Hey Dudes,
first of all thanks to Tukz (King), Nightcracker, Eclps, Dricus, Elv and all the Guys who help Tukz.
Special Thanks goes to Duffed aka hank for this awesome edit. You can find the original Version of Duffed UI here ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info15381-DuffedUIv5.html"). Hank has stopped playing WoW, and with his consent, I keep the UI alive.
Duffed UI
(modified Tukui v14 ("http://www.tukui.org/blog/")) is a complete UI replacement.
More Screenshots with higher resolution: Tukui - Duffed Thread ("http://www.tukui.org/forums/forum.php?id=167")
ConfigurationType /tc, /tukui or use the "+"-button below the Minimap for ingame-configuration.
Type /mtukui or use the "+"-button below the minimap to move nearly every Frame.
For everything else: /dhelp, /uihelp or hit the H-Button on the left side of specswitcherpanel.
Lower Resolution
There is an lowres-Layout - if u wanna use highres-layout, enable overridelowtohigh in general config.
If you wanna use the lowres Version on highres, enable overridehightolow in general config.
mMenuTake a look at mMenu. Link ("http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=17374#info")
SkinsAlready included: Recount, TinyDPS, Skada, Omen, Quartz, DXE. All Blizzardframes skinned too.
iFilger on Tukui Board. ("http://www.tukui.org/forums/topic.php?id=19087")
- Tukui (+Raid & Raid_Healing)
- Tukui_ClassTimer (as built in)
- Tukui_ConfigUI
- Duffed (as built in)
- RaidBuff Plus
- RaidCooldown MonitorHave fun!