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Qulight UI (5.2.11)


Site UI (http://qulightui.omniscience.ru/)

Qulight UI in Action(Youtube) (http://www.youtube.com/user/Qulight?feature=mhee)


1. Clean your "Interface/AddOns folder;
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder/Interface/Addons;

1. Удалитьсодержимое"Interface/AddOns";
2. Распаковатьархивв WoW/Interface/Addons;

Slash commands:

/rl, .кд; - Reload UI;
/ticket, /gm, /гм; - GM frame.
/hb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/wf - Quest tracker mover.
/frame - Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame.

/config - In-game UI config.
/ui - ingame command for change all UI positions.
/ui reset - Set default UI positions.


QulightUI - It is the main addon and it includes - dNamePlates, Stuffing, FreebTip, m_Buff, omniCC, Class Timer, rActionBarStyler, Datatext(Bags, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, System, Time), qMinimap, qChat, ncHoverBind, oUF+oUF_Qulight, Filger, aLoad, MarkBar, Mapster, qChatBar, raidUtility, tullaRange, m_Loot, ncCooldownFlash, aMail, Reminder, RaidBuffReminder, BigWigs_skin, DBM_skin, DXE_skin, KLE_skin, Omen_skin, PallyPower_skin, Quartz_skin, Recount_skin, Skada_skin.

Qulight_ConfigUI - in game configuration.

Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) - is an addon which reskins the default Blizzard frames to a smooth, minimalistic theme which is consistent across the entire UI.

Recount, Omen, KLE, DXE, BigWigs, Quartz, Skada, DBM, Pally Power are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.


Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz.

Kkthnxbye ElvUI v1 (5.2)


You HAVE to visit my Github ("https://github.com/KkthnxbyeGaming") to download the modded ElvUI with my fonts and omegas optimizations for this to work. Please do download the uninstall profile from here.

You may also add me in-game off Real-live ID Kkthnxbye#1642

Also make sure to thank Omega1997 ("https://github.com/omega1970/AddOns/tree/master/ElvUI") for his dedicated work. As well as Dandruff at Tukui for all his hard work making U-Install possible.

This layout is for Tanks, DPS. Enjoy!

If you want other addons, please download them yourself. I will provide links of what addons I do use.

Other addons I use.
ElvUI AddOnSkins ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=128") - Use this for skinning other addons.
ElvUI VisualAuraTimers ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/elvui-visualauratimers")
ElvUI OneExtraActionBar ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/elvui-oneextraactionbar")
BigWigs ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5086-BigWigsBossmods.html")
GatherMate2 ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21293-GatherMate2.html")
LittleWigs ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info9577-LittleWigs.html")
Skada ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html")
xCT+ ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xct-plus")
AuctionLite ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12652-AuctionLite.html")

Other Links
My Curse Page ("http://www.curse.com/users/KkthnxbyeGaming")
My Github ("https://github.com/KkthnxbyeGaming")

Kkthnxbye ElvUI v2 (1.0b)

You HAVE to visit my Github ("https://github.com/KkthnxbyeGaming") to download the modded ElvUI with my fonts and omegas optimizations for this to work. Please do download the uninstall profile from here.

You may also add me in-game off Real-live ID Kkthnxbye#1642

This layout is for Healers, Tanks, DPS. Enjoy!

Other addons I use.
ElvUI AddOnSkins ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=128") - Use this for skinning other addons.
ElvUI VisualAuraTimers ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/elvui-visualauratimers")
ElvUI OneExtraActionBar ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/elvui-oneextraactionbar")
BigWigs ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5086-BigWigsBossmods.html")
GatherMate2 ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21293-GatherMate2.html")
LittleWigs ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info9577-LittleWigs.html")
Skada ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12499-SkadaDamageMeter.html")
xCT+ ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/xct-plus")
AuctionLite ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info12652-AuctionLite.html")

Other Links
My Curse Page ("http://www.curse.com/users/KkthnxbyeGaming")
My Github ("https://github.com/KkthnxbyeGaming")

Qulight UI (5.3)


Site UI (http://qulightui.omniscience.ru/)

Qulight UI in Action(Youtube) (http://www.youtube.com/user/Qulight?feature=mhee)


1. Clean your "Interface/AddOns folder;
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder/Interface/Addons;

1. Удалитьсодержимое"Interface/AddOns";
2. Распаковатьархивв WoW/Interface/Addons;

Slash commands:

/rl, .кд; - Reload UI;
/ticket, /gm, /гм; - GM frame.
/hb - binding buttons on mouseover.
/wf - Quest tracker mover.
/frame - Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame.

/config - In-game UI config.
/ui - ingame command for change all UI positions.
/ui reset - Set default UI positions.


QulightUI - It is the main addon and it includes - dNamePlates, Stuffing, FreebTip, m_Buff, omniCC, Class Timer, rActionBarStyler, Datatext(Bags, Durability, Friends, Gold, Guild, System, Time), qMinimap, qChat, ncHoverBind, oUF+oUF_Qulight, Filger, aLoad, MarkBar, Mapster, qChatBar, raidUtility, tullaRange, m_Loot, ncCooldownFlash, aMail, Reminder, RaidBuffReminder, BigWigs_skin, DBM_skin, DXE_skin, KLE_skin, Omen_skin, PallyPower_skin, Quartz_skin, Recount_skin, Skada_skin.

Qulight_ConfigUI - in game configuration.

Aurora (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18589-Aurora.html) - is an addon which reskins the default Blizzard frames to a smooth, minimalistic theme which is consistent across the entire UI.

Recount, Omen, KLE, DXE, BigWigs, Quartz, Skada, DBM, Pally Power are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.


Monolit, Shestak, Hanomi, Alza, AlleyKat, Fernir, affli, Nightcracker, Allez, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, Haleth, drakull, P3lim, Dawn, Tukz.

Wullie's UI (4.4.2)

Wullie's UI

Patch 5.1 Ready!

You can see my UI in action on YouTube ("http://www.youtube.com/user/Saltire35/videos?sort=dd&flow=grid&page=1&view=0") or live on TwitchTV ("http://www.twitch.tv/saltire35").

This is my UI which is mainly focused around healing (my main is a holy paladin), however I've found it also works great as DPS or as a tank.

The UI is based around 1920x1080 resolution.

All credit goes to the individual addon authors, without them this UI would not have been possible.

Installation Instructions:

1. Make a backup of your WTF, Interface & Fonts (if you have one) folders.
2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.
3. Go into the WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called YOURACCOUNTNAME to your own account name all in caps.
4. Enter the YOURACCOUNTNAME folder and change the folder called YourServer into your server name.
5. Enter the YourServer folder and change the folder YourCharacter into your characters name.
6. Put my WTF, Fonts and Interface folder in the place where your own folders used to be.
7. If any addon seems out of place use profile "Wulliee".
8. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".

Addons Used:

Altoholic ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/altoholic")
Archy (Disabled by Default) ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/archy")
AtlasLoot ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/atlasloot-enhanced")
Auctioneer ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctioneer")
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator")
Bartender4 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bartender4")
BugSack ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bugsack")
ChinchillaMiniMap ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chinchilla")
DeadlyBossMods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
Grid ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/grid")
GTFO ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gtfo")
MarkingBar ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/markingbar")
Masque ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/masque")
MikScrollingBattleText ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text")
MoveAnything ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything")
NeedToKnow ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/need-to-know")
NugComboBar ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/nugie-combo-bar")
Omen ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/omen-threat-meter")
Overachiever ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/overachiever")
Postal ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/postal")
Quartz ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/quartz")
QuestHubber ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/questhubber")
Raven ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raven")
ReforgeLite ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/reforgelite")
RSA ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rsa")
ShadowedUnitFrames ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadowed-unit-frames")
Skada ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/skada")
TidyPlates ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tidy-plates")
TipTac ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tip-tac")
TitanPanel ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/titan-panel")
TomTom ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tomtom")
Vengeance Status ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/vengeance-status")
WhisperWhisper ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/broker_whisperwhisper")

This is for everyone that has asked about my User Interface. If you wish to speak to me in-game, you can find me at Wulliee ("http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/wulliee/advanced") - Draenor (EU)(Horde).

If you have have any problems with the installation or have any questions you'd like to ask, please post in the comments section ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21036-WulliesUI1920x1080HealingampDPS.html#comments") and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Version Updates:


Large Update and colours configured for DBM, Omen & Skada.


