Hey Dudes,
first of all thanks to Tukz (King), Nightcracker, Eclps, Dricus, Elv and all the Guys who help Tukz.
And at last ... DuffedUI is BACK!
It is an Edit based on Tukui T15 ("http://www.tukui.org").
You can open the ingameConfig with /tc,/tukui, the clientmenu or the button "C" below the minimap.
With /moveui, /mtukui or the button "M" below the minimap can you move all frames.
1. Backup your Interface & WTF-Folder
2. Delete all previous Tukui-Edits
3. Go to tukui.org ("http://www.tukui.org/dl.php") and download the actual Tukui
4. Download DuffedUI from here or the Addonsection on tukui.org ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=114")
5. Unpack both archives and copy all folders to your Interfacedirectory
6. Log in an run the installationprocess
7. Have Fun!
- Classtimer
- RaidCooldown
- Bufftracker
- Heal and DPS-Layout
- Skins for most of the common Addons. If someone missing check Tukui & ElvUI Extra Skins/Options ("http://www.tukui.org/addons/index.php?act=view&id=50") for more
- 2nd Actionbarlayout
- The 3rd Unitframelayout
- And some other stuff and your suggestions :)
Have Fun with the UI :)