Enter the YourServer folder and change the folder YourCharacter into your character name.
6. Put my WTF, Fonts and Interface folder in the place where your own folders used to be.
7. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".
8. Once installed and in the game for the first time, type the following:
/bar and select profile Wulliee-Draenor.
/raven and select profile Wulliee-Draenor.
Frequently Asked Questions:

1. I am based in USA, how can I make your UI work on my server?

Open the new WTF folder and edit Config.wtf using notepad. Find the line that says (SET locale "****") and make it say (SET locale "enUS") and save.
2. How do I move the mouseover tooltip?
Use MoveAnything, search on tooltip, click tooltip and move it to where you want.
Addons Used:

AdiBags ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/adibags")
AtlasLoot ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/atlasloot-enhanced")
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator")
Bartender4 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bartender4")
BugSack ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bugsack")
ChinchillaMiniMap ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chinchilla")
DeadlyBossMods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
GTFO ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gtfo")
Masque ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/masque")
MoveAnything ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything")
NeedToKnow ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/need-to-know")
Omen ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/omen-threat-meter")
Postal ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/postal")
Quartz ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/quartz")
RaidBuffStatus ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raidbuffstatus")
Raven ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raven")
RSA ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rsa")
ShadowedUnitFrames ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadowed-unit-frames")
Skada ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/skada")
TidyPlates ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tidy-plates")
TipTac ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tip-tac")
TitanPanel ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/titan-panel")
VuhDo ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/vuhdo")
WeakAuras ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/weakauras")
WhisperWhisper ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/broker_whisperwhisper")

This is for everyone that has asked about my User Interface. If you wish to speak to me in-game, you can find me at Wulliee ("http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/wulliee/advanced") - Draenor (EU)(Horde).

If you have have any problems with the installation or have any questions you'd like to ask, please post in the comments section ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21036-WulliesUI1920x1080HealingampDPS.html#comments") and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

nUI (v5.07.37 (Lite))

nUI is a user interface replacement for World of Warcraft. It is 100% standalone code designed to feel like Bliz meant the UI to look this way. nUI removes a ton of clutter from the display, provides detailed targeting information, an integrated HUD, cooldowns and more all in one tightly integrated single-source addon that requires no user configuration.

nUI is user supported software...

nUI relies on your donations for its survival and continued development. To make a donation to support nUI, please visit

http://www.nuiaddon.com/donate.htmlnUI is not a compilation of addons, it is one single mod that provides all of the functionality required to replace the Blizzard default UI. It is small, fast and efficient, easy to install, easy to use and come patch day you only have to worry about updating one mod.

Current Features...
No dependencies
No third party code, libraries or add-ons
100% Original stand-alone code
Greatly reduced screen clutter
Integrated unit casting bars w/ latency
Advanced targeting info... Pet Target, ToT, ToTT
Detailed HUD including player casts, harmful auras, cooldowns and more
Integrated in-HUD threat meter (see notes)
Integrated in-HUD health race bar (see notes)
Advanced player casting bar with latency and GCD
Click-casting compatible unit, party and raid frames
Click-to-feed hunter pet happiness indicator on unit frames
Integrated battlefield highlighting of raid group numbers, hits and heals
Integrated player talent build/spec browsing in unit frames
Integrated cooldown counters, OOM and OOR indicators
Integrated range to target calculation
Integrated (de)buff displays for all units
Integrated (de)buff countdowns
Integrated mouse wheel minimap zoom-in and zoom-out
Integrated mouse wheel scrolling of chat and combat log
Integrated world coordinates and in-game clock
Integrated user interface reload "/nui rl"
Integrated support for Recount (damage meters)
Integrated support for Titan Panel and FuBar
Integrated support for Omen3 and KLH Threat meters
Integrated support for Clique
Integrated support for FuBar and Titan Panel
Automatic faction watching
Automatic management of MiniMap buttons
Expanded battlefield map
Adaptive buff/debuff display based on target reactionOfficial nUI technical support and user forum...
http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=86 ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/../forums/forumdisplay.php?f=86")Contacting the author directly...
E-mail: kscottpiel@gmail.com ("kscottpiel@gmail.com")
Web Site: http://www.nUIaddon.com
Personal Site: http://www.scottpiel.comOfficial nUI distribution sites and comment boards...
http://wow.curseforge.com/projects/nui/For a complete list of optional skins and nUI plugins, please visit...