Reconfigured NugComboBar & Quartz. Large Addons Update.


Cleaned up all addons. Also large update.


Large Update for Patch 5.1. Reconfigured /ntk timers.


Grid, SUF & DBM Small Configuration and Addons Update.


Addons Update.


Reconfigured a Few Addons & Large Update.


A Few Small Errors Corrected and Large Addons Update.


Quartz Reconfigured & Vengeance Status Added.


v4.0.6 Corrected & Addons Update.


Grid now displays spec icon for each player in Dungeons & Raids. (See 1st Screenshot).


SUF Reconfiguration & Addons Update.


Large Addons Update.


Reconfigured Quartz & Grid.


Large Addons Update.


Changed SexyMap to Chinchilla. Large Addons Update. Reconfigured Tooltips, DBM, Quartz & MoveAnything.


EU to US installation error has now been fixed.


Correction to v3.7. Addons Update. Reconfigured Tooltips.


Changed Buffs to show 2 rows instead of 1. Moved ExtraActionBar to give DBM timers more room to expand.


Addons Updated. DBM, NtK & Bartender Reconfigured.


Added Debuffs to Focus Target. Addons Updated.


Large Update - See New Screenshots.


Reconfigured all Colors again to match the rest of the UI. Addons Updated.


SBF replaced with Raven.


Tooltips now shown correctly & Large Addons Update. Omen also now works as intended.


Large Addons Update for Patch 5.0.4.


Addons Updated.


Large Update for Mists of Pandaria.


Moved tooltips & buffs to the left side of the UI to make it look more balanced.


Small adjustment to Skada and reconfigured Omen. (See Screenshot 1 & 2)


Addons Update.


Cleaned up some of the Addons... deleted a couple of unnecessary additions.


Updated all Addons. Reconfigured a few colors.


Replaced Recount with Skada. Updated all Addons.


Small update on a few colors to match the rest of the UI.


Addons updated & small tidy up.


2 Addons added and general update.


Error in WTF folder corrected.


Addons Updated.


Made a couple of minor adjustments to the layout. (See 1st screenshot).
Reconfigured MSBT.


Added NugComboBar as requested.


Background color of DBM timers changed to match the rest of the UI.
Color changed and font size of Recount reduced to make the details more clearly visible.

Shadowmage's UI 1920x1080 (Wide) (6.4.4)


A compilation minimalistic of graphicaly looks User Interface.

Thanks to Smegdead@Stormrage-EU for the banner <3
Also special thanks to LethalVenom (LetUI)

To Install

NOTE: For the healing setup, please download Grid2

Step 1

Back up your previous Interface and WTF folders.

Download and drop the Interface and WTF folders in your WoW directory

(Windows XP users)
C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft

(Windows Vista / Windows 7 users)
C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft

Step 2

Head into the WTF folder and make sure to rename these folders to your relevant details:

WTF/account/YOURACCOUNTNAME - change to the name of your wow account

WTF/account/YOURACCOUNTNAME/YOURSERVER - change to the name of the server you play on

WTF/account/YOURACCOUNTNAME/YOURSERVER/CHARACTERNAME - change to the name of your character

Step 3

Now boot up WoW, before you enter the world make sure the addon "ShadowmageUI Setup" and "ShadowmageUI Core" is enabled.

Upon entering the world 2 boxes will appear, one asking you which layout you wish to use and another involved with the addon Gnosis. Dismiss the popup box about Gnosis.

Step 4

Read the Dialog box and select which layout you wish to use.


IMPORTANT: If you wish to use the healing layout, please download Grid2 (not supplied)

Your screen should reload and everything should fall into place.

For DPS Layout

Now open up Gnosis with /gnosis and select create options. Expand Gnosis (the little + in the addon list) and go to "Configurations". Once there select "Standard" and press all the buttons that say "Load..." (dont hit Update or Remove).

For Healing Layout

Now open up Gnosis with /gnosis and select create options. Expand Gnosis (the little + in the addon list) and go to "Configurations". Once there select "Heals" and press all the buttons that say "Load..." (dont hit Update or Remove)

NOTE: You may have to reload your UI (/rl) again for some addons to fall into place.


Switching Layout NEW!

To switch layouts, hit the + button under the minimap. It will then ask you which layout you wish to select.


NOTE: Grid2 is needed for the healing layout, as of yet there is no DPS layout for Grid2 you may have to disable it

Updating my UI

In most occasions the only updates I throw out are those to update various addons, if this is the case then you do not need to replace your current WTF folder. But instead just extract the Interface folder. However there will be times when I add stuff or move things around, which you will need to also extract the WTF folder.


The addons used are listed:

Edlyn Grid 2 Layout (used only for healing layout)
Ferous Media
Xloot Group

You are free to move the unit frames to your liking by typing /omf to unlock, and then again to lock.

Healing Layout Notes

You will need to download Grid2 separately as it does not come with my UI package, you can find a download link here:


It is also mainly configured for Priests, so if your not a priest you will have to add your own stuff you want to track. For questions regarding this see here:



You're free to update any addons that may be outdated or that you wish to replace.

However, I would not recommend updating the following addons as I have personaly editted some of the lua coding or they have been edited by some one else to suit my UI and/or addons may be pulling fonts/textures from other addons:



As far as resolution goes, this UI is built for a 1920x1080 widescreen, im not sure whats gunna happen when applied to a bigger/smaller resolution, you may have to play around with the UI scale (Video Options -> Video -> move the bar up and down)

Hidden Aspects

There are 2 hidden bars from bartender, number 10 (on the far right of the screen) and number 9 (far left of the screen) which show upon mouse over.

The micomenu (the small menu which has the buttons to access character sheet, talents etc) is hidden at the bottom, right of the action bars. This also shows upon mouse over.

There is a 4 button slot located in the center(ish) of the screen, this is bartender (bar number 4). I use this to add spells i wish to keep on CD so I can easily track them.

If you dont want these to be hidden, simply type /bartender. Select the appropiate bar, go to the Visibility tab, untick Fade Out (for bar4 also untick the option that makes it unclickable in the general tab).

Other Things You Should Know

- The raid frames is configured so that it WILL NOT show groups 6-8 (But Healing layout with Grid2 will, the frames are configured to get smaller when theres more than 25 people in the raid)


Enjoy! :)

OPUI (2.11)

I will now be streaming live at WWW.Twitch.TV/DontB1ink ("WWW.Twitch.TV/DontB1ink") !! Join me while I design the UI, TMorph my way through Heroic PVE content and random PVP!


Installation Video:
http://y2u.be/I-bT4OHI-t4 ("http://y2u.be/I-bT4OHI-t4")

Demo Video:
http://y2u.be/7_4AMbgWIt4 ("http://y2u.be/7_4AMbgWIt4")

http://tukui.org/dl.php ("http://tukui.org/dl.php")

ElvUI Plugin OneExtraActionbar:
http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=65 ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=65")

ElvUI Plugin VisualAuraTimers:
http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=91 ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=91")

Features Coming Soon:

More resolution support.
One button install/update.
Pixel perfect version.
Consolidation of portraits.

Please remember to leave feedback, suggestions and requests as they help me make the UI better for you and I.

Enhanced Blizzard UI - Fan Update (0.1d)

This UI contains many different Scripts that i picked up from AJ and other , this are not my Scripts.
I'm not a real coder, i have just some experience and iam still working on my skills.
That means this ui can "have" many bugs. Please don't be annoyed.
My Goal is to create a UI that is leightwight and run smooth and give you a real blizzard touch, just with more information.

This is my fan update of my all time favorite UI compilation by ikomiko's ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=278788") awesome Enhanced Blizzard UI ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20444-EnhancedBlizzardUI.html"), but unfortunately ikomiko hasn't been updating his UI lately, so I wanted to try and fix all the expansion-change-bugs I could find, I doubt I got them all, but at least the UI is playable now and things aren't horribly broken.

In this version I omitted the DK Rune mode since I don't have a DK and LooseControl since I think the Blizzards new default LooseControl-esq feature works just fine.

I added TidyPlates and SexyMap since the original version lacked these features and I like them.

I can only wish ikomiko makes a come back and delivers the real quality version of the UI that only he can deliver. Until then, try to enjoy this some-what-fixed-version of the UI!

