Welcome to my custom user interface.
I use a 24" monitor with a 1920x1200 resolution.
But you could also use it with your own resolution,
maybe you have to adjust some parts of the UI.
The installation guidelines are in the CaithUI.rar
But you can watch here a small ingame tutorial how to get started
I use a couple of addons to modify my UI
Unitframes: PitBull, Gladius, kgPanels, Quartz
Buttons: Bartender4, OmniCC, kgPanels
Combat: LoseControl, Afflicted3, AUF, MSBT, DoomCdPulse
PVE: Omen, Recount, DBM
Buffs: nBuff, PowerAuras
Map: nMap, Mapster
Other: TipTac, FluidFrames, Reflux, !Beautycase, Bagnon, Junkyard, SharedMedia
Thanks a lot to the addon authors. We couldn't create such awesome interfaces without your addons!