Kkthnx ElvUI (5.4)

http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/6562/49sr.png ("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=XC5463FDLTKSE&lc=US&item_name=Kkthnx%20ElvUI&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted")http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/1236/9i1.png ("http://www.tukui.org/blog/")
http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/9288/17xi.png ("http://www.tukui.org/dl.php")http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6906/8rin.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22242-KkthnxElvUI.html#changelog")


DecUI (6.98)

This is the optional supplement package ONLY. You MUST download the actual UI files from Tukui.org in compliance with the ElvUI license at the following link below:
5.4.0 compatible - Version 6.98 is the latest available for the core

Click me to get DecUI Core! ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=164")

Want to show your appreciation? Donate to my Red Bull addiction here:



Welcome to DecUI! This is an edited version of the ElvUI ("http://www.tukui.org") version 6 platform, styled to be a bit more information-rich, with an homage to classic ElvUI/Tukui looks. ALL due credit goes to the community and contributors there for the many ideas, tweaks and fixes to the platform. Without their efforts, this compilation would not exist. /salute

Supports 1680x1050 and up, Multimonitor/Eyefinity/nVidia Surround friendly, easy to install and configure. Users of resolutions smaller than 1680x1050 can use the Low Resolution option within the UI, yet you will need to adjust elements to fit your resolution.


STEP 1 - Make a backup of your existing UI!

Go to your World of Warcraft folder.
Copy the Interface and WTF folders, and paste them into a new folder of your choice and name. This will be your backup in case you want to go back.
Delete the Interface and WTF folders in the World of Warcraft folder.STEP 2 - Follow these steps to properly set up DecUI

Extract the folders inside DecUI to your World of Warcraft folder.STEP 3 - Log in and set up your Video settings
Doing this beforehand will allow you to skip the resolution warning of the UI. Once logged in, you will be prompted to go through the in-game configuration wizard to adjust the appearance. This will happen only once per character, unless you manually reset the UI.Navigation

Clicking the "L" icon on the bottom-right of the left chat panel unlocks UI elements to be placed manually.

Remember to click the "C" icon at the bottom-left of the right chat panel for the config menu. Entering this will give you access to the in-game config options, that allows you to more easily tweak appearance settings, such as increasing/reducing the amount of action bars, datatext shown, etc.

This version includes numerous changes and additions to the standard version of ElvUI itself as well as a few addons that are listed. The goal was to unify extra functionality with a clean look and layout that would be uniform to all classes. Some addons have been edited to either match the theme that I am aiming for, or simply .TOC updates for the 5.1.0 patch. Updating these may hamper their appearance and/or functionality with DecUI.

Partial listing of addons below, attached screenshots show complete list:

MiniMap Button Bag

Also includes portions of AI-Art ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15048-AI-Art.html") and MiirGui ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20292-MiirGuiTexturePack.html") panel replacement art, Ferous Media ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/ferous-media") and pHishr's Media ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info14788-pHishrsMediaPack.html") status panel artwork, and Login^2 ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18376-Login2CustomLoginFrames.html#info") replacement login art.

Known issues for 5.4.0
* ElvUI Chat Tweaks throwing an Ace3 error when attempting to click scroll bar, can use arrows still
* EmbedLeft, EmbedRight option for ElvUI Addon skins overlaps if you use this option with any embeddable addon aside from Skada, issue with DecUI, not the addon itself
* Pixel Perfect still needs to be corrected for the ember option

Explore your world - you have complete control over how the UI displays information of almost any type. Don't like how something looks? Change it/disable it/tweak it! That's what all those addons and options are for!

SolvexxUI (5.4.1)

SolvexxUI Video! ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBEvyYF22Pg")

Please Replace your interface folder and font folder with the one included in the download.
This is a purely aesthetic addon pack, no changes to functionality. Please watch the video to learn how to change between Action Bar Profiles.

Addons included:

- sUnitframes
- sBars
- sMinimap
- Aurora
- BasicChatMods
- Movable Holy Power
- rActionButtonStyler
- rActionBarStyler
- ShinyBuffs

Please do not edit any of these addons as they were either created by me, or heavily edited by myself.
Unless of course you have some idea about what you're doing.

Recommended Downloads:

- MoveAnything ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything")
For the ability to move anything in your UI!
- Clean Icons - Thin ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19844-CleanIcons-Thin.html")
Needed for sleek square outline look for non-skinned icons
Not included due to size.

Special Thanks:

- Santur for their wonder inspiration through their old UIs to lead me on to
creating my own default UI with darkened textures and quality of life changes.
- All of the original addon authors I used, and for all of the help I received from them and many others
while making and maintaining this compilation.

Leave it in the comments if you find any bugs or Lua errors.

_NPCScan (

_NPCScan tracks seldom-seen rare mobs by proximity alone, making the old /targetexact macros obsolete. It has the same range as those targeting macros, but you won't have to mash any buttons. Just go about your business and let _NPCScan alert you when it finds something.