Help Section:

Micro menu bar and bagbar is hidden at the lower right corner and will become visible with mouseover.
You can move Petbar with shift + alt + drag.
UI is meant to be played with only Bottom Left Action Bar showing, but you can view others via Interface -> ActionBars menu.

AffinityUI (5.1.5)

All Addons updated as of 1/15/2013 11:20AM PT

ElvUI is no longer included in this UI pack. You must download and install ElvUI from http://www.tukui.org/dl.php ("http://www.tukui.org/dl.php")

SET uiScale "0.64" is recommended

WEAK AURAS - If you see double sets of Icons in different locations, make sure that only "CLASS - MAINBAR" is loaded (eg Monk - Mainbar, so on). To disable the other one (eg: Monk) go to /wa click on the Monk group. Hit the "LOAD" option, and select "NEVER"

Special thanks to Acrol for the bulk of the Weak Auras work

Please use the profiles labled as "HEALME" and "HEALME_10 in vuhdo and "HEALME or HEALME2" in ElvUI, bigwigs, etc. PRIEST SPECIFIC - Use the vuhdo labeled as HEALME_PRIEST or HEALME_10_PRIEST -- Post if you have any issues!

It is recommended that you update your addons via Curse Client. ElvUI is no longer being updated on Curse, so refer to the tukui.org website to update ElvUI. This compilation is only updated when I make changes to how things look, addon updates etc are on YOU.

Video Tutorial on getting the proper profiles located HERE ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfaeSkIPmyk")

A video of the UI in use is available HERE ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA0DFYx8tuI&feature=feedu")
I will keep the base package up-to-date, however additional addon updates (Vuhdo, ACP, etc) should be updated by the end user. Occasional package updates for major updates (ElvUI specifically) most addons will be up-to-date as of the DAY the package is released. I recommend using Curse Client to update.

Tested and works on 2560x1440. Should function with minor placement modifications on other resolutions to Vuhdo, BW, etc

Included Addons
Weak Auras


Back up your Interface and WTF folders. After that delete the files from your world of warcraft folder.
Download and exctract those folders from AffinityUI and put them into your World of Warcraft folder.
Open the WTF/Account folder and rename the following sub-directories.):

ACCOUNTNAME => to your account name.
ServerName => to your server name.
CHARNAME => to your character name.

Before your first login
At Launcher choose your preferred language under Options - Game Preferences

Log into your WOW ACCOUNT (not your character) and make sure to check "LOAD OUT OF DATE ADDONS" (just as a precaution, some addons may be out of date due to being older, but still function)

After your first login
Type /ec. A menu will appear. Verify that the UI scale is where you want it. You can either select UI scale, or Auto UI Scale (I use AutoUI Scale)
Type /moveui to move Elements of the UI (Minimap, Actionbars, Unit Frames, etc)

More on Usage
Go read the Tukui Faq ("http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/topic.php?id=43"). It has a lot of awesome features.
Generally by clicking on specific items (Guild, Friends, Time, etc) will open a menu. For the micro-menu, MIDDLECLICK on the minimap.

All addons are credited to the original Authors. This is an addon compilation that I intend to keep updated with my own tweaks for my healers, I am NOT the author of any of the above mentioned addons

Tested with and used for:
Mistweaver Monk
Disc Priest

Should work with tweaks to VuhDo
Resto Druid
Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin

Thanks to all the authors of the listed programs, and a special thanks to Elv22 and Tukz for the original layout. Visit them at Tukui.org

Wullie's UI (4.4.3)

Wullie's UI

Patch 5.1 Ready!

You can see my UI in action on YouTube ("http://www.youtube.com/user/Saltire35/videos?sort=dd&flow=grid&page=1&view=0") or live on TwitchTV ("http://www.twitch.tv/saltire35").

This is my UI which is mainly focused around healing (my main is a holy paladin), however I've found it also works great as DPS or as a tank.

The UI is based around 1920x1080 resolution.

All credit goes to the individual addon authors, without them this UI would not have been possible.

Installation Instructions:

1. Make a backup of your WTF, Interface & Fonts (if you have one) folders.
2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.
3. Go into the WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called YOURACCOUNTNAME to your own account name all in caps.
4. Enter the YOURACCOUNTNAME folder and change the folder called YourServer into your server name.
5. Enter the YourServer folder and change the folder YourCharacter into your characters name.
6. Put my WTF, Fonts and Interface folder in the place where your own folders used to be.
7. If any addon seems out of place use profile "Wulliee".
8. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".

Addons Used:

Altoholic ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/altoholic")
Archy (Disabled by Default) ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/archy")
AtlasLoot ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/atlasloot-enhanced")
Auctioneer ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctioneer")
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator")
Bartender4 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bartender4")
BugSack ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bugsack")
ChinchillaMiniMap ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chinchilla")
DeadlyBossMods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
Grid ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/grid")
GTFO ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gtfo")
MarkingBar ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/markingbar")
Masque ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/masque")
MikScrollingBattleText ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text")
MoveAnything ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything")
NeedToKnow ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/need-to-know")
NugComboBar ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/nugie-combo-bar")
Omen ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/omen-threat-meter")
Overachiever ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/overachiever")
Postal ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/postal")
Quartz ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/quartz")
QuestHubber ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/questhubber")
Raven ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raven")
ReforgeLite ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/reforgelite")
RSA ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rsa")
ShadowedUnitFrames ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadowed-unit-frames")
Skada ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/skada")
TidyPlates ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tidy-plates")
TipTac ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tip-tac")
TitanPanel ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/titan-panel")
TomTom ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tomtom")
Vengeance Status ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/vengeance-status")
WhisperWhisper ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/broker_whisperwhisper")

This is for everyone that has asked about my User Interface. If you wish to speak to me in-game, you can find me at Wulliee ("http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/wulliee/advanced") - Draenor (EU)(Horde).

If you have have any problems with the installation or have any questions you'd like to ask, please post in the comments section ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21036-WulliesUI1920x1080HealingampDPS.html#comments") and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Version Updates:


Large Update and colours configured for DBM, Omen & Skada.


Reconfigured NugComboBar & Quartz. Large Addons Update.


Cleaned up all addons. Also large update.


Large Update for Patch 5.1. Reconfigured /ntk timers.


Grid, SUF & DBM Small Configuration and Addons Update.


Addons Update.


Reconfigured a Few Addons & Large Update.


A Few Small Errors Corrected and Large Addons Update.


Quartz Reconfigured & Vengeance Status Added.


v4.0.6 Corrected & Addons Update.


Grid now displays spec icon for each player in Dungeons & Raids. (See 1st Screenshot).


SUF Reconfiguration & Addons Update.


Large Addons Update.


Reconfigured Quartz & Grid.


Large Addons Update.


Changed SexyMap to Chinchilla. Large Addons Update. Reconfigured Tooltips, DBM, Quartz & MoveAnything.


EU to US installation error has now been fixed.


Correction to v3.7. Addons Update. Reconfigured Tooltips.


Changed Buffs to show 2 rows instead of 1. Moved ExtraActionBar to give DBM timers more room to expand.


Addons Updated. DBM, NtK & Bartender Reconfigured.


Added Debuffs to Focus Target. Addons Updated.


Large Update - See New Screenshots.


Reconfigured all Colors again to match the rest of the UI. Addons Updated.


SBF replaced with Raven.


Tooltips now shown correctly & Large Addons Update. Omen also now works as intended.


Large Addons Update for Patch 5.0.4.


Addons Updated.


Large Update for Mists of Pandaria.


Moved tooltips & buffs to the left side of the UI to make it look more balanced.


Small adjustment to Skada and reconfigured Omen. (See Screenshot 1 & 2)


Addons Update.


Cleaned up some of the Addons... deleted a couple of unnecessary additions.


Updated all Addons. Reconfigured a few colors.


Replaced Recount with Skada. Updated all Addons.


Small update on a few colors to match the rest of the UI.


Addons updated & small tidy up.


2 Addons added and general update.


Error in WTF folder corrected.


Addons Updated.


Made a couple of minor adjustments to the layout. (See 1st screenshot).
Reconfigured MSBT.


Added NugComboBar as requested.


Background color of DBM timers changed to match the rest of the UI.
Color changed and font size of Recount reduced to make the details more clearly visible.

mbXtremeUI 5.0 (

Welcome to the mbXtremeUI 5.0!
mbXtremeUI 3.0 Remake (mixed of all 4 UI's) for WoW MoP

Video Guide | Everything you need to know:
Note: This Guide is made for my mbXtremeUI 3.0 but there are the same steps to install mbXtremeUI 5.0!


