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Mono UI (11.1.2)


This version works on both LIVE and BETA servers.
Make sure to check CHANGE LOG as there's been allot of changes made including .cfg files structures in couple of add-ons, so you have to update your old config files.

This UI was originally designed for multiple resolutions ranging from 1280*1024 to 1920*1080.
So unless your resolution is lower than 1280*XXX you should need no changes to use this interface
Most add-ons are configured through editing lua files and do not have any GUI.
If you don't want to learn HOW TO modify those files - don't use this UI.
Also please keep in mind that I develop this interface to fit MY needs, thus
if you want some specific functionality implemented - you got to explain why that particular feature is so important.

Short Information:
specially for TL/DR people

What it is:

Easy to set-up,
Lightweight & CPU-friendly,
Minimalistic Interface with support for multiple resolutions.

What it's NOT:
easy to configure (all configuration options are located in .lua files);
SUPER-OMFGWTFBBQ-lightweight (because sometimes usability > memory usage);
single add-on UI (I like to keep it sort of modular).

1) *IMPORTANT* Back up your Fonts, Interface and WTF folders before you even look at any of the files inside the package.

2) Unpack this archive into your WOW folder

LUA Editor:
To edit lua files (like cfg.lua) you should use one of the available editors with code highlight like Notepad++ or SciTe (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info4989-SciTE-WOWInterface.html).

Few useful slash commands
/extra - show extra action bars
/kb - enter keybinding mode
/rd - remove everyone from raid/party
/rc - ready check
/cr - role check
/gm - open GM ticket
/ss - initiate talent specialization and gear set swap

Interface tunning
/en ADDONNAME - enable specific add-on
/dis ADDONNAME - disable specific add-on
/rl - reloadUI
/clc - manual combat log reset
/pnl - spawn grid on your screen to adjust position of your addons
/tm - show all action bars holders
/gf - print full frame information under your mouse
/setchat - sets your chat window to default position

My universal Mount macro:
/script Mountz("your_ground_mount","your_flying_mount")
the addon will pick a propper mount depends on the location you are in (including Vashj'ir). Holding CTRL will override flyable condition, and holding ALT will override swimable condition in Vashj'ir.

Extra information (F.A.Q.):
Do not ask me any questions about how to change this interface to fit your needs.
Do not use auto-updaters to download new versions of add-ons.
BACKUP your cfg.lua files and everything else you modified before you update to the latest version.

hovering your mouse with ALT key pressed over an itemlink, achievement or ability in chat window will bring up the tooltip
you can set custom auto-invite word in m_Tweaks\cfg.lua (default one is 'invx')
you can access MicroMenu buttons (charracter, friends etc.) by right-clicking Minimap.
right click the "Config" button to make extra actionbars bars visible, middle click allows you to enter key-binding mode.
m_Tweaks contains various small QoL scripts that will automate some procedures in game for you, i.e. auto-greed/disenchant on greens, automatic repairs, selling grey junk to vendors etc. If you want to disable some functionality there's a small config section in cfg.lua.

You can associate your equipment set with your current spec by ALT+clicking the required set in Broker_Equipment dropdown tooltip. That will 'tie' selected set to the current spec so next time you swap talents to this spec the add-on will automatically swap your gear set.

To set your party frames look like raid frames open oUF_mono\cfg.lua and change cfg.showparty to false and cfg.partyON to true.

AddOns list:

alDamageMeter - minimalistic damage meter
alTooltip - Simple tooltip modifications
m_ActionBars - Styles the standard ActionBars and Buttons
m_Bags - All in one lightweight bag add-on based on cargBags and cargBags_Simplicity
m_Buffs - buffs, debuffs and temporary enchant frames skinner
m_BrokerStuff - compilation of Broker plug-ins based on cargoShip lib
-Ampere - Addon management panel
-Durability - StatBlockDurability - durability display
-FPS - no comments
-Hatter - simple plug-in to toggle hat/cloak
-Latency - ping display
-Memory - addon memory usage display / collects garbage on click
-Money - displays tiny gold earned/spent statistics
-NameToggle - easy name/tittle toggling
-Volumizer - Volume control plugin
-Equipment - plugin for built-in Equip Manager
m_Chat - chat modifications based on BasicChatMods by Funkydude
m_CombatText - lightweight add-on for tweaking default combat text
m_Loot - Butsu + MasterLoot + sGroupLoot compilation with some stylization
m_MailGet - Get all the mail items in your mailbox
m_Map - WorldMap modification
m_Minimap - Minimap tweaks (modified version)
m_Nameplates - minimalistic name plates
m_Panels - minimalistic panels add-on
m_Tweaks - some UI tweaks/improvements, read comments in lua files
NugRunning - Buff/Debuff tracking
oUF - lightweight UnitFrames framework
-oUF_mono - layout for oUF
tullaCC - Cooldown count for everything


Allez, Affli, Cargor, FatalEntity, funkydude, Caellian, p3lim, haste, Zork, Tekkub, Tuller, Freebaser, d87, Rabbit, Ammo, Adys, Iceblink, Curney, Torhal, Tukz, Nightcracker - for your amazing add-ons and code.
Tenelov, ALZA, Don_Kaban, alekk - for help and support with learning lua.

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