The Cache

This addon doesn't use nameplates or mouseover units to find rares. Instead, it checks your creature cache for the moment a rare mob is found. There is one catch to this technique however: Once a mob is found, _NPCScan won't be able to find it again until your cache is cleared. If you find a rare mob's corpseDirkee for exampleyou would have to clear your cache before _NPCScan would find Dirkee again. Thankfully, clearing your cache is a safe and simple matter.

Clearing Your Cache

To clear your cache, follow these straightforward steps: Exit World of Warcraft. Delete the Cache sub-directory inside your World of Warcraft folder. For example on a standard Windows XP installation, you would delete the folder C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache. Advanced users can delete C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\enUS\creaturecache.wdb specifically to improve log-in times, where enUS is your language code.

Note: Windows Vista and Windows 7 users see this info ("http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1567931274#16") if your cache isn't in the location above.That's it. Log in after you've done that and you'd be able to find Dirkee a second time. It's completely safe because WoW will recreate your Cache folder after you log in again.

Cache Warning

If a rare mob is already cached when you log in, _NPCScan will print a warning message with the names of those mobs. If you see this message but still want to find the listed NPCs again, it's time to clear your cache by following the above procedure. Otherwise, you can quit searching for those mobs using the Search options window detailed below. You can suppress this log-in message using the main options pane, as well.

Found Alert

When a rare mob is found, _NPCScan alerts you by playing a loud and distinctive sound, making your screen pulse red, and displaying an animated targeting button. To get a feel for what this alert looks and sounds like, try the Test Found Alert button in the addon's main Interface Options panel. (See the Options section below.)

Targeting Button

When clicked, the targeting button tries to target the most-recently-found mob. You can also bind a key to hit this button. If the default button position isn't to your liking, you can move it while holding your key.

Note: The button cannot be shown during combat. In the unlikely case that you do find a rare while fighting, the button will appear after you leave combat. You will still hear the alert however, and the name of the mob will appear in your chat log.


_NPCScan's main options window can be accessed from the Interface Options menu. This panel includes a Test Found Alert button, various ways to customize the alert sound, and an option to suppress cache warning messages on log-in.

New sounds can be added to the alert sound dropdown menu by installing SharedMedia ("http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/sharedmedia.aspx")-type addons.

Search List

The list of mobs that _NPCScan searches for can be modified easily through the Interface Options panel, however it comes pre-configured with most rare Outlands and Northrend mobs. To access the mob list, type /npcscan.

Grayed out NPCs in a list aren't being searched for, either because they're cached or not needed for their achievement.
The first tab available lists Custom NPCs that you can enter or remove manually. NPCs that are already cached show a red X in the first column. You can add or remove Custom NPCs with the and buttons at the bottom right.
All other tabs control achievements like Bloody Rare ("http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=1312") and Frostbitten ("http://www.wowhead.com/?achievement=2257"). These tabs show an additional column on the right with green check marks for completed achievement mobs. You may enable or disable tracking each achievement with its tab's checkbox.
The Search for completed Achievement NPCs checkbox at the top left of the pane allows you to keep looking for mobs you no longer need for achievements.

Finding NPC IDs

A mob's NPC ID is its unique identification number, and it can be found on sites like WowHead ("http://www.wowhead.com/") or WowDB ("http://www.wowdb.com/"). For example, search for the mob Dirkee on WowHead and go to the mob's page. That page's URL will look like http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=32500; 32500 is Dirkee's NPC ID.


The only problem mobs for _NPCScan are tamable beasts. Even when you run across the tamed version, _NPCScan gets tricked into thinking that mob is nearby. In order to prevent those false positives, _NPCScan only shows alerts for tamable mobs in their original zones. That is, if you spot Loque'nahak ("http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=32517") in Dalaran instead of Sholazar Basin where it usually patrols, _NPCScan would ignore it. When one of these tamable mob false-alarms happens, you'll see a message in your chat window explaining why it got ignored.

Since this makes tamable mobs are so difficult to track, I suggest you fly to the tamable mob's zone first, clear your cache, and then search for it. Any time you pass through a populated area like Dalaran, you risk filling your cache with popular rare pets.

Kkthnx ElvUI (5.4.2)

http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/6562/49sr.png ("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=XC5463FDLTKSE&lc=US&item_name=Kkthnx%20ElvUI&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted")http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/1236/9i1.png ("http://www.tukui.org/blog/")
http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/9288/17xi.png ("http://www.tukui.org/dl.php")http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6906/8rin.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22242-KkthnxElvUI.html#changelog")


Roth UI (Diablo) (50400.05)


Hi there. This is my Diablo (http://twitter.com/diablo) themed interface for World of Warcraft, called Roth UI. Enjoy.
http://img3.abload.de/img/zorkifiedlemx.gif (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/download9175-RothUIDiablo)
Since more and more leaked downloads of my interface appear on the internet, please remember: There is only one official download of the Roth UI. And that is this one, on wowinterface.com. All other downloads available are leaked and are not officially supported by me.
Only this one is ZORKIFIED!