/reflux switch mbXtremeUI 5.0

I use a 23" Monitor with a 1920x1080 Widescreen Resolution.
If you have another Resolution - open all Addon Menus and Customize it yourself :P
(Yes i know... not polite but i share my UI so if you want it... go for it ^^)

Please Report every bug so i can keep it up2date!


AddOn List:

Deadly Boss Mods
Nice Damage
Omen Threat Meter
PitBull Unit Frames 4.0
Prat 3.0
Tidy Plates
Titan Panel
WoW Instant Messenger v3

Enhanced Blizzard UI - Fan Update (0.2a1)

This UI contains many different Scripts that i picked up from AJ and other , this are not my Scripts.
I'm not a real coder, i have just some experience and iam still working on my skills.
That means this ui can "have" many bugs. Please don't be annoyed.
My Goal is to create a UI that is leightwight and run smooth and give you a real blizzard touch, just with more information.

This is my fan update of my all time favorite UI compilation by ikomiko's ("http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=278788") awesome Enhanced Blizzard UI ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20444-EnhancedBlizzardUI.html"), but unfortunately ikomiko hasn't been updating his UI lately, so I wanted to try and fix all the expansion-change-bugs I could find, I doubt I got them all, but at least the UI is playable now and things aren't horribly broken.

In this version I omitted the DK Rune mode since I don't have a DK and LooseControl since I think the Blizzards new default LooseControl-esq feature works just fine.

I added TidyPlates and SexyMap since the original version lacked these features and I like them.

I can only wish ikomiko makes a come back and delivers the real quality version of the UI that only he can deliver. Until then, try to enjoy this some-what-fixed-version of the UI!

Help Section:

Micro menu bar and bagbar is hidden at the lower right corner and will become visible with mouseover.
You can move Petbar & Stancebar with shift + alt + drag.
UI is meant to be played with only Bottom Left Action Bar showing, but you can view others via Interface -> ActionBars menu.

Group Calendar 4 (4.6.1)

About Group Calendar

Group Calendar provides an in-game calendar for planning, signing up, and managing events. It can be configured for single-guild use or for multi-guild alliances.

The user's manual can be found at http://wobbleworks.com/groupcalendar/manual/

Recent Changes

v4.5.1 Changes

* FEATURE: Added Isle of Conquest battleground
* FEATURE: Added Trial of the Champion dungeon
* FEATURE: Added Trial of the Crusader and Trial of the Grand Crusader raids
* BUGFIX: Corrected Maybe checkbox to send Maybe instead of Standby to the organizer

v4.5 Changes

* FEATURE: Added Ulduar and Ulduar (Heroic) event types
* FEATURE: Patch 3.1 compatible
* FEATURE: Edit tab automatically gives keyboard focus to the Title field
* BUGFIX: "Guild Members Only" checkbox no longer shows up when not in a guild

AffinityUI (5.1.5)

All Addons updated as of 1/15/2013 11:20AM PT

ElvUI is no longer included in this UI pack. You must download and install ElvUI from http://www.tukui.org/dl.php ("http://www.tukui.org/dl.php")

SET uiScale "0.64" is recommended

WEAK AURAS - If you see double sets of Icons in different locations, make sure that only "CLASS - MAINBAR" is loaded (eg Monk - Mainbar, so on). To disable the other one (eg: Monk) go to /wa click on the Monk group. Hit the "LOAD" option, and select "NEVER"

Special thanks to Acrol for the bulk of the Weak Auras work

Please use the profiles labled as "HEALME" and "HEALME_10 in vuhdo and "HEALME or HEALME2" in ElvUI, bigwigs, etc. PRIEST SPECIFIC - Use the vuhdo labeled as HEALME_PRIEST or HEALME_10_PRIEST -- Post if you have any issues!

It is recommended that you update your addons via Curse Client. ElvUI is no longer being updated on Curse, so refer to the tukui.org website to update ElvUI. This compilation is only updated when I make changes to how things look, addon updates etc are on YOU.

Video Tutorial on getting the proper profiles located HERE ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfaeSkIPmyk")

A video of the UI in use is available HERE ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA0DFYx8tuI&feature=feedu")
I will keep the base package up-to-date, however additional addon updates (Vuhdo, ACP, etc) should be updated by the end user. Occasional package updates for major updates (ElvUI specifically) most addons will be up-to-date as of the DAY the package is released. I recommend using Curse Client to update.

Tested and works on 2560x1440. Should function with minor placement modifications on other resolutions to Vuhdo, BW, etc

Included Addons
Weak Auras


Back up your Interface and WTF folders. After that delete the files from your world of warcraft folder.
Download and exctract those folders from AffinityUI and put them into your World of Warcraft folder.
Open the WTF/Account folder and rename the following sub-directories.):

ACCOUNTNAME => to your account name.
ServerName => to your server name.
CHARNAME => to your character name.

Before your first login
At Launcher choose your preferred language under Options - Game Preferences

Log into your WOW ACCOUNT (not your character) and make sure to check "LOAD OUT OF DATE ADDONS" (just as a precaution, some addons may be out of date due to being older, but still function)

After your first login
Type /ec. A menu will appear. Verify that the UI scale is where you want it. You can either select UI scale, or Auto UI Scale (I use AutoUI Scale)
Type /moveui to move Elements of the UI (Minimap, Actionbars, Unit Frames, etc)

More on Usage
Go read the Tukui Faq ("http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/topic.php?id=43"). It has a lot of awesome features.
Generally by clicking on specific items (Guild, Friends, Time, etc) will open a menu. For the micro-menu, MIDDLECLICK on the minimap.

All addons are credited to the original Authors. This is an addon compilation that I intend to keep updated with my own tweaks for my healers, I am NOT the author of any of the above mentioned addons

Tested with and used for:
Mistweaver Monk
Disc Priest

Should work with tweaks to VuhDo
Resto Druid
Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin

Thanks to all the authors of the listed programs, and a special thanks to Elv22 and Tukz for the original layout. Visit them at Tukui.org

MayronUI Gen2 (2.0.4)


Important News:

o With the new update, you need to press and hold the Alt Key while out of combat to see the Expand and Retract button. Also you can press and hold the shift key while out of combat to see 3 new buttons ontop of the Chat box!

o Currently only works with 1920x1080, 1680x1050, 1600x900 and 1440x900 resolutions.

o Please take a look at all of the screen shots!

o If you find any bugs or want to submit any feedback then please leave comments!

Special Features:

http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw58152_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw58152.jpg) http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw58997_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw58997.jpg) http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw59289_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw59289.jpg)

To get the chat box to appear in the bottom left hand corner rather than in the top left hand corner you need to follow the instructions from the F.A.Q's at the bottom of this page!


The following addons can be removed except Shadowed Unit Frames but please do not change the profile names or set them to a different profile because KgPanel Scripts are being used which rely on the correct profiles being used. You can of course still change the addon settings and use other profile templates by copying the new settings to the profile with the correct name as a way around this.

o Shadowed Unit Frames
o Class Timers
o Quartz
o Grid

Also I recommend not changing the Bartender Actions bars around as turning off either Bar 9 or Bar 10 could cause potential issues when using the Set-up addon and the extract/retract buttons.

How to install:

Helpful Preview of the UI which includes a tutorial of how to set it up (BRAND NEW!):
YouTube Preview & Tutorial Video ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpJoiI5LB9I")

1. Back up your old WTF, Interface and/or fonts folder by moving them to a new location out of your WoW folder.

2. Download and Extract the new UI and move the new WTF, Interface and Fonts folder into your WoW folder.

You need to pick the correct WTF folder depending on what resolution you use (1920x1080, 1680x1050 or 1440x900). Delete the other ones youre not using. Rename the WTF folder that you need to use to say just "WTF" without the quotes.

3. Rename WoW/WTF/Account/ACCOUNTNAME into your WoW Account Name (Original account name, not your battle.net email address. To find this out if you do not know already, check the same folder in your old backed up WTF folder. Make sure you type it all in Caps)

There is a helpful .txt file in the UI Pack that contains instructions on how to copy over all your saved settings, Key Bindings and Macros.

4. Load WoW and change the sound, video and interface settings to your preference. Do not change the UI scale as this will make some addons load incorrectly.

