Allez UI is a lightweight total UI replacement for World of Warcraft. It provides minimalistic look, pixel perfecting and uses ~1mb memory and small amount of CPU time ("")
1280x1024 - 1920x1200
v5.0 needs clean install (reset in /uiconfig recommended)
1. Backup your "Interface" and "Fonts" folder
2. Unpack this archive into your WOW folder
Slash commands:
/uiconfig - ingame configuration
/moveui - move/reset frames
/heal, /default - switch to heal/default layout
/rl - reload interface
/rc - ready check
/rd - party/raid disband
/kb - key binding mode
/uisetup - initial configuration
/enemycd, /raidcd, /threat, /aldmg, /lframes - addon testmode
Need help in localization: ("")
alInterface - interface core
alDamageMeter - lightweight damage meter
alEnemyCD - enemy cooldown tracker
alRaidCD - raid cooldown tracker
alThreatMeter - lightweight threat meter
alBrokerPanel - durability, talents, equipment and dps in top panel. Includes addons:
- StatBlock_Durability
- Broker_Equipment
- Broker_Spec
sFilter - Buff/debuff filter mod
Latency, FPS - mouseover minimap tracking button
Micromenu - middle click on minimap
Calendar - right click on clock
Some options configures through editing .lua files. If you don't know how to edit lua files or don't want to learn *a bit* lua language - then this UI is probably not for you.
You can see changes of most al* addons here ("")
Shestak, ALZA, Tukz, haste, p3lim, Caellian, Monolit, Cargor, Tuller, Shantalya