Roth UI got updated for WoW patch 5.4!
If you are playing WoW on a patch below use the archive (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=9175#other)!

If you are a first time Roth UI user you may want to check the tutorial video from Tachi showing the installation process.
How To Install and Configure Roth UI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpJOSI0ZMI4)

Open your World of Warcraft folder.
Backup your "Interface" folder. (Copy it somewhere save!)
Now: Delete the "Interface" folder inside your World of Warcraft folder.
Download Roth UI and save the ZIP-file to your Desktop.
The ZIP-file includes a "Interface" and a "Fonts" folder. Copy both folders into your World of Warcraft folder.
Start World of Warcraft. (If you had it open while copying, restart it now to load the textures.)
Before logging in make sure all the addons are activated correctly.
Login and have fun playing!

When patch 5.2 hit the live servers a new version of oUF_Diablo was applied. Large parts of oUF_Diablo got rewritten, that includes large parts of the config.lua containing the orb animation settings. Most of those settings can then be changed via ingame config. The config can be accessed via

/diablo config

If you need a tutorial video check out Cryptus Roth UI tutorial video for 5.2
Roth UI config tutorial on YouTube by Cryptus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmfri9G4WQY)
Another tutorial by Julien for Roth UI 5.2 in French:
Addon Roth UI (interface diablo pour wow) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CyRRIwQiU)

http://www.abload.de/thumb/wowscrnshot_030113_220pkca.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=wowscrnshot_030113_220pkca.jpg) http://www.abload.de/thumb/wowscrnshot_030113_220kj33.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=wowscrnshot_030113_220kj33.jpg)


Do not use any auto updater for addons in this compilation, they can mess stuff up.
If you don't like the scaling or something doesn't fit, hit the escape-key while in-game and go to the graphic settings. Now activate the UI-scaling checkbox and move the slider. Hit OK and see what you got. Move it until you like the settings.
Same goes for the chat. If it doesn't fit just right-click the chat-tab. Unlock the chat and move it around until you feel comfortable.
Only want to change the scale of the bottom bar panel and the actionbars? Read this FAQ (http://www.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=531&a=faq&faqid=722)
How to change / disable the fluid orb animation system? Type in /diablo config
How to move frames??? Read this FAQ (http://www.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=531&a=faq&faqid=532)
Colors inverted?! Read this FAQ (http://www.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=531&a=faq&faqid=530)
Want to edit the actionbars? Look at rActionBarStyler/config.lua and read the info page (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12168-rActionBarStyler.html).
Other questions? Try: Roth UI FAQ (http://www.wowinterface.com/portal.php?id=531&a=faq)
Want to edit unitframes? Look at oUF_Diablo/config.lua and read the info page (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11314-oUF_Diablo.html).


ComboPoints (http://imgur.com/a/vMZ7d)
HolyPower (http://imgur.com/a/lrtJj)
HarmonyBar (http://imgur.com/a/tLKoM)
ShadowOrbs (http://imgur.com/a/vycLs)
RuneBar (http://imgur.com/a/gTFwF#0)
EclipseBar (http://imgur.com/a/oDaxo)
DemonicFury (http://imgur.com/a/gr9DV)
SoulShards (http://imgur.com/a/Vyp4c)
BurningEmber (http://imgur.com/a/cdOzc#0)

With 4.009+ the fluid animations have returned to Roth UI. With version 50200.03 you can config all those animations ingame via: /diablo config. Have fun playing around with the settings. Video showing one of the 100+ animations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqTwOHXSlw8

http://www.abload.de/thumb/all_orb_animations0ppa.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=all_orb_animations0ppa.jpg) http://www.abload.de/thumb/jd8p4aypvk.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=jd8p4aypvk.jpg)

Check out the Roth UI video playlist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzUB5IVd_PM&feature=BFa&list=PLDA90A1D8D330675E) on YouTube.
If you want to share videos / screenshots using the interface please post them here: Roth UI post your screenshot thread (http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42522)


/diablo config--will toggle the config panel


/rabs lock --will lock all actionbars
/rabs unlock --will unlock all actionbars
/diablo lockart --will lock all art frames
/diablo unlockart --will unlock all art frames
/diablo lockbars --will lock all the toolbars (soulshards, castbars, combobar etc.)
/diablo unlockbars --will unlock all the toolbars (soulshards, castbars, combobar etc.)
/diablo lockunits --will lock all the unitframes
/diablo unlockunits --will unlock all the unitframes
/rbfs lock --will lock the player aura frames
/rbfs unlock --will unlock the player aura frames
/rmm lock --will lock the minimap cluster
/rmm unlock --will unlock the minimap cluster
/rthreat lock --will lock the threat table
/rthreat unlock --will unlock the threat table


/rabs reset--will reset all actionbars
/diablo resetart --will reset all art frames
/diablo resetbars --will reset all the toolbars (soulshards, castbars, combobar etc.)
/diablo resetunits --will reset all the unitframes
/rbfs reset --will reset the player aura frames
/rmm reset --will reset the minimap cluster

Maybe you are just a fan of the orbs and don't want all the rest. Go check out rBottomBarStyler (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12975-rBottomBarStylerDiablo.html). It provides various Diablo themed background panels.