5. Next, turn on all addons on the addon menu and tick "Load out of date addons".
MayronSetup will be disabled by default. Make sure that it is enabled!

6. Press the INSTALL button on the dialogue box.

7. You will need to manually drag and resize the chat box to the correct position using the screenshots as a guide (Right click the General tab and press unlock).

If you want to place the Chat Box in the bottom left hand corner of the screen instead of the top left hand corner, you can switch the Art to better match this position. Please read the F.A.Q's to learn about how to do this!

UI Tips:

o The button on the left of the Chat box will have a D for DPS Mode or H for Healer Mode. Simply Click it to change between the two!

o Hold the Alt Key to gain access to the Expand/Retract buttons.

o Hold the Shift Key to gain access to 3 new buttons attached to the Chat Box.

o Right Click the Minimap to gain access to other windows you can open including the UI F.A.Q window.

o Holding the Alt key while left clicking on a Quest in the Quest Log will automatically Abandon that quest for you.

o You can turn off Class Colours in the UI art or set your own colours in the /kgpanels config menu in the Layouts list. You can also switch Layouts so that the chat box art better suits being positioned in the bottom left hand corner rather than the top left corner.

Extra: I recommend downloading your choice of a boss mod as it does not come with the UI:
Deadly Boss Mods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
BigWigs ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/big-wigs")

Extra: I also recommend downloading the following addons depending on what you need for your characters:
Balance Power Tracker ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18000-BalancePowerTracker.html") - For Balance Druids Only
Shields Up ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shieldsup") - For Restoration Shamans
Rune It All ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/runeitall") For Death Knights (The Rune Bar)
NugComboBar (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info6308-NugComboBar.html) - Resource tracking for all classes!

Useful Slash Commands:

/ltp - This opens up Leatrix Plus which contains very useful general settings. Worth looking through.
/suf - Settings for the Unit Frames (Shadowed Unit Frames)
/bar - Bartender Settings (Action Bars)
/kgpanels config - Settings for all the graphical art panels being used - Can become very technical.
/rl - Reloads the UI
/classtimer - Settings for the timers on the top of the palyer and target frame - You can remove and add additional tiemrs through this.
/align - Places a Grid over the screen so that you can align UI elements easily.
/dcp - Opens up the Doom Cooldown Pulse Menu - The icon that shows cool downs just below the center of the screen. You will be able to move and resize it and more.
/ewm - EasyWorldMarker - Lets you place World Markers in a Raid if your raid leading for example

How Healing Mode works:

I changed the way Healing Mode works so that the target frame is now the Focus Frame as well as switching target of target and focus frames in the same way. I also switched the target cast bar for the focus cast bar. The reason for this is that I like to have the Focus frame set for the Boss so I can see the Boss casting an important ability as well as seeing its buffs as well as a bigger and clearer unit frame.

To heal I do not use Clique however you can download it if you wish. I use mouse over macros like the following:

/target mouseover
/cast Healing Wave

I use this type of macro for all my healing spells and use these two macros to set the focus frame:
1. /focus targettarget
2. /focus mouseover

Addon List:

o Do not update the following addons:
Bagnon - Bag Addon
MayronSetup - Sets up the UI automatically on Login
MayronExtra- Used for adding extra UI functions - Always keep enabled.
MayMap- Minimap addon.
SharedMedia - Always keep this enabled. Extra addon media for the UI
PhanxBuffs - Buff and Debuff display addon
o Addons that are safe to update:
ACP - Addon Control Panel
BankStack- Sorts/Packs items in bags in a tidy order
Bartender4 - Action Bars
Broker + Plugins - Data Bars
ButtonFacade + Masque - Stylises buttons on action bars
Chatter - Chat Addon
ClassTimer - Keeps track of important timers for in combat
ColorPickerPlus - Easier for picking colors when setting addons up
DockingStation - Used with Broker to display the pluggins
Doom_CooldownPulse - Shows a big icon on screen when an ability comes off cooldown
DragEmAll- Allows you to move the Blizzard Windows.
eAlign - type "/align" ingame to display a grid
Easy World Marker - Type /ewm for a tool for assigning world markers.
ErrorMonster - Reduces spam from error messages
Grid - Raid Frames
ImprovedOptionsFrames- Allows you to resize the Blizzard Options, Interface etc. Window.
kgPanels - Panel art in the UI
Leatrix_Plus - Contains a list of very useful settings (type /"ltp" to view them)
nibChatTabs - Stylish tabs on the chat box
OmniCC - Displays cooldown timers over abilties on action bars
Parrot - Combat text Addon
Postal - Mail box Addon for opening all mail at once
Quartz - Cast Bar Addon
Recount - Meter for damage, healing and much more
Reflux - Profile Switching. Works with Mayron's setup. Its safe to disable after setup
ShadowedUnitFrames - Unit Frame Addon
SLDataText - Data text Addon
Simple Power Bar- This adds a bar at the top of the UI for boss special power bars used in some encounters.
TipTac - Tool Tip Addon
Tidy Plates - Name Plates addon
TotemTimers - Shaman only Addon for displaying totem bar and totem timers
Vendor Bait - Highlights the quest reward that is worth the most gold
Who Framed Watcher Wabbit - Moves the location of the Quest Tracker
XLoot - Loot frame addon
XLootGroup - Better group loot frame


Q: How do I open up the Calendar?
A: You need to right click on the mini-map

Q: How do I add my Debuff icons on-top of the enemy name plates like the Tidy Plates: Neon Theme did?
A: Tidy Plates: Threat Plates does this as well but you need to add them to the white list in the options. Make sure you spell the name of the Debuff correctly!

Q: How do I open up the F.A.Q menu without using the MayronSetup addon?
A: You need to right click the Minimap to gain access to a number of windows you can open. One of them is the UI F.A.Q's.

Q: How do I add other buff/debuff timers to the class timers above the player and target frames?
A: Type /classtimer and press Timers on the left. If you find it in the lists in the Tabs tick it. If not then go on "Extras" and type the name of the buff/debuff and press enter.

Q: Where do I find the experience Bar?
A: The Experience Bar is hidden on mouse over at the top of the screen. Only shows up on characters who have not reached the maximum level yet.

Q: How can I get the Expand and Retract button to show in the latest update?
A: You need to press and hold the Alt key while out of combat

Q: Why can I not see the Death Knight Rune Bar or the Balance Druid Tracker Bar?
A: I have taken the addons out of the UI that control this because I no longer wish to maintain them currently however if you read the UI installation instructions, I have placed links to where you can download them. You will need to set them up yourself. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Q: If I install another addon then I get an icon displaying it over my chat box next to the other icons. How can I disable this?
A: That is caused my Bazooka which automatically enables it which is a pain. Type "/bazooka" and go to Plugins. Un-tick the addon that is showing up to stop it from showing.

Q: How do I turn off Auto Quest? Or how do I turn on auto repair?
A: That is controlled with Leatrix Plus as well as many other useful general settings. Type /ltp in game and in the Interactions, untick Auto Quest. Or in Automations, tick the Auto Repair box.

Q: How can I move the chat box and chat box art to the Bottom Left like in the screen shot?
A: First you need to change the KgPanels Layout. Type /kgpanels config and maximize the Layouts list. Activate the Bottom Left Chat Box menu and then reload the UI (/rl).

Then Type /bazooka and go to Profiles. Change the profile from MayronUI to BottomLeft or Copy From Bottom Left if you prefer to always have it in the bottom left on alts as well.

The only thing left to do now is move the Party frames as they will appear on top of the chat box as well as raid frames on DPS mode.

Type /suf and un-tick Lock frames while in DPS mode (for healing mode you do not have the party frames). You then will be able to drag these to the top left. If you maximize the Unit configuration list and go down to Party, then go to the Party tab on the right you will see Row growth, you may wish to change that to Down rather than Up.

Hold down the Alt key and press the Expand button at the bottom part of the UI so the unit frames move up and repeat the last step since it will change the SUF profiles.

If you are using the Grid raid frames that come with this UI then you need to move them. Type /grid and go to the Layout tab. Change Solo Layout to By Group 25 if you are on your own so you can see them. Un-tick Horizontal groups, Frame lock and Hide tab. Change the Layout Anchor and Group Anchor to Top Left. Scroll down and click on the Background color. Change the Alpha to 100 so you can see the background. You will then be able to drag the tab of the raid frames to the top left. Once done, change the background color to 0 alpha like before, re-tick Horizontal groups, Frame lock and Hide tab and change the solo layout to none.

