This UI is somewhat inspired by the GuildWars2 UI and is designed with any class/spec in mind. I play a lot of different classes/specs myself and have always been busy building the "perfect" UI that works for any role. Ofcourse the "perfect" UI for a healer or a dps player can never be the same thing, anyway I think I've done a good job at how well this interface works for different roles/specs. The UI is very much a graphical interface, in the way that it brings most information "visually' to the user. If you're the kind of person that likes to get information via text/numbers/decimals etc. this is not the UI for you.
The UI is built with existing AddOns only, however some minor tweaks are applied in some of the LUA code to make the AddOns match the visual style. The package does not include: A 'BossMod' or an 'Auction House addon'. You can simply install your own choice of mod for this.
The health orb does not fit correctly for some resolutions, follow these steps to fix this:
- Type /rbbs
- Go to General > Unlock All and use the left mouse button to move the orb around, right mouse to scale it correctly.
- Again, type /rbbs and go to General > Lock All
Weakauras can sometimes fail to register events correctly causing blood and other auras to stick on the screen, these steps will fix it while playing:
- Type /wa
- Wait for the addon to load and type /wa again, this basically resets the addon, if you don't wait for the addon to load it won't work.
Grid unit frames are messed up, showing black rectangles, not showing some units etc.:
- Usually alternating between 2 profiles will fix a lot of issues. (use the macro for it)
- If that don't work, only a /reload will do.
- RAID FRAME BE GONE - Dermabion
Hides the Blizzard raid frame, type /frbg show to show it and /rfbg hide to hide it.
- GRID - Phanx, Maia, Pastamancer - Raid/Party frames. Includes ManaBars and DungeonRole AddOns for Grid.
Grid displays player role in the right bottom of the frames: Red = DPS, Green = Healer, Blue = Tank. The border displays Aggro on the unit.
Tips for controlling Grid:
The standard profile will work for any Raid, Dungeon or rBG, but you'll have to switch to another profile if you're running 40-man content. There is an easy way to to this, using the following macro. (copy it to a WoW macro and put it somewhere on your actionbars)
/grid profile choose Default40
/grid profile choose Empty
/grid profile choose Default
- If you hit the key it will switch to the default profile.
- If you SHIFT-click it, it will switch to a 40-man profile.
- If you ALT click it, it will hide Grid.
- CLIQUE - Cladhaire
This addon will let you bind spells to use on Grid frames or other unit frames. It show's up on the right side of your Spellbook. After clicking it you can mouse-over a spell in your Spellbook, hit a key you want to bind, and it's done.
- DOMINOS - Tuller - Actionbar mod.
Tips for the Actionbars:
- You can find your extra acionbars at the top-left-corner of the screen.
- Your micromenu is located at the left, your XP-bar at the top and your bag bar is at the center-bottom.
- To bind your spells type /dominos and click the "Bind Keys..." button. You can now mouse-over a button and press the key you want to bind it to.
- type / and copy this command: run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) ClearCursor() end to clean up/empty your actionbars. (this comes handy when you have to setup all your spells)
- RAVEN - Tomber
Tracks all buffs/debuffs. Short buffs on yourself and by yourself are displayed on top of the health orb. Buffs/debuffs you apply on your target are displayed extra large on the top of the screen.
- SKADA - Zarnivoop - Meters for damage/healing/threat etc.
Type /skada toggle to show/hide it. You can also set a keybind for this in the WoW keybinds menu. Use you mouse left/right click to navigate through the Skada window.
- CASTBARS - xbeeps - Castbars.
Type /cb and use the config mode to move around the target castbar. Only the target castbar is movable at this point.
- TIDY PLATES & THREAT PLATES - danltiger, suicidalkatt - Used for skinning the Nameplates.
ThreatPlates is great for tracking aggro on mobs, the Nameplate will change color depending on Aggro state. When you tank: Red = no aggro, Purple = aggro. When you are DPS it's the other way around, so Red is always "danger".
- CAPPING - totalpackage - PvP info and timers.
- BGSPY - HashWhite - Type /bgspy for team info while in a BG.
- SHADOWED UNIT FRAMES - Shadowed - Unit frames mod.
- CASTBARS - xbeeps
- CHINCHILLA MINIMAP - ckknight, ethancentaurai, Shefki, vangual
- KGPANELS - kagaro - All artwork panels are set-up and parented with kgPanels.
- MASQUE - StormFX - Actionbar and Raven button styling.
- PRAT 3 - sylvanaar - Chat mod.
- POSTAL - Xinhuan, grennon
- OMNICC - Tuller, Jaliborc - Cooldown timers on buttons.
- MIKSCROLLINGBATTLETEXT - sylvanaar - Only used to display PvP Killing Blows and Dispels.
- SHAREDMEDIA - Elkano, Seerah
- TIPTAC - Aezay - Tooltip mod.
- INSPECTFIX - oscarucb.
- WEAKAURAS - Mirrormn - Used for procs and alternate resource bars.
- BAGNON - Tuller, Jaliborc - Bag window styling.
- RBBS ORBSONLY - Zork - For the awesome Health Orb.
- ERRORFILTER - iceeagle - Removes annoying red error spam on screen.
- VERSION 2.06
- Replaced "IHasNoScope" with "ErrorFilter", this still allows some important messages to show in the chatbox, such as messages related to when you can kick someone from a group, or why you can't que for something, why enchanting/transmogging fails, etc.
- VERSION 2.05
- All addons updated
- Redesigned target frames, less clutter and more information.
- The target-castbar is now movable. (use /cb and config mode)
- VERSION 2.04
- Monk bar paging fixed, it was duplicating bars on-screen.
- Boss nameplate size fixed, they were overly large.
- VERSION 2.03
- All Addons updated.
- Added Chi power indicators.
- VERSION 2.02
- All Addons updated, including Skada and Capping.
- VERSION 2.01
- Small Raven fix
- VERSION 2.00
- Total UI redesign.
- VERSION 1.03
- Updated AddOns.
- Added BagNon for a fitting Bagstyle.
- Many changes to resource/buff/runes/etc. trackers.
- Added InspectFix for having a stable Inspect UI Frame.
- Removed Earth Shield and Prayer of Mending trackers due to WeakAuras issues.
- VERSION 1.02
- Updated AddOns.
- Added PvP, LvL and Combat indicators on target frame.
- Priest Prayer of Mending tracker.
- Fixed manually having to load profiles for some AddOns.
- VERSION 1.01
- Added DK Death Runes.
- Added Grid indicators for your HoT's and other healing spells.
- Added Bloodlust/Heroism tracker.
- Changed Tooltip anchor, mouse tips annoyed me.
- Changed around bag-bars and micro-menu.
- Some other minor changes probably.
- VERSION 1.00
- Release.