Post any errors or questions you are having in the comments.
If you are posting errors please always support your comment with a screenshot and in case the lua error you are getting.


Butsu - loot window replacement
ncImprovedMerchant - sells gray items automatically on vendor visit
tullaCC - cooldown count
oUF - unit framework
oUF_Diablo - Diablo flavoured oUF layout
rActionBarStyler - moves the action bars
rActionButtonStyler - styles the action buttons
rBuffFrameStyler - styles the player auras
rChat - chat mod
rNamePlates2 - simple nameplates
rError - redirect errors to combat text
rFilter3 - buff, debuff and cooldown filter
rInfoStrings - some data strings
rLib - library for rAddons
rMinimap - Diablo flavoured minimap
rRaidManager - Blizzard raid manager replacement
rQuestWatchFrameMover - makes the questwatchframe dragable
rThreat - simple threat table
rTooltip - simple tooltip mod
teksloot - loot roll replacement
tullaRange - out of range/out of mana coloring for action buttons
xanAutomail - get all the mail at once
xCT - combat text enhancement

RealUI 8 (8.0 r17)


All Resolutions - All Classes - All Roles

Version 8.0 r17
Last Updated: 15 September


You won't need to rename any folders.
Installation is a simple 1-click install process.

New Installation Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Move your current WTF and Interface folders to a backup folder.
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 2: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

Revision (r#) Update Procedure:
http://i.imgur.com/Bzt7xYo.pngStep 1: Copy RealUI's Interface folder to your World of Warcraft folder.

http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMake sure to overwrite all existing files and folders.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngYou won't lose any of your settings when updating RealUI.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngVisit the Change Log ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info16068-RealUI.html#changelog") to find out which addons have been modified.


Do Not Update:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (you may update the individual Grid2 modules, but not the Grid2 folder itself)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSharedMedia + SharedMedia_MyMedia

AddOns Included:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAddon Control Panel (http://www.wowace.com/addons/acp/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngAurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBadBoy (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=8736)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBartender4 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/bartender4/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngChatter (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chatter)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClique (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5108-Clique.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngEasy Mail (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/easymail)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFreebTip ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12912-FreebTip.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngFoglight ("www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21830-Foglight.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngGrid2 (http://www.wowace.com/addons/grid2/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngKuiNameplates ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19390-KuiNameplates.html")
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMasque (http://www.wowace.com/addons/masque/)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngMikScrollingBattleText (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngRaven (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18242-Raven.html#info)
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngSkada (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html)

Optional AddOns:
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngBagSync ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15351-BagSync.html") - Tracks the items on your characters and displays the information in item tooltips.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngClean Icons - Thin (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19844-CleanIcons-Thin.html) - Enhances the appearance of WoW's in-game icons.
http://i.imgur.com/Uxvn2Vn.pngDeadly Boss Mods ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8814-DeadlyBossMods.html") - Dungeon/Raid encounter timers and alerts.



A special thanks goes out to all addon authors, users of RealUI and the WoW Interface community for all their support.
I've learned a lot from all of you, and RealUI wouldn't be possible without you.

nUI (v5.07.37 (Lite))

nUI is a user interface replacement for World of Warcraft. It is 100% standalone code designed to feel like Bliz meant the UI to look this way. nUI removes a ton of clutter from the display, provides detailed targeting information, an integrated HUD, cooldowns and more all in one tightly integrated single-source addon that requires no user configuration.

nUI is user supported software...

nUI relies on your donations for its survival and continued development. To make a donation to support nUI, please visit

http://www.nuiaddon.com/donate.htmlnUI is not a compilation of addons, it is one single mod that provides all of the functionality required to replace the Blizzard default UI. It is small, fast and efficient, easy to install, easy to use and come patch day you only have to worry about updating one mod.