The only other thing I would recommend is to change the nib tab profile (/nibchattabs) to MayronUIBL which makes the tabs invisible un-tick you hover your mouse over the chat box but that is personal preference.

By Mayron of Twisting Nether (EU)

Want to Learn more about KgPanels? Look at my tutorial on it:
How to make Advanced KgPanels - Tutorial ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jcfl1yAhfq4")

Older UI: MayronUI - (Original) Gen1 (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19676-MayronsUI-OriginalGen1.html#info)

ElvUI Shadow & Light Edit (v1.4)

Please Note: This addon will not function without ElvUI installed. You can download it at http://www.tukui.org (http://www.tukui.org/dl.php).

Shadow & Light is an external edit of ElvUI, meaning it isn't made by changing of ElvUI's files directly. What this means to you, is that any time ElvUI gets updated, you will not have to worry about it overwriting our edited version of ElvUI. It also means if we push an update it will not mess with any ElvUI files. This addon can not be used without ElvUI installed and enabled.

Originally this project started as two personal edits of ElvUI by Darth Predator and I. For technical support reasons and other reasons as well, we have moved to a combine effort on this external edit of the ElvUI. Shadow & Light does not disable or hinder the normal function of ElvUI but does add additional features that are not yet implemented or will not be added to ElvUI.
You'll find Shadow & Light options under it's own configuration category in ElvUI's config section by typing /ec

Private Massage on TukUI.org (http://www.tukui.org/) to Darth Predator (http://www.tukui.org/forums/?pm=new/sdp) or Repooc (http://www.tukui.org/forums/?pm=new/repooc)
Curse Ticket System (http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/shadow-and-light-edit/tickets/)
Github Ticket System (https://github.com/Repooc/ElvUI_SLE/issues)

Download Locations:
Tukui (http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=42)
Wowinterface (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=20927)
Curse (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadow-and-light-edit)
Github (https://github.com/Repooc/ElvUI_SLE/downloads) (Warning: This is our development area and is consider the latest Alpha and may contain bugs.)

Ability to set text on exp/rep bar to full values.
Ability to show full values for HP/Mana on unitframes. (Tags: )
Added search feature for Mounts.
Additional background panels that can be customized to your liking.
Additional datatext panels that can be moved and resized.
Additional options for DBM skins. (Not enabled atm.)
Balance Druid and Demonoligy Warlock power value text on Classbar.
Can display caster name in auras tooltip.
Chat Datatext Panels altered to fit with the additional datatext panels module of Shadow & Light.
Chat History Modifications (Edit amount of lines for history to store and relocated chat textbox.)
Classbar offset
Customize Combat Icon position on player unitframe.
Dragon Soul LFR progression in Time Datatext.
Misc Custom UI Button (Quickly access ElvUI Config, ReloadUI, Toggle Move Anchors, Boss mod config/options (DBM, DXE, or Bigwigs), Addons Manager (stAddOnManager or ACP)
Modified Installation Process (Includes settings that each of the authors play with.)
Movable Pet Battle Actionbar
Movable Raid Utility menu.
PvP Auto Release
Skinned Raid Marker Bar

Boss Button Texture Removed
Nirriti's Notes (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/notes) Skin
OneClickEnchantScroll (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/oces) Skin
Tabbed Dungeon Browser (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rbtabbed-browser) Skin

Included Addons:
The idea of Classbar offset was taken from Boradan's guide on tukui.org (http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=21398). He released his own addon of the same function - ElvUI Classbar (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/elvui-classbar).
Blizzard additional skins (http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=21378) by Pat (http://www.tukui.org/forums/profile.php?id=1109)
UI buttons idea by Swordyy (http://www.tukui.org/forums/profile.php?id=7616)

Did we forget anyone? O_o

Technical Support:
If you have any questions or concerns, we want to hear about it. You are welcome to post it via Github (https://github.com/Repooc/ElvUI_SLE/issues?state=open) & Curse (http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/shadow-and-light-edit/tickets/) & Tukui.org (http://www.tukui.org/forums/forum.php?id=182) (Make sure to have addon title in subject field).

Darth Predator and I will do our best to address everyone's concern, we typically need some information from you other than the problem you are having. Before posting, PLEASE, make sure you are running the latest version of Shadow & Light as well as ElvUI and that you DISABLE ALL addons except for those two and try to reproduce the issue. It is important that you do that so we can narrow down what is causing the problem in the first place.

Information to provide when posting:
1.) Shadow & Light Version
2.) ElvUI Version
3.) Provide lua errors
4.) Provide a screenshot if possible
5.) Detailed description of the issue on when it happens, how it happens, whatever you did to reproduce it.
6.) Just to be clear, Disable ALL Addons except for ElvUI and Shadow & Light
With that said, happy gaming and enjoy the addon!

MayronUI Gen2 (


Important News:

o With the new update, you need to press and hold the Alt Key while out of combat to see the Expand and Retract button. Also you can press and hold the shift key while out of combat to see 3 new buttons ontop of the Chat box!

o Currently only works with 1920x1080, 1680x1050, 1600x900 and 1440x900 resolutions.

o Please take a look at all of the screen shots!

o If you find any bugs or want to submit any feedback then please leave comments!

Special Features:

http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw58152_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw58152.jpg) http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw58997_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw58997.jpg) http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw59289_thumb.jpg (http://s.cdn.wowinterface.com/preview/pvw59289.jpg)

To get the chat box to appear in the bottom left hand corner rather than in the top left hand corner you need to follow the instructions from the F.A.Q's at the bottom of this page!


The following addons can be removed except Shadowed Unit Frames but please do not change the profile names or set them to a different profile because KgPanel Scripts are being used which rely on the correct profiles being used. You can of course still change the addon settings and use other profile templates by copying the new settings to the profile with the correct name as a way around this.

o Shadowed Unit Frames
o Class Timers
o Quartz
o Grid

Also I recommend not changing the Bartender Actions bars around as turning off either Bar 9 or Bar 10 could cause potential issues when using the Set-up addon and the extract/retract buttons.

How to install:

Helpful Preview of the UI which includes a tutorial of how to set it up (BRAND NEW!):
YouTube Preview & Tutorial Video ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpJoiI5LB9I")

1. Back up your old WTF, Interface and/or fonts folder by moving them to a new location out of your WoW folder.

2. Download and Extract the new UI and move the new WTF, Interface and Fonts folder into your WoW folder.

You need to pick the correct WTF folder depending on what resolution you use (1920x1080, 1680x1050 or 1440x900). Delete the other ones youre not using. Rename the WTF folder that you need to use to say just "WTF" without the quotes.

3. Rename WoW/WTF/Account/ACCOUNTNAME into your WoW Account Name (Original account name, not your battle.net email address. To find this out if you do not know already, check the same folder in your old backed up WTF folder. Make sure you type it all in Caps)

There is a helpful .txt file in the UI Pack that contains instructions on how to copy over all your saved settings, Key Bindings and Macros.

4. Load WoW and change the sound, video and interface settings to your preference. Do not change the UI scale as this will make some addons load incorrectly.

5. Next, turn on all addons on the addon menu and tick "Load out of date addons".
MayronSetup will be disabled by default. Make sure that it is enabled!

6. Press the INSTALL button on the dialogue box.

7. You will need to manually drag and resize the chat box to the correct position using the screenshots as a guide (Right click the General tab and press unlock).

If you want to place the Chat Box in the bottom left hand corner of the screen instead of the top left hand corner, you can switch the Art to better match this position. Please read the F.A.Q's to learn about how to do this!

UI Tips:

o The button on the left of the Chat box will have a D for DPS Mode or H for Healer Mode. Simply Click it to change between the two!

o Hold the Alt Key to gain access to the Expand/Retract buttons.

o Hold the Shift Key to gain access to 3 new buttons attached to the Chat Box.

o Right Click the Minimap to gain access to other windows you can open including the UI F.A.Q window.

o Holding the Alt key while left clicking on a Quest in the Quest Log will automatically Abandon that quest for you.

o You can turn off Class Colours in the UI art or set your own colours in the /kgpanels config menu in the Layouts list. You can also switch Layouts so that the chat box art better suits being positioned in the bottom left hand corner rather than the top left corner.

