UI with standard elements
Mem/Cpu usage is awesome low
Font_ Myriad Pro / Res_ 1650*1050 / no_ UIscale
## full version not updated - most addons are in the main release ##
Unzip/rar in your WoW dir
You'll need to rename the WTF\Account\ACCNAME\SERVER\Charname folders to get my setpoints
Don't update any of the addons - they are modified in general
!BugGrabber - bugsack
ActionBarSaver - saves buttons on bars /abs save xxx & /abs load xxx
BagBoy - no spam
Bagnon - one big bag
BuyEmAll - shift buy 100 vendor items or more
LightMyMAcro - overlay glow on macros
nMainbar - actionbars from Neal alt+shift to move pet/stance bar
oGlow - glossy epics
OptionHouse - addon control /oh
pError - no error spam
PhanxBuffs - buffs
PhotoRobot - cc/buffs on unitframes
Postal - mail
rFilter3 - buff/debuff tracking requires lua editing to work for you
rufioMedia - fonts/textures most unused -.-
rufioSettings - merged addons and ui scripts
Camera - ncCamera - max scroll out
Chat - clean chat
Chattabs - clean tabs
Classcolors - on units
Classicons - on untis
Guildtab - i need my guild on "o" !
Minimap - clean minimap
Raidfader - OOR fading for default raidframes (atm disabled...)
durability - on charscreen by tek
rufioSetting - stuff like hiding hotkeys/stancebar/auto sell&repair/hiding clock
SpellID - Spellids on tooltip by zork
Tooltip - based on FreebTip
Unitframes - moving/scaling
teksLoot - Lootframe /teksLoot
RETabBinder - i don't tabtarget pets!
tullaCC - numbers on buttons
tullaRange - colors buttons on oor/oom
xCT - Combat text /xct
nothing from the code is by myself so thanks to all the authors (especially roth/Lyn/Tekkub/haste/alza/neal/dawn/monolit/evl/Aprikot)
please tell me if you find any bugs
PS: You'll find a ripoff from my castbars here: b_Castingbar ("")