Current Features...
No dependencies
No third party code, libraries or add-ons
100% Original stand-alone code
Greatly reduced screen clutter
Integrated unit casting bars w/ latency
Advanced targeting info... Pet Target, ToT, ToTT
Detailed HUD including player casts, harmful auras, cooldowns and more
Integrated in-HUD threat meter (see notes)
Integrated in-HUD health race bar (see notes)
Advanced player casting bar with latency and GCD
Click-casting compatible unit, party and raid frames
Click-to-feed hunter pet happiness indicator on unit frames
Integrated battlefield highlighting of raid group numbers, hits and heals
Integrated player talent build/spec browsing in unit frames
Integrated cooldown counters, OOM and OOR indicators
Integrated range to target calculation
Integrated (de)buff displays for all units
Integrated (de)buff countdowns
Integrated mouse wheel minimap zoom-in and zoom-out
Integrated mouse wheel scrolling of chat and combat log
Integrated world coordinates and in-game clock
Integrated user interface reload "/nui rl"
Integrated support for Recount (damage meters)
Integrated support for Titan Panel and FuBar
Integrated support for Omen3 and KLH Threat meters
Integrated support for Clique
Integrated support for FuBar and Titan Panel
Automatic faction watching
Automatic management of MiniMap buttons
Expanded battlefield map
Adaptive buff/debuff display based on target reactionOfficial nUI technical support and user forum...
http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=86 ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/../forums/forumdisplay.php?f=86")Contacting the author directly...
E-mail: kscottpiel@gmail.com ("kscottpiel@gmail.com")
Web Site: http://www.nUIaddon.com
Personal Site: http://www.scottpiel.comOfficial nUI distribution sites and comment boards...
http://wow.curseforge.com/projects/nui/For a complete list of optional skins and nUI plugins, please visit...

Shadowmage's UI 1920x1080 (Wide) (6.7)


A compilation minimalistic of graphicaly looks User Interface.

Thanks to Smegdead@Stormrage-EU for the banner <3
Also special thanks to LethalVenom (LetUI)

Stream and Videos

To Install

NOTE: For the healing setup, please download Grid2

Step 1

Back up your previous Interface and WTF folders.

Download and drop the Interface and WTF folders in your WoW directory

(Windows XP users)
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft

(Windows Vista / Windows 7 users)
C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft

Step 2

Head into the WTF folder and make sure to rename these folders to your relevant details:

WTF/account/YOURACCOUNTNAME - change to the name of your wow account

WTF/account/YOURACCOUNTNAME/YOURSERVER - change to the name of the server you play on

WTF/account/YOURACCOUNTNAME/YOURSERVER/CHARACTERNAME - change to the name of your character

Step 3

Now boot up WoW, before you enter the world make sure the addon "ShadowmageUI Setup" and "ShadowmageUI Core" is enabled.

Upon entering the world 2 boxes will appear, one asking you which layout you wish to use and another involved with the addon Gnosis. Dismiss the popup box about Gnosis.

Step 4

Read the Dialog box and select which layout you wish to use.


IMPORTANT: If you wish to use the healing layout, please download Grid2 (not supplied)

Your screen should reload and everything should fall into place.

For DPS Layout

Now open up Gnosis with /gnosis and select create options. Expand Gnosis (the little + in the addon list) and go to "Configurations". Once there select "Standard" and press all the buttons that say "Load..." (dont hit Update or Remove).

For Healing Layout

Now open up Gnosis with /gnosis and select create options. Expand Gnosis (the little + in the addon list) and go to "Configurations". Once there select "Heals" and press all the buttons that say "Load..." (dont hit Update or Remove)

New requirement
Open MikScrollingBattleText (/msbt), go to profiles and then select "heals"

NOTE: You may have to reload your UI (/rl) again for some addons to fall into place.


Switching Layout NEW!

To switch layouts, hit the + button under the minimap. It will then ask you which layout you wish to select.


NOTE: Grid2 is needed for the healing layout, as of yet there is no DPS layout for Grid2 you may have to disable it

Updating my UI

In most occasions the only updates I throw out are those to update various addons, if this is the case then you do not need to replace your current WTF folder. But instead just extract the Interface folder. However there will be times when I add stuff or move things around, which you will need to also extract the WTF folder.


The addons used are listed:

Edlyn Grid 2 Layout (used only for healing layout)
Ferous Media
Xloot Group

You are free to move the unit frames to your liking by typing /omf to unlock, and then again to lock.

Healing Layout Notes

You will need to download Grid2 separately as it does not come with my UI package, you can find a download link here:


It is also mainly configured for Priests, so if your not a priest you will have to add your own stuff you want to track. For questions regarding this see here:



You're free to update any addons that may be outdated or that you wish to replace.