Extra: I recommend downloading your choice of a boss mod as it does not come with the UI:
Deadly Boss Mods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
BigWigs ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/big-wigs")

Extra: I also recommend downloading the following addons depending on what you need for your characters:
Balance Power Tracker ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info18000-BalancePowerTracker.html") - For Balance Druids Only
Shields Up ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shieldsup") - For Restoration Shamans
Rune It All ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/runeitall") For Death Knights (The Rune Bar)
NugComboBar (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info6308-NugComboBar.html) - Resource tracking for all classes!

Useful Slash Commands:

/ltp - This opens up Leatrix Plus which contains very useful general settings. Worth looking through.
/suf - Settings for the Unit Frames (Shadowed Unit Frames)
/bar - Bartender Settings (Action Bars)
/kgpanels config - Settings for all the graphical art panels being used - Can become very technical.
/rl - Reloads the UI
/classtimer - Settings for the timers on the top of the palyer and target frame - You can remove and add additional tiemrs through this.
/align - Places a Grid over the screen so that you can align UI elements easily.
/dcp - Opens up the Doom Cooldown Pulse Menu - The icon that shows cool downs just below the center of the screen. You will be able to move and resize it and more.
/ewm - EasyWorldMarker - Lets you place World Markers in a Raid if your raid leading for example

How Healing Mode works:

I changed the way Healing Mode works so that the target frame is now the Focus Frame as well as switching target of target and focus frames in the same way. I also switched the target cast bar for the focus cast bar. The reason for this is that I like to have the Focus frame set for the Boss so I can see the Boss casting an important ability as well as seeing its buffs as well as a bigger and clearer unit frame.

To heal I do not use Clique however you can download it if you wish. I use mouse over macros like the following:

/target mouseover
/cast Healing Wave

I use this type of macro for all my healing spells and use these two macros to set the focus frame:
1. /focus targettarget
2. /focus mouseover

Addon List:

o Do not update the following addons:
Bagnon - Bag Addon
MayronSetup - Sets up the UI automatically on Login
MayronExtra- Used for adding extra UI functions - Always keep enabled.
MayMap- Minimap addon.
SharedMedia - Always keep this enabled. Extra addon media for the UI
PhanxBuffs - Buff and Debuff display addon
o Addons that are safe to update:
ACP - Addon Control Panel
BankStack- Sorts/Packs items in bags in a tidy order
Bartender4 - Action Bars
Broker + Plugins - Data Bars
ButtonFacade + Masque - Stylises buttons on action bars
Chatter - Chat Addon
ClassTimer - Keeps track of important timers for in combat
ColorPickerPlus - Easier for picking colors when setting addons up
DockingStation - Used with Broker to display the pluggins
Doom_CooldownPulse - Shows a big icon on screen when an ability comes off cooldown
DragEmAll- Allows you to move the Blizzard Windows.
eAlign - type "/align" ingame to display a grid
Easy World Marker - Type /ewm for a tool for assigning world markers.
ErrorMonster - Reduces spam from error messages
Grid - Raid Frames
ImprovedOptionsFrames- Allows you to resize the Blizzard Options, Interface etc. Window.
kgPanels - Panel art in the UI
Leatrix_Plus - Contains a list of very useful settings (type /"ltp" to view them)
nibChatTabs - Stylish tabs on the chat box
OmniCC - Displays cooldown timers over abilties on action bars
Parrot - Combat text Addon
Postal - Mail box Addon for opening all mail at once
Quartz - Cast Bar Addon
Recount - Meter for damage, healing and much more
Reflux - Profile Switching. Works with Mayron's setup. Its safe to disable after setup
ShadowedUnitFrames - Unit Frame Addon
SLDataText - Data text Addon
Simple Power Bar- This adds a bar at the top of the UI for boss special power bars used in some encounters.
TipTac - Tool Tip Addon
Tidy Plates - Name Plates addon
TotemTimers - Shaman only Addon for displaying totem bar and totem timers
Vendor Bait - Highlights the quest reward that is worth the most gold
Who Framed Watcher Wabbit - Moves the location of the Quest Tracker
XLoot - Loot frame addon
XLootGroup - Better group loot frame


Q: How do I open up the Calendar?
A: You need to right click on the mini-map

Q: How do I add my Debuff icons on-top of the enemy name plates like the Tidy Plates: Neon Theme did?
A: Tidy Plates: Threat Plates does this as well but you need to add them to the white list in the options. Make sure you spell the name of the Debuff correctly!

Q: How do I open up the F.A.Q menu without using the MayronSetup addon?
A: You need to right click the Minimap to gain access to a number of windows you can open. One of them is the UI F.A.Q's.

Q: How do I add other buff/debuff timers to the class timers above the player and target frames?
A: Type /classtimer and press Timers on the left. If you find it in the lists in the Tabs tick it. If not then go on "Extras" and type the name of the buff/debuff and press enter.

Q: Where do I find the experience Bar?
A: The Experience Bar is hidden on mouse over at the top of the screen. Only shows up on characters who have not reached the maximum level yet.

Q: How can I get the Expand and Retract button to show in the latest update?
A: You need to press and hold the Alt key while out of combat

Q: Why can I not see the Death Knight Rune Bar or the Balance Druid Tracker Bar?
A: I have taken the addons out of the UI that control this because I no longer wish to maintain them currently however if you read the UI installation instructions, I have placed links to where you can download them. You will need to set them up yourself. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Q: If I install another addon then I get an icon displaying it over my chat box next to the other icons. How can I disable this?
A: That is caused my Bazooka which automatically enables it which is a pain. Type "/bazooka" and go to Plugins. Un-tick the addon that is showing up to stop it from showing.

Q: How do I turn off Auto Quest? Or how do I turn on auto repair?
A: That is controlled with Leatrix Plus as well as many other useful general settings. Type /ltp in game and in the Interactions, untick Auto Quest. Or in Automations, tick the Auto Repair box.

Q: How can I move the chat box and chat box art to the Bottom Left like in the screen shot?
A: First you need to change the KgPanels Layout. Type /kgpanels config and maximize the Layouts list. Activate the Bottom Left Chat Box menu and then reload the UI (/rl).

Then Type /bazooka and go to Profiles. Change the profile from MayronUI to BottomLeft or Copy From Bottom Left if you prefer to always have it in the bottom left on alts as well.

The only thing left to do now is move the Party frames as they will appear on top of the chat box as well as raid frames on DPS mode.

Type /suf and un-tick Lock frames while in DPS mode (for healing mode you do not have the party frames). You then will be able to drag these to the top left. If you maximize the Unit configuration list and go down to Party, then go to the Party tab on the right you will see Row growth, you may wish to change that to Down rather than Up.

Hold down the Alt key and press the Expand button at the bottom part of the UI so the unit frames move up and repeat the last step since it will change the SUF profiles.

If you are using the Grid raid frames that come with this UI then you need to move them. Type /grid and go to the Layout tab. Change Solo Layout to By Group 25 if you are on your own so you can see them. Un-tick Horizontal groups, Frame lock and Hide tab. Change the Layout Anchor and Group Anchor to Top Left. Scroll down and click on the Background color. Change the Alpha to 100 so you can see the background. You will then be able to drag the tab of the raid frames to the top left. Once done, change the background color to 0 alpha like before, re-tick Horizontal groups, Frame lock and Hide tab and change the solo layout to none.

The only other thing I would recommend is to change the nib tab profile (/nibchattabs) to MayronUIBL which makes the tabs invisible un-tick you hover your mouse over the chat box but that is personal preference.

By Mayron of Twisting Nether (EU)

Want to Learn more about KgPanels? Look at my tutorial on it:
How to make Advanced KgPanels - Tutorial ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jcfl1yAhfq4")

Older UI: MayronUI - (Original) Gen1 (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19676-MayronsUI-OriginalGen1.html#info)

Duffed UI v5 (5.54)

https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif ("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=M3WMYKWYKZASJ")

Hey Dudes,
first of all thanks to Tukz (King), Nightcracker, Eclps, Dricus, Elv and all the Guys who help Tukz.

- Tukui v13.26 (bugfix)
- other stuff I took over and dont know why :)
- As you probably all know I dont really play WoW anymore soooo ..now that means I dont really keep Duffed UI up atm (well i will keep it "alive" but i wont add new features etc) - if u dont like that or ur tired of waiting for updates: Download "Duffed UI v5 continued", im sure liquidbase aka Merith is doing a great job there :P

Duffed UI v5 Continued ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info19994-DuffedUIV5Continued.html#info")

Duffed UI
(modified Tukui v13 (www.tukui.org)) is a complete UI replacement.

