SET uiScale "0.64" is recommended
WEAK AURAS - If you see double sets of Icons in different locations, make sure that only "CLASS - MAINBAR" is loaded (eg Monk - Mainbar, so on). To disable the other one (eg: Monk) go to /wa click on the Monk group. Hit the "LOAD" option, and select "NEVER"
Special thanks to Acrol for the bulk of the Weak Auras work
Please use the profiles labled as "HEALME" and "HEALME_10 in vuhdo and "HEALME or HEALME2" in ElvUI, bigwigs, etc. PRIEST SPECIFIC - Use the vuhdo labeled as HEALME_PRIEST or HEALME_10_PRIEST -- Post if you have any issues!
It is recommended that you update your addons via Curse Client. ElvUI is no longer being updated on Curse, so refer to the website to update ElvUI. This compilation is only updated when I make changes to how things look, addon updates etc are on YOU.
Video Tutorial on getting the proper profiles located HERE ("")
A video of the UI in use is available HERE ("")
I will keep the base package up-to-date, however additional addon updates (Vuhdo, ACP, etc) should be updated by the end user. Occasional package updates for major updates (ElvUI specifically) most addons will be up-to-date as of the DAY the package is released. I recommend using Curse Client to update.
Tested and works on 2560x1440. Should function with minor placement modifications on other resolutions to Vuhdo, BW, etc
Included Addons
Weak Auras
Back up your Interface and WTF folders. After that delete the files from your world of warcraft folder.
Download and exctract those folders from AffinityUI and put them into your World of Warcraft folder.
Open the WTF/Account folder and rename the following sub-directories.):
ACCOUNTNAME => to your account name.
ServerName => to your server name.
CHARNAME => to your character name.
Before your first login
At Launcher choose your preferred language under Options - Game Preferences
Log into your WOW ACCOUNT (not your character) and make sure to check "LOAD OUT OF DATE ADDONS" (just as a precaution, some addons may be out of date due to being older, but still function)
After your first login
Type /ec. A menu will appear. Verify that the UI scale is where you want it. You can either select UI scale, or Auto UI Scale (I use AutoUI Scale)
Type /moveui to move Elements of the UI (Minimap, Actionbars, Unit Frames, etc)
More on Usage
Go read the Tukui Faq (""). It has a lot of awesome features.
Generally by clicking on specific items (Guild, Friends, Time, etc) will open a menu. For the micro-menu, MIDDLECLICK on the minimap.
All addons are credited to the original Authors. This is an addon compilation that I intend to keep updated with my own tweaks for my healers, I am NOT the author of any of the above mentioned addons
Tested with and used for:
Mistweaver Monk
Disc Priest
Should work with tweaks to VuhDo
Resto Druid
Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin
Thanks to all the authors of the listed programs, and a special thanks to Elv22 and Tukz for the original layout. Visit them at