However, I would not recommend updating the following addons as I have personaly editted some of the lua coding or they have been edited by some one else to suit my UI and/or addons may be pulling fonts/textures from other addons:

Deadly Boss Mods


As far as resolution goes, this UI is built for a 1920x1080 widescreen, im not sure whats gunna happen when applied to a bigger/smaller resolution, you may have to play around with the UI scale (Video Options -> Video -> move the bar up and down)

Hidden Aspects

There are 2 hidden bars from bartender, number 10 (on the far right of the screen) and number 9 (far left of the screen) which show upon mouse over.

The micomenu (the small menu which has the buttons to access character sheet, talents etc) is hidden at the bottom, right of the action bars. This also shows upon mouse over.

There is a 4 button slot located in the center(ish) of the screen, this is bartender (bar number 4). I use this to add spells i wish to keep on CD so I can easily track them.

If you dont want these to be hidden, simply type /bartender. Select the appropiate bar, go to the Visibility tab, untick Fade Out (for bar4 also untick the option that makes it unclickable in the general tab).

Other Things You Should Know

- The raid frames is configured so that it WILL NOT show groups 6-8 (But Healing layout with Grid2 will, the frames are configured to get smaller when theres more than 25 people in the raid)


Enjoy! :)

Qulight UI (5.4b)

Site UI (http://qulightui.omniscience.ru/)

version 5.4 only for 5.4 wow client

Qulight UI in Action(Youtube) (http://www.youtube.com/user/Qulight?feature=mhee)


1. Clean your "Interface/AddOns folder;
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder/Interface/Addons;

1. Удалитьсодержимое"Interface/AddOns";
2. Распаковатьархивв WoW/Interface/Addons;

Slash commands:

/rl, .кд; - Reload UI;
/ticket, /gm, /гм; - GM frame.
/hb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/wf - Quest tracker mover.
/frame - Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame.

/config - In-game UI config.
/ui - ingame command for change all UI positions.
/ui reset - Set default UI positions.


QulightUI - It is the main addon and it includes - dNamePlates, Stuffing, FreebTip, m_Buff, omniCC, Class Timer, rActionBarStyler, Datatext(Bags, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, System, Time), qMinimap, qChat, ncHoverBind, oUF+oUF_Qulight, Filger, aLoad, MarkBar, Mapster, qChatBar, raidUtility, tullaRange, m_Loot, ncCooldownFlash, aMail, Reminder, RaidBuffReminder, BigWigs_skin, DBM_skin, DXE_skin, KLE_skin, Omen_skin, PallyPower_skin, Quartz_skin, Recount_skin, Skada_skin.

Qulight_ConfigUI - in game configuration.

Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) - is an addon which reskins the default Blizzard frames to a smooth, minimalistic theme which is consistent across the entire UI.

Recount, Omen, KLE, DXE, BigWigs, Quartz, Skada, DBM, Pally Power are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.


Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz.

ShestakUI (4.4.3)

ShestakUI is a modular, lightweight, all-in-one overhaul for the World of Warcraft interface. It aims to streamline and clean up the interface, removing unnecessary frills and wasted space as well as fill in some of the holes left in the default UI.

Setup - All settings are changed in the file ShestakUI\Config\Settings.lua or in-game options(/cfg).
Screen resolution - All resolutions above 1280 pixels horizontally.
Screen mode - Full screen.
Multisampling - 1x multisampling.
Delete/backup your current UI.
Copy all from archive to your World of Warcraft folder(WoW\Interface\AddOns\).
All questions, suggestions and bugs you can write only here ("http://shestak.org/forum/").
UI Site link ("http://shestak.org").
GitHub link ("https://github.com/Shestak/ShestakUI").
Curse link ("http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/shestakui.aspx").
Change Log link ("https://github.com/Shestak/ShestakUI/commits/master/").
AcidWeb, Aezay, Affli, Ailae, Allez, ALZA, Ammo, Astromech, Beoko, Bitbyte, Blamdarot, Bozo, Caellian, Califpornia, Camealion, Chiril, CrusaderHeimdall, Cybey, Dawn, Don Kaban, Dridzt, Duffed, Durcyn, Eclipse, Egingell, Elv22, Evilpaul, Evl, Favorit, Fernir, Foof, Freebaser, g0st, gi2k15, Gorlasch, Gsuz, Haleth, Haste, Hoochie, Hungtar, HyPeRnIcS, Hydra, Ildyria, iSpawnAtHome, Jaslm, Karl_w_w, Karudon, Katae, Kemayo, Killakhan, Kraftman, Kunda, Leatrix, m2jest1c, Magdain, Meurtcriss, Monolit, MrRuben5, Myrilandell of Lothar, Nathanyel, Nefarion, Nightcracker, Nils Ruesch, p3lim, Partha, Phanx, pvtschlag, Rahanprout, Renstrom, RustamIrzaev, Safturento, Sara.Festung, SDPhantom, Sildor, Silverwind, SinaC, Slakah, Soeters, Starlon, Suicidal Katt, Syzgyn, Tekkub, Telroth, Thalyra, Thizzelle, Tia Lynn, Timmy2250, Tohveli, Tukz, Tuller, Veev, Villiv, Vladinator, Wetxius, Woffle of Dark Iron, Wrug, Xuerian, Yleaf, Zork.
Aelb, Alwa, Baine, Chubidu, Cranan, eXecrate, F5Hellbound, Ianchan, Leg883, Mania, Nanjiqq, Oz, Puree, Seal, Sinaris, Spacedragon, Tat2dawn, Tibles, Vienchen, Wetxius.
Akimba, Antthemage, Crunching, Dandruff, DesFolk, Elfrey, Ente, Erratic, Falchior, Gromcha, Halogen, Homicidal Retribution, ILF7, Illusion, Ipton, k07n, Kazarl, Leots, m2jest1c, MoLLIa, Nefrit, Noobolov, Obakol, Oz, PterOs, Sart, Scorpions, Sitatunga, Sw2rT1, Wetxius, Yakodzuna, UI Users and Russian Community.

