ElvUI v3
This is a complete user interface replacement addon. If you have any questions regarding usage I recommend you make a post inside the ElvUI section on http://www.tukui.org.
https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif ("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3CQ2GQEKL5DLC")
What is ElvUI?
The purpose of ElvUI is lightweight user interface designed to replace the one provided by Blizzard. A single addon, complete package, with a minimalistic look.
What is the minimum requirement?
There are no requirements! That's right! you can customize almost every portion of the UI to fit your screen.
What is new in v3?
ElvUI v3 was a complete rewrite. The biggest change you'll notice is there are hardly any reloadui's anymore when changing settings. The goal of v3 was to make customizing the UI extremely easy without having to do any lua edits to get the look you want.
Patch 4.3 Ready
Very Few Reloads
Movable Actionbars
SnapTo Feature (Frame Dragging)
Datatexts Can completely change based on your spec
Very easy to create plugins for the UI now
Nameplate filter can now handle setting custom color and scale to specific names.
/dps and /heal are removed, there is now a profile section within the unitframe config so you can load unitframe settings (size, position, all other settings) based on what talent spec you are.
Much more..
What still needs to be done?
Sadly because v3 was a complete rewrite, and the patch came sooner than expected not everything I wanted to get in is here at the moment.
Actionbar size set by bar, instead of a global setting
Heal Prediction (UnitFrames)
Raid Icons (Player/Target Frames)
EmbedRight (All Addons)
MainTank/MainAssist Frames
Several Datatexts are not in
A few more minor things
Option to move AltPowerBars
This is a complete user interface replacement addon. If you have any questions regarding usage I recommend you make a post inside the ElvUI section on http://www.tukui.org.
https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif ("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3CQ2GQEKL5DLC")
What is ElvUI?
The purpose of ElvUI is lightweight user interface designed to replace the one provided by Blizzard. A single addon, complete package, with a minimalistic look.
What is the minimum requirement?
There are no requirements! That's right! you can customize almost every portion of the UI to fit your screen.
What is new in v3?
ElvUI v3 was a complete rewrite. The biggest change you'll notice is there are hardly any reloadui's anymore when changing settings. The goal of v3 was to make customizing the UI extremely easy without having to do any lua edits to get the look you want.
Patch 4.3 Ready
Very Few Reloads
Movable Actionbars
SnapTo Feature (Frame Dragging)
Datatexts Can completely change based on your spec
Very easy to create plugins for the UI now
Nameplate filter can now handle setting custom color and scale to specific names.
/dps and /heal are removed, there is now a profile section within the unitframe config so you can load unitframe settings (size, position, all other settings) based on what talent spec you are.
Much more..
What still needs to be done?
Sadly because v3 was a complete rewrite, and the patch came sooner than expected not everything I wanted to get in is here at the moment.
Actionbar size set by bar, instead of a global setting
Heal Prediction (UnitFrames)
Raid Icons (Player/Target Frames)
EmbedRight (All Addons)
MainTank/MainAssist Frames
Several Datatexts are not in
A few more minor things
Option to move AltPowerBars