More Screenshots with higher resolution: Tukui Forum - Duffed Thread ("http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/topic.php?id=3581#post-32728")

Type /tc or /tukui for ingame-configuration.
Type /mtukui to move nearly every Frame.
For everything else: /uihelp

Lower Resolution
There is an lowres-Layout - if u wanna use highres-layout, enable overridelowtohigh in general config.
If you wanna use the lowres Version on highres, enable overridehightolow in general config.

Take a look at mMenu - good friend of mine made it. Link ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=17374#info")

Already included: Recount, TinyDPS, Skada, Omen, Quartz. For more, visit:
Skinning Section on Tukui.org ("http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/forum.php?id=23")

Download on Tukui Board. ("http://www.tukui.org/v2/forums/topic.php?id=8310")

- Tukui (+Raid & Raid_Healing)
- Tukui_ClassTimer
- Tukui_ConfigUI
- Tukui_InterruptIcons
- Duffed

Have fun!

SpartanUI (3.1.3)

Use the issue tracker ("http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/spartan-ui/tickets/") to report issues When you report an issue please write what version you are using. If you get an error message in-game report it and include the error message please. You can now join the project on Facebook ("http://www.facebook.com/SpartanUI.WoW") where i will be posting polls and asking other general questions about the direction of the addon.

Required Addons

Bartender4 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bartender4")

I found a bug how do i tell you? How do i request a feature?

Simple, open a ticket on the web ("http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/spartan-ui/tickets/"). Also you can now join us on facebook ("http://www.facebook.com/SpartanUI.WoW")

Q. How do i Move my focus/party/raid?
A. As of 3.1 All frames are now movable by holding Alt and dragging no need to unlock or lock them with a command or button.

Q. I changed a option but nothing changed.
A. Some of the new options in 3.1 for Raid/Party Frames require a /reload to be done after changing them, no it will not always be like this but in order to get it out in time for MOP launch day some convenience had to be sacrificed.

Disable oUF if you have it installed, This is a addon library used for unit frames SpartanUI has this built in and having a version not compatible with SpartanUI will break things.

List of slash-commands:
**type all options in the chat box**
/sui (shows options window)
/spin (Toggles Spin Cam)
/sui version (Shows which version of SpartanUI you are using)

Uses very little third-party code in an effort to remain self-contained
Almost zero-setup allows you to install and use it without tons of configuration
Support for almost any screen resolution, while favoring widescreen
SpinCam - provides a spinning camera effect when AFK
FilmEffects - which provide film-like grain effects on your screen
Party frames designed to go with the look and style of your player frames
Designed to use very little processor time or memory
All original artwork with high-res textures and 1:1 ratio for 30" displays
Built in reputation and experience bars
Integrated coordinates and zone information
UnitFrames that fit in with the overall design

Whats New & Coming for up for SpartanUI in 3.1 and beyond

High customization - All Options are being rewrote for 5.1 MOP
Profiles - with options being rewrote SpartanUI will now support profiles
No more slash commands!
Raid frames with healer mode and DPS mode. One focuses on a quick overview while healer mode will draw attention to those low on health and larger frames than in dps mode
Focus Fame and focus Target have been redesigned and are movable
And more... (Comment, add to my list!)

Wullie's UI (4.4.3)

Wullie's UI

Patch 5.1 Ready!

You can see my UI in action on YouTube ("http://www.youtube.com/user/Saltire35/videos?sort=dd&flow=grid&page=1&view=0") or live on TwitchTV ("http://www.twitch.tv/saltire35").

This is my UI which is mainly focused around healing (my main is a holy paladin), however I've found it also works great as DPS or as a tank.

The UI is based around 1920x1080 resolution.

All credit goes to the individual addon authors, without them this UI would not have been possible.

Installation Instructions:

1. Make a backup of your WTF, Interface & Fonts (if you have one) folders.
2. Download and extract my UI to your desktop.
3. Go into the WTF folder, enter the Account folder, and rename the folder called YOURACCOUNTNAME to your own account name all in caps.
4. Enter the YOURACCOUNTNAME folder and change the folder called YourServer into your server name.
5. Enter the YourServer folder and change the folder YourCharacter into your characters name.
6. Put my WTF, Fonts and Interface folder in the place where your own folders used to be.
7. If any addon seems out of place use profile "Wulliee".
8. When installing for the first time, make sure you select "Load out of date Addons".

Addons Used:

Altoholic ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/altoholic")
Archy (Disabled by Default) ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/archy")
AtlasLoot ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/atlasloot-enhanced")
Auctioneer ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctioneer")
Auctionator ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/auctionator")
Bartender4 ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bartender4")
BugSack ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/bugsack")
ChinchillaMiniMap ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chinchilla")
DeadlyBossMods ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/deadly-boss-mods")
Grid ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/grid")
GTFO ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gtfo")
MarkingBar ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/markingbar")
Masque ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/masque")
MikScrollingBattleText ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/mik-scrolling-battle-text")
MoveAnything ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/move-anything")
NeedToKnow ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/need-to-know")
NugComboBar ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/nugie-combo-bar")
Omen ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/omen-threat-meter")
Overachiever ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/overachiever")
Postal ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/postal")
Quartz ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/quartz")
QuestHubber ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/questhubber")
Raven ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/raven")
ReforgeLite ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/reforgelite")
RSA ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/rsa")
ShadowedUnitFrames ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/shadowed-unit-frames")
Skada ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/skada")
TidyPlates ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tidy-plates")
TipTac ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tip-tac")
TitanPanel ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/titan-panel")
TomTom ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/tomtom")
Vengeance Status ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/vengeance-status")
WhisperWhisper ("http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/broker_whisperwhisper")

This is for everyone that has asked about my User Interface. If you wish to speak to me in-game, you can find me at Wulliee ("http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/wulliee/advanced") - Draenor (EU)(Horde).

If you have have any problems with the installation or have any questions you'd like to ask, please post in the comments section ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info21036-WulliesUI1920x1080HealingampDPS.html#comments") and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Version Updates:


Large Update and colours configured for DBM, Omen & Skada.


Reconfigured NugComboBar & Quartz. Large Addons Update.


Cleaned up all addons. Also large update.


Large Update for Patch 5.1. Reconfigured /ntk timers.


Grid, SUF & DBM Small Configuration and Addons Update.


Addons Update.


Reconfigured a Few Addons & Large Update.


A Few Small Errors Corrected and Large Addons Update.


Quartz Reconfigured & Vengeance Status Added.


v4.0.6 Corrected & Addons Update.


Grid now displays spec icon for each player in Dungeons & Raids. (See 1st Screenshot).


SUF Reconfiguration & Addons Update.


Large Addons Update.


Reconfigured Quartz & Grid.


Large Addons Update.


Changed SexyMap to Chinchilla. Large Addons Update. Reconfigured Tooltips, DBM, Quartz & MoveAnything.


EU to US installation error has now been fixed.


Correction to v3.7. Addons Update. Reconfigured Tooltips.


Changed Buffs to show 2 rows instead of 1. Moved ExtraActionBar to give DBM timers more room to expand.


Addons Updated. DBM, NtK & Bartender Reconfigured.


Added Debuffs to Focus Target. Addons Updated.


Large Update - See New Screenshots.


Reconfigured all Colors again to match the rest of the UI. Addons Updated.


SBF replaced with Raven.


Tooltips now shown correctly & Large Addons Update. Omen also now works as intended.


Large Addons Update for Patch 5.0.4.


Addons Updated.


Large Update for Mists of Pandaria.


Moved tooltips & buffs to the left side of the UI to make it look more balanced.


Small adjustment to Skada and reconfigured Omen. (See Screenshot 1 & 2)


Addons Update.


Cleaned up some of the Addons... deleted a couple of unnecessary additions.


Updated all Addons. Reconfigured a few colors.


Replaced Recount with Skada. Updated all Addons.


Small update on a few colors to match the rest of the UI.


Addons updated & small tidy up.


2 Addons added and general update.


Error in WTF folder corrected.


Addons Updated.


Made a couple of minor adjustments to the layout. (See 1st screenshot).
Reconfigured MSBT.


Added NugComboBar as requested.


Background color of DBM timers changed to match the rest of the UI.
Color changed and font size of Recount reduced to make the details more clearly visible.
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