Kkthnx ElvUI (5.4.3)

http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/6562/49sr.png ("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=XC5463FDLTKSE&lc=US&item_name=Kkthnx%20ElvUI&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted")http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/1236/9i1.png ("http://www.tukui.org/blog/")
http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/9288/17xi.png ("http://www.tukui.org/dl.php")http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6906/8rin.png ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info22242-KkthnxElvUI.html#changelog")


DecUI (6.99)

This is the optional supplement package ONLY. You MUST download the actual UI files from Tukui.org in compliance with the ElvUI license at the following link below:
5.4.0 compatible - Version 6.99 is the latest available for the core

Click me to get DecUI Core! ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=164")

Want to show your appreciation? Donate to my Red Bull addiction here:



Welcome to DecUI! This is an edited version of the ElvUI ("http://www.tukui.org") version 6 platform, styled to be a bit more information-rich, with an homage to classic ElvUI/Tukui looks. ALL due credit goes to the community and contributors there for the many ideas, tweaks and fixes to the platform. Without their efforts, this compilation would not exist. /salute

Supports 1680x1050 and up, Multimonitor/Eyefinity/nVidia Surround friendly, easy to install and configure. Users of resolutions smaller than 1680x1050 can use the Low Resolution option within the UI, yet you will need to adjust elements to fit your resolution.


STEP 1 - Make a backup of your existing UI!

Go to your World of Warcraft folder.
Copy the Interface and WTF folders, and paste them into a new folder of your choice and name. This will be your backup in case you want to go back.
Delete the Interface and WTF folders in the World of Warcraft folder.STEP 2 - Follow these steps to properly set up DecUI

Extract the folders inside DecUI to your World of Warcraft folder.STEP 3 - Log in and set up your Video settings
Doing this beforehand will allow you to skip the resolution warning of the UI. Once logged in, you will be prompted to go through the in-game configuration wizard to adjust the appearance. This will happen only once per character, unless you manually reset the UI.Navigation

Clicking the "L" icon on the bottom-right of the left chat panel unlocks UI elements to be placed manually.

Remember to click the "C" icon at the bottom-left of the right chat panel for the config menu. Entering this will give you access to the in-game config options, that allows you to more easily tweak appearance settings, such as increasing/reducing the amount of action bars, datatext shown, etc.

This version includes numerous changes and additions to the standard version of ElvUI itself as well as a few addons that are listed. The goal was to unify extra functionality with a clean look and layout that would be uniform to all classes. Some addons have been edited to either match the theme that I am aiming for, or simply .TOC updates for the 5.1.0 patch. Updating these may hamper their appearance and/or functionality with DecUI.

Partial listing of addons below, attached screenshots show complete list:

MiniMap Button Bag

Also includes portions of AI-Art ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15048-AI-Art.html") and MiirGui ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20292-MiirGuiTexturePack.html") panel replacement art, Ferous Media ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/ferous-media") and pHishr's Media ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info14788-pHishrsMediaPack.html") status panel artwork, and Login^2 ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18376-Login2CustomLoginFrames.html#info") replacement login art.

Known issues for 5.4.0
* ElvUI Chat Tweaks throwing an Ace3 error when attempting to click scroll bar, can use arrows still
* EmbedLeft, EmbedRight option for ElvUI Addon skins overlaps if you use this option with any embeddable addon aside from Skada, issue with DecUI, not the addon itself
* Pixel Perfect still needs to be corrected for the ember option

Explore your world - you have complete control over how the UI displays information of almost any type. Don't like how something looks? Change it/disable it/tweak it! That's what all those addons and options are for!
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